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1、十字花科蔬菜害虫 及其防治,贤振华,十字花科蔬菜主要种类,一、白菜类 Family: Cruciferae Genus: Brassica 包括 大白菜 Chinese Cabbage 小白菜 Pak-choi 菜心 Flowering Chinese Cabbage,二、甘蓝类 包括 甘蓝 Cabbage 芥蓝 Chinese kale 椰菜 Broccoli 花椰菜 Cauliflower,三、芥菜类 包括 叶用芥菜(Brassica juncea Coss.)类 茎用芥菜(Brassica juncea Coss. var.tsatsai Mao )类,四、萝卜类 包括 白萝卜的多种品种

2、品系,十字花科蔬菜害虫主要种类,鳞翅目 小菜蛾、 菜青虫 斜纹夜蛾、甜菜夜蛾、 粉纹夜蛾、 菜螟 同翅目 甘蓝蚜、萝卜蚜 桃蚜 烟粉虱 鞘翅目 黄条曲跳甲 大、小猿叶甲,小菜蛾 Plutella xylostella (L.),Diamondback moth,菜青虫 Pieris rapae (L.) Cabbage Butterfly,1. Its host include Brassica species. Cultivated and wild Cruciferae. It is widespread throughout Europe and much of Asia, North

3、Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Canada, USA and Mexico. 2. Damage:The larvae feed singly, usually deep in the cabbage heart, making holes in the leaves, even eat up all leaf blade, only the main veins are left, with frass accumulation. The caterpillars prefer to feed in the heart of the cabb

4、age and occasionally cause heavy infestations and partial defoliation. In Guangdong Province there may be 7-8 generations per year. 3. Identification Adult:Adult is a white butterfly with a wingspan about 45-55 mm in the female. The wings bear several black markings. Eggs:The bulletin-like eggs are

5、laid singly on low surface of the leaves. There are many vertical ridges on the surface of egg. Larva: Fully-grown larva is about 30 mm long, velvety green with a faint yellow dorsal strip, and a row of yellow spots along each side in line with the spiracles. Pupa:The pupa is shuttle-like form, shar

6、ply angled, attached usually to the underside of the leaf by a loop of silk.,Eggs,Larva,Adult,Pupa,1.It is a totally polyphagous pest and feed on a very wide range of crops including vegetables, cotton, rice, tomato and tobacco. Other host plants include Citrus, cacao, sweet potato, rubber legumes,

7、sorghum, maize etc. 2.Distribution:It mainly distributes in South and Eastern Old World tropics, including Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Austral-Asia, Pacific islands, Hawaii and Fiji. 3.Damage:This caterpillar is basically a

8、leaf-eater. Heavy infestations can seriously defoliate the crops, especially the young plants. Newly hatched larvae are gregarious and remain together and skeletonize the leaf on which they feed. Later they disperse and become more solitary and nocturnal in habits. One generation can be completed in

9、 as little as 24-30 days, and in the humid tropics there may be 8 generations annually. 4. Identification: Adult : The adults are pale brownish moth, with the yellow-brown forewing having a distinctive pale band medially: wingspan is 30-40 mm. Eggs:Eggs are spherical (0.3 mm) in diameter, and laid o

10、n the undersides of leaves in batches of 100-300 and covered with yellow colored hair-scales.Each female lays about 100-2000 eggs, hatching requires 2-6 days. Larvae:The newly hatched larvae are pale green at first, and with a distinct black band on the first abdominal segment. Later they become bro

11、wn with dark marking, with yellow lateral and dorsal stripes.The lateral yellow strip is bordered dorsally with a series of semi-lunar marks. Pupa :Pupation takes place in the soil in an earthen cell, just beneath the surface, The pupa is dark red, 15 -20 mm long.,斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura (F.) Common L

12、eafworm,Adult,Eggs,Larvae,1.It attacks more than 170 different species of host plants including cabbage, radish, lettuce, eggplant, pepper, tomatoes, potatoes, beans gourds, rice, cotton, sugar beet, tobacco, etc. 2.Distribution:Africa, Southeast Asia, Central and South Europe, Middle East, Australi

13、a, Southern USA, India, Southern China, Philippines, Indonesia, and Canada. 3.Damage:Young larvae eat foliage within webs underside of the leaves. The caterpillars are gregarious, moving in swarms, and destroying the young leaves and stems of the host plants. Young seedlings can be completely destro

14、yed, but older plants often recover after an attack and may be still vigorously. Young larvae skeletonize the underside of the leaves, but later as they grow they eat the entire lamina. In South China there are usually eight generations. 4. Identification: Adult:The adult is a small brown moth of wi

15、ngspan up to 25 mm, and the fore wing is grayish-brown with two yellow spots near the center. The hind wing is a translucent white with narrow brown borders, There are rather nondescript in appearance and not easy to recognize. Eggs:Eggs are laid on the leaves of the host plants, in clusters, severa

16、l layers thick, and covered with hairs from the female abdomen. Each cluster contains 50-300 eggs, one female can lay 300-900 eggs (up to 1700). Eggs usually hatch after 2-4 days. Larvae: The larvae are very gregarious, at first green, later becoming variable green or brown usually with a lateral strip. Young larvae skeletonize the underside of the leaves, but as they grow they eat the entire lamina.Pupa:Pupation takes place in the soil and lasts about 6 days.,甜菜夜蛾 Spodoptera exigu


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