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1、网络信息体系结构 Web-based Information Architectures,http:/ 彭波 北京大学信息科学技术学院 9/22/2008,Quiz,下面场景中,按回车键,会发生什么? 浏览器地址栏里输入http:/ Google搜索框里输入”北京大学”之后,这一讲(概论)内容提要,三个“故事” 课程主要内容 课程的组织与安排,故事一:WBIA的由来,研究一下,Problem WBIA是什么? Approaches 分解 Web是什么? Information是什么? Information Architecture是什么? 排除法 WBIA不是 Etymology词源 WB

2、IA的由来,Search,Web The World Wide Web (commonly shortened to the Web) is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet.,Encyclopedia Britannica,Search Results,Information Information is a quality of a message from a sender to one or more receivers. But overall, information is t

3、he result of processing, manipulating and organizing data in a way that adds to the knowledge of the person receiving it. Information Architecture At its most basic, information architecture is the construction of a structure or the organization of information.,WBIA不是,Web Information Architecture (W

4、eb信息结构) 如何构建大规模复杂的Web站点,有效的进行信息组织 Network Architecture (网络体系结构) 网络体系结构是关于完整的计算机通信网络的一幅设计蓝图,是设计、构造和管理通信网络的框架和技术基础。比如OSI,TCP/IP等 Semantic Web (语义网) “The Semantic Web is an extension of the current Web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in c

5、ooperation.“ 1,WBIA的由来,Prof. LixiaoMing 2003开设一门研究生课程,取名WBIA。(Web Based Information Architecture-Web信息体系结构),WBIA的由来,2002年秋,Prof.Li遇到Kahle Brewster,他从1997年开始建了“Internet Archive”。,Library: “A centrally maintained collection of information organised to answer the information needs of a specific populat

6、ion,The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public. “universal access to human knowledge”,200709,200809,2008-09-17,1997-01-31,

7、WBIA的由来,2003年1月,Prof.Li在印度遇到CMU的Jaime G. Carbonell教授,一起参加“中美百万册图书”项目讨论 The goal of The Million Book Project is to digitize a million books by 2005. The task will be accomplished by scanning the books and indexing their full text with OCR technology. The undertaking will create a free-to-read, search

8、able digital library the approximate size of the combined libraries at Carnegie Mellon University,“中美百万册图书项目”,已经发展成“中美印” Raj Reddy, 1994 Turing Award Winner(人工智能) 让100万册书籍上网,全人类“便捷”共享 有史以来,人类大约出版了1亿种书,分散在各个图书馆和民间(Raj Reddy提供) 中华人民共和国:250万种 中华民国(1911-1949):15万种 中国古籍(1911年前):10多万种 (上述三个数据由王益明教授提供),数字化

9、,Internet Archive is quietly digitizing around 1,000 public domain titles every day.,WHY?,为什么人们如此关注Library? 为什么人们对Web如此投入?,WBIA的由来,Carbonell教授在上一门课 Web-based Information Architectures Web-Based Information Management entails the design, creation, instrumentation and usage of web sites and related in

10、dexing and searching software. the course focuses on key technological underpinnings, primarily the hands-on creation of a search engine Subsequently, the course addresses related issues in web-based information architectures, including: automated text categorization, information extraction from web

11、-pages, and a glimpse into larger-scale text and data mining methods.,WBIA的由来,Prof.Li 2003开设一门研究生课程,取名WBIA。 WBIA是什么? Web-based :以Web为研究对象,其中又以Web上文本信息为中心。 Information architecture :有效信息访问为研究中心问题,以Web Search为中心探讨Web信息处理、检索和挖掘的相关研究和技术问题。,故事二:Web,Web的诞生,1980年Tim Berners-Lee负责的Enquire(Enquire Within Upo

12、n Everything的简称)项目。hypertext 1990年11月,第一个Web服务器nxoc01.cern.ch开始运行,Tim Berners-Lee在自己编写的图形化Web浏览器“WorldWideWeb”上看到了最早的Web页面。 1991年,CERN(European Particle Physics Laboratory)正式发布了Web技术标准。 目前,与Web相关的各种技术标准都由著名的W3C组织(World Wide Web Consortium)管理和维护。,The first Web Server,Web的支撑技术,用超文本技术(HTML)实现信息与信息的连接 用

13、统一资源定位技术(URI)实现全球信息的精确定位 用新的应用层协议(HTTP)实现分布式的信息共享。 这三个特点无一不与信息的分发、获取和利用有关。Tim Berners-Lee说:“Web是一个抽象的(假想的)信息空间。“也就是说,作为Internet上的一种应用架构,Web的首要任务就是向人们提供信息和信息服务。,Web增长,网站数目 1993-1996, from 130 to 600.000 sites Netcraft said that In the August 2008 survey we received responses from 176,748,506 sites. (

14、135,166,473 sites one year before),浏览器大战,1993,Mark Andreessen编写Mosaic “The great thing about the Internet-the thing that catalyzed it in the first place and renews it every day-is that there are so many people able to use it, able to do a million different things. Its an open platform that anybody c

15、an develop and create applications for. A lot of people are able to apply their energy, and see it bear fruit.”,浏览器大战,1994, Mark Andreessen发布Netscape,成为当时的事实标准 1995, Microsoft开始全面转向Internet,发布Internet Explorer 1.0,三个月后发布2.0 1997, IE4.0发布,引入DHTMLWinner 1998, Netscape开放源码 2004,Mozilla.org在Netscape源码基础

16、上开发发布Firefox,比IE有更多新功能和更好安全性,开始了新一轮浏览器大战。,Why? Web Browser成为争夺的焦点?,DOTCOM Bubble,The technology-heavy NASDAQ Composite index peaked in March 2000, reflecting the high point of the dot-com bubble.,背景: Free publishing and instant worldwide informationdirect Web-based commerce 1997-2001年间成立的internet-based公司: 股票价格飞速增长股票投机和盲目风险投资 推翻旧的商业模式追求市场份额超过一切,Example: ,promised free one-hour delivery of anything fr


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