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1、书信英语通篇一:书信写作英文书信的种类书信写作英文书信的种类?事务信函?私人信件书信写作原则?书信格式是首要,称呼署名需地道;?开门见山说意图,咨询建议列几条;?内容不同两段表,感谢客气不能少;?期待回音是老套,语气得当信就好。英文书信的格式?缩进式?齐头式称呼 - the salutation?给不认识的人写信:?Dear Sir / Madam,?给重要的人写信:?Dear Mr. President John Smith?Dear Mrs. Johns,?Dear Professor Middlebrook,?Mr. Mrs. Miss后面只用姓氏或全名,不能只写名字。?给重要的人写信:

2、?President Pres.?Professor Prof.?Doctor Dr.?给熟人写信:?Dear Michael Dear Joanna结束语 - the xxplimentary close?写给不认识的人:?Yours faithfully,?Yours truly,?Yours very truly?写给重要的人:?Yours respectfully,?Very respectfully yours,?写给熟人:?Yours sincerely,?Yours very sincerely,?Yours cordially,?写给亲朋好友:?Yours,?Yours eve

3、r,?With love from,?Yours loving son,?过时的结束语不要用:?Yours obedient servant,?Your humble servant,英文书信的起首语?我很高兴收到你五月四日的来信?I was glad to receive your letter of May 4 ?我很高兴地听说?With great delight, I learn that ?我很愉快地告诉你?I have the pleasure to tell you that ?刚刚收到你的来信。?I have received your kind letter.?星期六的来信,

4、今早收到了。?Your kind letter of Saturday arrived this morning.?久未通信,悬念之至。?As I have not heard of you for long, I feel anxious.?我希望尽快收到你的来信。I hope to hear from you soon.?盼望下次再见。?I look forward to our next meeting.?如蒙即复,不胜感激。?Your kind early reply will be appreciated.?可否即予复示?Wont you let us hear from you p

5、romptly?入需其他详情,当欣然奉告。?Any other particulars required I shall be pleased to give you.?承蒙厚助,有衷感谢。?The help you send is sincerely valued.书信的语言原则?应试书信主要有两种语言风格:?正式文体?半正式文体?应试书信一般不会出现非正式文体书信首段写法?首段写法分两种:?一是首先表明写信人与收信人的相关性,然后再说写作意图。?例如:你租用了一家机构的房屋,但是暖气系统出了毛病。你给这家机构写信。Dear Sir/Madam,I am at present living

6、in a house which I rented through your agency. I am sorry to inform you that the heating system in the house stopped working five days ago. This is very inconvenient - not to mention dangerous to the health - as the weather is starting to get colder. ?第二种写法是首先说明写作意图,紧接着表明相关性。?例如:你在机场的免税商店买了Walkman。回

7、来以后,你发现机器有问题。你写封信给商店。 Dear Sir/Madam,I wish to xxplain about a Walkman which I bough three days ago in the Duty Free section of your airport. As is my habit, I made a point of trying it out on the spot. It worked perfectly well, and so I went ahead and purchased it. ?第三种写法是只在信件开头表明写作意图。其他的放到主体段落写。?例

8、如:你出事了,住进了医院。给你的学校写信说明你要请假的原因。Dear Prof. Johnson,I am writing to explain my absencefrom classes since April 18, 20XX.投诉信?内容架构?表达不满?及说明不满,又有礼有节?提出解决方案?若提纲中包含,就一定要写?若提纲中没有,就自己编?写作策略:?表明相关性和意图?礼貌原则?不要责骂收信人?主体段落:?投诉原因,展开说明?现象结果相结合?提出解决方案?再次表示感谢?投诉信开头套话:?I am writing to xxplain about / that ?I am writing

9、 to express my concern / dissatisfaction / disappointment about ?I feel so sorry to trouble you but I am afraid I have to make a xxplaint about ?I am writing to inform you that I find unsatisfactory.?I wish to draw your attention to the problem / fault that I bought ?投诉信结尾套话:?I trust you will take m

10、y xxplaint seriously and ?I will appreciate it very much if you could ?I would be perfectly satisfied if you can kindly ?I understand you will give immediate attention to this matter.?范文:抱怨房间,要求换到单人宿舍。Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. I would pr

11、efer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommates inconsiderate behavior.For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. For another, he sometimes bor

12、rows my stuff without asking me. In these situations, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind in my assignments. I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from such distractions.Therefore, I would b

13、e grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.Yours sincerely,Janice Kennedy请求信?内容架构?表明请求?说明原因?表达感谢?写作策略:?首段:?说明意图,表达请求?语言要求:礼貌和规范。?主体段落:?说明原因,具体展开?要求:合乎情理。?写作策略:?结尾段:?盼望回复?再次感谢,常用套句:“I am sorry for any inconvenie

14、nces I have caused by this letter.” ?请求信开头套话:?I am writing to formally request to ?I would like to ask for your permission with this letter so as to allow me to ?I am writing to seek for your assistance in ?Would you be kind enough to ??请求信结尾套话:?I am looking forward to hearing from you.?I do appreciate the favorable consideration you have shown to me.?I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter.询问信?寻求所需信息?写作策略:?首段:?先写相关性,再说写作意图


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