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1、 词汇词汇学习:词性,词的用法,词的派生1. 常用否定意义的前缀(词性不变,意思相反)in-, inaccurate, incorrect, insignificantun-, unimportant, unsatisfied, uninterestingim-, impossible, improbabledis-, dislike, disfavor, discourageir-, irresponsible, irregular, irrationalil-, illogical, illegal, illiteratenon-, nonsmoking, nonviolence, non

2、existentmis-错, 坏, 不 mislead, misunderstand, misfortune2. 动词词缀en-使 ensure, enrich, enlarge-en使 brighten, broaden, lengthenre-又,再,重新 regain, rewrite, repaint -ize,(使) realize, recognize-fy(使) satisfy, horrify3. 名词后缀(指人)-ess, (雌性) actress, hostess, waitress-er, (职业) buyer , interviewer, teacher-ist, (职

3、业) scientist, economist, physicist-or, (职业) actor, visitor, director-ese,(国籍) Japanese, Chinese, -an(人) American, physician, musician-ant(人) assistant, applicant-ar(人) scholar, liar, beggar-ee(人) employee, interviewee-ent(人) student, opponent4.名词后缀(抽象名词)al,(行为) arrival, refusal -ance,(行为, 状态) insura

4、nce, performance-ation(行为, 状态) information, translation-ence(行为, 状态) dependence, confidence-dom, (状态, 领域) freedom, kingdom -hood,(身份,性质) brotherhood, neighborhood -ship,(状态,身份) friendship, citizenship -ity,(性质,状态) ability, reality -ment,(行为,结果) movement, achievement -ness,(性质,状态) nervousness, tiredn

5、ess -ion,(行为,结果) suggestion, question -th,(性质,状态) width, length, depth -ure,(行为,结果) temperature, departure 5. 形容词后缀-able/ible,(可的, 能的) capable, responsible-less,(没有的) hopeless, useless-ful,(有的, 充满的) careful, helpful-ive, (有倾向的) effective, active-like,(像的)childlike, brotherlike-y,(充满的)rainy, snowy-al

6、,(具有特点的) personal, national-ed,(具有特点的) excited, interested-ing,(具有特点的)interesting, exciting)-ish,(具有属性的) selfish, foolish-ous(具有特点的) dangerous, anxious6. 副词后缀-ly,(在状态) angrily, sadly-ward(s)(朝方向) forwards, backwards词类转换填词技巧1. 确定空缺词汇的词性与词义.2. 确定使用前缀或后缀3. 填动词时注意时态, 语态; 填名词时注意单,复数Exercise 1. She was en

7、gaged in an (argue) with Roberts about equal pay for men and women.2. These methods are (effect) in English learning.3. The professor has a large (collect) of books.4. The (excite) crowd rushed into the mayors office. 5. The young industrial engineer did everything in a way. (leisure)6. These activi

8、ties help to greatly the ties among the club members. (strong)7. Many foreign words and phrases have the English language. (rich)8. She is always to help others. (will)9. The news that her son failed to pass the exam was so that she hardly believe it. (disappoint)10. It is essential that we informed

9、 of your plans in advance. (be)11. It snowed last year but not enough for us to use our boards. (occasion)12. To everybodys , the actor fell off the stage during the evening performance. (amuse)13. It is that the company will make a big profit in the export trade. (like)14. When college students are

10、 caught in exam, they can be kicked out of school. (cheat)15. more time, the experts will be able to find out the cause of this disease finally. (give) 作文讲座 作文基本要求: 作文要写成三段, 字迹清楚,工整. 注意大,小写. 字数满足最低要求. 如字数要求写120词作文, 一般字数要写120到150词之间, 不能太短. 多数情况下每段字数可平均分配, 即每段写40词. 也可以第二段展开多写, 首段或第三段少写. 句子要求多样化, 不要只用简

11、单句表达. 尽量使用过度词或短语, 使意思之间有连贯性. 同时要套用一些固定句型使文章少错误, 并起到表达流畅的作用. 还要注意主题句的确定能起到承上启下的作用. 专升本考试的作文题型:现象阐述型(或现象/观点阐述型); 问题解决型; 对比选择型; 观点论证型; 利弊评述型 应用文.现象阐述型现象阐述型文章: 第一段描述段(描述现象), 要开门见山, 总述现象; 第二段说明段(阐述原因), 承上启下引出原因 ; 第三段议论断(表明观点), 说明我对此现象的看法并陈述理由.此类型文章常用的开首句:(1) Nowadays, there exists a social/economical/phe

12、nomenon that., which has aroused great concern among people around us. (2) Nowadays, more and more people voice growing concern over the phenomenon that. (3) Nowadays, has becoming a common phenomenon.引出原因常用的主题句:(1) There are a lot of (many) reasons booming this phenomenon.(2) The reasons for this p

13、henomenon are as follows.说明原因时常用的短语及句型:The first reason is that; the second reason is that; the most important reason is thatFor one thing, . For another thing, . First of all, In addition, FinallyTo begin with, Whats more, Lastly 引出个人看法时常用开首句:As far as Im concerned,Personally, I think.In my opinion

14、, .例文: Cards现代城市中持卡的人越来越多原因在于我的看法 Nowadays, holding cards has become a common phenomenon. According to a survey, about 85% of people in big cities hold various cards issued by banks, restaurants, supermarkets, and bus companies. There are a number of reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, it is convenient to consume by cards. Whats more, it is safer to carry cards than cash. For example, if ones cards are lost, the owner neednt worry too much because no one else can get the money out without the password. Lastly, cards can give card holders certain privilege or discount in servi


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