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1、高考高频易混词语辨析(北京大学特聘教授、北京市中学英语特级教师、北京师范大学特聘教授 程中一)1. celebrate, congratulate celebrate 和 congratulate 的区别:(1) celebrate 意思是举行仪式、典礼的“庆祝”,只能用事(节日、胜利、成功等)作宾语;We had a party to celebrate Mothers silver wedding. 我们举行宴会庆祝母亲的银婚纪念日。(2)congratulate 意思是“祝贺;道贺”,只能用人作宾语,若要表明所祝贺的事情,后面要用 on (upon) 连接,例如:We congratul

2、ated her on winning the contest. 我们祝贺她在比赛中获胜。I will congratulate you (up) on your success. 我预祝你成功。注意:译:他们下星期为你庆贺生日。误:They will congratulate your birthday next week.正:They will celebrate your birthday next week.自我测试根据句意,用 celebrate 和 congratulate 的适当形式填空。1. I _ you on the birth of a son.2. We should

3、_ the boy for keeping a cool head.3. He _ his birthday with a banquet.4. We _ our national Day every year.5. They held a party to _ the victory.答案:1. congratulate 2. congratulate 3. celebrated 4. celebrate 5. celebrate2. chance, opportunity chance 和 opportunity 这两个单词都可以表示“机会”,但含义不同。(1)chance 指侥幸的或偶然

4、的机会,或无法解释的 “天意” 或 “命运” 所安排的时机,意为运气,机会。Its the chance of lifetime. 这是千载难逢的机会。(2) opportunity 指符合人们意向或目的的一般机会,或指某一特定时机,有利于做某件事以实现某种抱负与愿望,意为:良机,机会。二者常可交换使用。例如:What a wonderful opportunity! 多么难得的机会呀!They had no chance/opportunity to escape. 他们没有逃跑的机会。I had no chance/opportunity to see him. 我没机会见到他。I nev

5、er miss a chance/opportunity of playing football. 我从不放弃任何踢足球的机会。I wish Id had your chances/opportunities. 但愿我曾获得你那样的好机会。注意: 表示偶然性,强调“命运”的安排时,chance 比 opportunity 更好。例如:Chance plays an important part in many card games. 在很多纸牌游戏中,运气起着重要的作用。A wise man turns chance into good fortune. 聪明人能把机会变成好运气。 chanc

6、e 还可表示 “可能性”,opportunity 没有这种用法,例如:The chances are ten to one that we will win. 我们获胜的可能性是十比一。自我测试根据句意,用 chance 和 opportunity 的适当形式填空。1. Dont let slip any _ of improving you.2. There are not many promotion _ in this company.3. I am glad to have this _ of speaking to you.4. By some strange _, we disco

7、vered the error.5. This is the _ had been waiting for.6. There was no _ in such a system for the poor.7. There is little _ of meeting him again.答案:1. opportunity 2. opportunities 3. opportunity/chance 4. chance 5. chance 6. chance 7. chance3. choose, elect, select choose, elect 和 select 这三个动词都有 “挑选”

8、、“选择” 的意思,但各自的含义和用法有所不同。 (1)choose 是普通用语,指按自己的判断力或好恶来进行挑选,挑选可以在两者、也可以在任意多者之中进行,其后接 between A and/or B, sb./sth. from sb./sth., sb./sth. as sth.。例如:Miss Li has to choose between giving up her job and/or hiring a nanny.李小姐得在放弃工作和雇用保姆之间作选择。Could you choose me a good one from among them? 劳驾给我从中挑选一个好的,行吗

9、?The students chose Gao Feng as their monitor. 学生们选高峰当班长。 (2)select 表示在选择上比 choose 要考虑得更细致,主要根据被选对象的优劣,选拔、精选出最佳或最合适者,被挑选对象一般多于两个,其后面常常接 sb./sth. (from sb./sth.), sb./sth.(as sth.)。例如:He selected an appropriate birthday card from the rack for his mother. 他从架子上给母亲挑选了一张合适的生日贺卡。Who was selected as the t

10、eam leader? 选谁出来当队长? (3)elect指通过投票等方式正式地选出,常作 “选举”、“推选” 解,后面接sb.(to sth.), sb. (as) sth.。例如:Ms. Mendel was elected to parliament. 门德尔女士当选为议员。We elected him (as) our team leader by a show of hands. 我们通过举手的方式选举他当队长。自我测试根据句意,用choose, elect 和 select 的适当形式填空。1. My wife took a long time to _ a new dress.2

11、. They want to _ some from among them for seeds.3. There is nothing to _ between them.4. The people _ my brother as chairman.5. The girl _ the red sweater rather than the pink one.6. My wife was _ to the committee.7. Why didnt you _ a better subject for your composition?8. When people _ someone, the

12、y _ that person to represent them by voting.答案:1. choose/select 2. select 3. choose 4. elected 5. chose 6. elected 7. select 8. elect, choose4. contrary,opposite contrary 和 opposite 用作形容词,均可表示“完全相反的”。(1) contrary 一般用于表示相反的意见、计划、目的等抽象意义,有时带有矛盾或敌对的意味:What you have done is contrary to the doctors order

13、s. 你所做的与医生的指示恰好相反。Your statement is contrary to the facts. 你的陈述与事实相反。Opposite 和contrary 有时可通用:The trains go in opposite/contrary directions. 火车朝着相反的方向行驶。要表达 black 和 white, calm 和 agitate 这样成对的概念时,即这一个是另一个的反面,不可说 Whats the contrary of “calm”?而应说 Whats the opposite of “calm”? calm(镇静)的反面是什么?(2) opposi

14、te 是常用词,常指相反的位置、方向、性质、结果等静态含义,但不一定有敌对的含义。Go into that opposite room, and wait there until I come. 到对面那个房间去,在那儿等我回来。It would have just the opposite effect. 它会产生完全相反的结果。自我测试根据句意,用 contrary 和 opposite 填空。1 In England you must drive on the _ side of the road to rest of Europe.2. John and Mary sat at _ e

15、nds of the table.3. This is Number 6, so Number 13 must be on the _ side of the street.4. “Hot” and “cold” are _ term.5. The ship was delayed by _ wind.答案:1. opposite 2. opposite 3. opposite 4. contrary 5. contrary5. damage, destroy, ruin damage, destroy 和 ruin 这三个单词均表示“破坏”、“损坏”的意思,但各自的含义和用法不同。 (1)damage 指部分“损坏”、“损害”、“破坏”或指使用价值有所降低。它可以用作动词,也可以用作名词,用作名词时常与to sth. 连用。例如:A lot of houses in t



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