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1、迪拜英文介绍Dubai 迪拜英文导游词 - 3V英语学习网 免费英语学习网站在线英语学习. Jumeirah MosqueWithin hours of arriving first timers soon usually stop mouthing trite phrases like but that is impossible or surely they couldnt. In go-getting ultra ambitious Dubai nothing is impossible and they surely could. Think lush championship gol

2、f courses in the desert, massive manmade islands in the shape of the world and ski slopes in one of the most arid corners of the planet.Dubai is no longer looking over its shoulder at The West; it is far too busy showing what an Arabic emirate can do on its own with what many observers are increasin

3、gly viewing as an insight into the future of cities the world over.It is difficult to believe today that less than a century ago Dubai was little more than a desert-strewn wildscape where Bedouin tribes roamed the sands and a huddle of settlers crowded around the banks of the lifeblood creek. Even a

4、s Europe embarked on the mass industrial destruction of WWI, Dubai still had no running water, no real roads and the main mode of transport was the camel. Dubai first grew as a hub on the ancient trading route between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley and, by the 19th century, a small fishing village

5、 had taken root at the mouth of Dubai Creek. The village was inhabited by the Bani Yas tribe, who were led by the Maktoum family, the dynasty that still presides over Dubai today.The citys remarkable success story really began in the 1960s. During the process of shaking off the shackles of British c

6、olonial rule, oil was struck in 1966 and Dubai has never looked back. Since the 1960s, the population has mushroomed to almost 1.5 million and now an ever-growing number of hotels welcome in the temporary expat workers and tourists who help propel the economy.Indeed, only around a quarter of the emi

7、rates population are actually ethnically Emirati in a population mixture that has to be one of the worlds most cosmopolitan. This diversity discourages any real ethnic tensions and while conflict might rage further north in Iraq, Dubai so far has been trouble free.Dubais evolution has been dramatic,

8、 with sweeping skyscrapers and gleaming office blocks rising up everywhere. The rulers of Dubai have a penchant for grand projects - one year the worlds tallest tower (Burj Arab), the next a string of offshore manmade islands (the three Palms and the World) and now Dubailand, a massive project that

9、will bring over 45 major projects to a massive leisure oasis in the desert.Dubai seems to know no end to its ambition, nor does it have any inhibitions, with more grandiose plans slated, such as Dubai Mall (the worlds largest mall) and the colossal new airport at Jebel Ali, which will dwarf the exis

10、ting one, already the Middle Easts busiest.Even with regional instability in recent years tourism (now responsible for 30% of the emirates GDP) remains remarkably resilient in this tolerant and stable part of the Arab world with more and more tourists flocking to Dubai every year. This is unsurprisi

11、ng really, considering the idyllic climate for much of the year, with constant sunshine and only an average of five days of rainfall annually. During summer, however, the heat is extreme, making trips away from air-conditioned vehicles and buildings unbearable. The future prospects of the emirates t

12、ourist industry and its economic situation as a whole may ultimately be governed by developments in the rest of the Middle East, but for now Dubai is a city on the rise and rise. 500) this.resized=true; this.width=500; this.style.cursor=hand; this.alt=点击在新窗口中打开; title=点击图片可在新窗口打开 style=CURSOR: point

13、er; HEIGHT: 500px alt= src=http:/ width=500 border=0 pop=点击在新窗口中打开 resized=true迪拜(Dubai)是阿拉伯联合酋长国(The United Arab Emirates)七个酋长国中第二大酋长国,面积约3900平方公里,人口约150万,位于中东欧、亚、非三大洲的接合部,西北面临地中海,通过苏伊士运河与红海、阿拉伯海连通,是一个融合了阿拉伯文化、西方文化和南亚文化的新兴城市,是阿联酋的贸易中心,也是世界第三大自由贸易港。 500) this.resized=true; this.width=500; this.style

14、.cursor=hand; this.alt=点击在新窗口中打开; title=点击图片可在新窗口打开 style=CURSOR: pointer alt= src=http:/ border=0很多人对迪拜唯一的认识,就是海水中那座七星级酒店,但真实的迪拜远不止一座七星级酒店那么简单!迪拜人有无穷的魄力,什么都要称得上世界之最。世界唯一的七星级酒店、世界第八大奇迹、世界最高大楼、世界最大的人工室内滑雪场、世界最大的游乐园、世界最大的办公大楼500) this.resized=true; this.width=500; this.style.cursor=hand; this.alt=点击在新

15、窗口中打开; title=点击图片可在新窗口打开 style=CURSOR: pointer alt= src=http:/ border=0安全的中东城市迪拜于阿联酋和广州、上海在中国的地位类似。这里有数个世界上最贵的酒店,有世界上最贵族化的运动,这里的水比油更有价值。奔驰在这里当警车用,金饰是女人体重的一部分。同时这里又是一个处于世界战争台风眼的国家。然而在充满火药味的中东,这里却被认为是世界上最安全的城市之一,两伊战争、海湾战争、“9.11”等名词都和它绝缘。这个美丽又富足的海湾城市,竟是如此地平静、祥和。艳艳阳光下是悠闲惬意的游客和繁忙的商贸交易。这里有蒙着头纱的女人和穿白袍戴小帽的男人,有奢侈的屋墙、冶艳的民俗工艺品和宏伟的清真寺,在枣椰树的婆娑身影中,处处洋溢着醉人的异国情调。这里还有耗资30亿美元、设计得类似大棕榈树的岛屿从月球上也可看得到的世界第八大奇迹世界上最大的人工岛。500) this.resized=true; this.width=500; this.style.cursor=hand; this.alt=点击在新窗口中打开


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