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1、英语写作分类词汇1. 教育类n.洞察力 insight 视野 horizon 动力 motivation/inspiration 堕落 demoralization 交流 intercourse 因材施教 competency-based teaching 启发式教学 heuristic teaching 优等生 honor student学业成绩 academic performance 课外活动 extracurricular activities 选修课 selective course必修课 compulsory course重修课 makeup course潜力 potentiali

2、ty 挫折 frustration/setback 缺点 demerit 文盲 illiterate 主动性 initiative 天赋 aptitude 情谊 fraternityv.扩大 enlarge 是丰富 enrich 培养 cultivate/foster 使多样化 diversify促进 facilitate/impel 加入 incorporate 使显著 highlight 辍学 drop out 塑造 shape/mouldadj.耗时的 time-consuming 竞争激烈的 fierce/cutthroat 枯燥无味的 dull/tedious/dreary 不可避免

3、的 unavoidable享有优待的 privileged 自费的 self-supported 有利的 favorable/profitable/beneficial/propitious 丰富的 exuberant 强制性的 mandatory 有同情心的 compassionate 有教育意义的 instructiveset phr.不遗余力 spare no effort 厌烦 be fed up with 斗志昂扬 be full of fight 精神奕奕 be in good shape 神采飞扬 be in high spirits促进学生身心发展 promote the st

4、udents physical, mental and emotional development 心理健康psychological soundness 传授知识 impart knowledge 死记硬背 learn something by rote 塑造性格 shape/mould ones character崇洋媚外 worship everything foreign 2. 体育类n.冠军 champion 体操 gymnastics 射箭 archery 跑步机 treadmill 突破 breakthrough 吉祥物 mascot 健身 workout毅力 persevera

5、ncev.使负荷过重 overburden 刺激 impel 复兴 revive 轮流/循环 rotate宣传 disseminate adj.出色的 outstanding/remarkable/excellent 表现欠佳的 under-performing 生理的 physiological 心理的 psychological 财政的 fiscal 经济不发达的 underdevelopment 爱国的 patriotic 顽强的 tough/tenacious 意志薄弱的 weak-willed setphr.滑雪 snowboarding 蹦极 bungee jump 极限运动 ex

6、treme sports 攀岩 rock climbing田径运动 track-and-field sports 跨栏赛跑 hurdle race 残奥会 Paralympic Games身体状态好 be in good shape全民健身计划 national physical fitness project 健身娱乐设施fitness and entertainment facilities3. 传媒类n.新闻界 the press 新闻业journalism新闻社news agency期刊journal新闻报道coverage 狗仔队 paparazzi 大众媒体 mass media

7、绯闻 affairs丑闻 scandal 最新消息the latest news娱乐entertainment 独家新闻 exclusive news 新闻封锁 news blockout新闻审查news censorship 新闻自由freedom of the press报摊newsstand自由撰稿人free-lancer writer总编chief editor社论 editorial 晴雨表barometer舆论的晴雨表the barometer of public opinion直播live broadcast 智力竞争节目quiz show 游戏节目game show 综合节目v

8、ariety show 脱口秀talk show 情景喜剧sitcom 肥皂剧soap opera 名人celebrity电影明星movie star 影帝movie king 影后movie queen 名声fame 知名度popularity 收视率audience ratings 宣传propaganda, publicity v. 报导do reportage on 上头条hit the headlines出版、发行issue恶化 exacerbate 报道 cover 卷入 engulf 加强 reinforce 出版发行 issue掩盖 mask/cover up/gloss up

9、 侵犯 violate, invade, infringe on, intrude on声名鹊起rise to fame净化心灵purify ones soul 生活在一个虚拟世界中live in virtual world 对来说是一个巨大安慰be a great comfort to somebody 给提供provide somebody with something 盲目追逐时尚follow the fashion blindly 犯罪commit crimes 对来说是难以想象的be inconceivable to somebody危害社会稳定和安全endanger social

10、stability and safety adj.无处不在的 prevalent 误导性的 misleading 非常及时的 up-to-the-minute 无可争辩的 indisputable 健康的 healthy/wholesome (unhealthy/unwholesome) 轰动的sensational欺骗性的cheating普遍的、流行的prevalent 重要的、必要的imperative给人印象深刻的impressive值得报道的newsworthy set phr.打着的幌子in the disguise of 接触 be exposed to 满足不同口味 meet d

11、ifferent tastes 掩盖真相 mask/ cover up the truth道德准则 code of ethics 侵犯隐私 violate ones privacy受诱导be abducted by 知情权right to know 4. 工作类n.毕业证书 diploma 假证书 forged certificate 白/夜班 day/night shift 奖金 bonus 公务员 public/civil servant 跳槽 job hopping 平等 parity 男女平等 sexual equality成就感 sense of accomplishment 报酬

12、remuneration 缺点 drawback 人才流动 personnel flow ambitious 雄心壮志的、野心勃勃的适应性adaptability 繁荣prosperity 人才流动flow of personnel人才流动机制mechanism of personnel flow 适者生存survival of the fittest 成就感a sense of accomplishment 潜能potentiality 企业文化company philosophy 灵活性flexibility 舞台arena 团队合作精神team-work spirit 收入颇丰a fat

13、 salary 物质待遇 material gains 光明的前途promising future 光明的前景bright prospect 一份具有挑战性的工作a challenging job 转折点turning point 一份体面的工作a decent job 升迁机会chance of promotion 稳定感和满足感stability and satisfaction 朝九晚五一族from-nine-to-five 高收入工作a well-paid job创造性工作creative work自我实现感a sense of self-fulfillment 提升机会promoti

14、on opportunity 社会认可social recognition动机motivation工作狂workaholic 工作环境working environment 理想工作场所ideal workplace v.浪费 squander 损害 jeopardize 约束 constrain 监督 supervise 保证 guarantee胜过 overweigh 见证 witness 使有权利 entitle 聘用 recruit 颂扬 exalt干扰 interfere 获得 garner adj.大都市的 metropolitan 坚强的 tenacious 必不可少的 indi

15、spensable 被解雇的 laid-off勤勉的 industrious 沉着的 imperturbable 易受影响的 susceptible 单调的 monotonous雄心壮志 ambitious 前途光明的 promising competitive 竞争激烈的inspiring 鼓舞人心的set phr.交通拥挤 traffic congestion/jam 失业保险 unemployment insurance treasure opportunity 珍惜机会认为优先 give priority to适者生存 survival of the fittest对。不利 be di

16、sadvantageous to企业文化 company philosophy展示才能 display ones talent 高工资 a fat/large/high salary 社会地位 social status adapt oneself to 使自己适应学习合作和妥协learn to cooperate and comprise 对印象很深be deeply impressed with 责任感a sense of responsibility 和谐的人际关系a harmonious interpersonal relationship 与息息相关be closely related to 出人头地get advanced in the society 使技能可以不断更新keep skills fresh and up-t



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