f.scott fizgerald 美国文学菲茨杰拉德课件

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1、弗斯科特菲茨杰拉德,F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940),Life,St. Paul, Minnesota (1896) Princeton (1913-1917) unfinished Army, WW (1917) Marriage to Zelda Sayre (Mar.20, 1920) remind readers of Martin Eden -Sometimes I dont know whether Zelda and I are real or whether we are characters in one of my novels. 我们之间的爱

2、情像泡沫一样,美丽而虚幻。,Life,Zeldas Collapse (1930) (Save Me the Waltz) remind readers of The Mad Woman in the Attic Born in 1900, She became a roarer of the 1920s and met F.Scott Fitzgerald at one of the many social dances she attended. 金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数 They married in 1920 and began a decade of riotous livin

3、g in France and America. Zelda was fond of writing and later of dancing. 纸醉金迷,浮生若梦 The couple became increasingly eccentric and erratic; Scott became an alcoholic and Zelda developed schizophrenia. In 1932 Zelda became seriously ill and wrote Save me the Waltz (six weeks) to the envy of her husband

4、who had been writing Tender is the Night (five years). Zelda died in a hospital fire in 1947. 香魂一缕随风散,愁绪三更入梦遥,Life,菲茨杰拉德的夫人泽尔达曾是当时瞩目的美人,为了一睹芳容,部队士兵到她家附近的大道上操练。军队飞行员也用花哨的特技飞行表演和编队低空飞行从她家上空呼啸而过,直到有个不幸的飞行员机毁人亡。而当战争结束,全城出动观看大阅兵,军警不得不在她周围拉了一道警戒线。,Life,Script-writing in Hollywood (1937-1940) Death (1940)

5、considered a failed literary hope upon his death, then his reputation steadily rose 众人认为纵情享乐的生活毁掉了美国文坛上冉冉升起的一颗新星,殊不知正是这样的生活才造就了这样一个他。,Works,Novels: This Side of Paradise (1920); The Beautiful and Damned (1922); The Great Gatsby (1925); Tender is the Night (1934); The Last Tycoon (1940) Collections o

6、f short stories: Flappers and Philosophers(1920); Tales of the Jazz Age (1922); All the Sad Young Men(1926);,The Roaring Twenties (喧嚣的二十年代),Economy: thriving American economy, growing stock market Politics: women with right to vote, alcohol prohibited by a constitutional amendment(宪法修正案) Art: Africa

7、n-American form of music and Jazz, Jazz Age dubbed by Fitzgerald 爵士乐打破了以往的音乐规则, 正如爵士乐时代打破了以往的时代戒律。,Womens fashions and hairstyles were daring and revealing during the Jazz Age. This was the early stages of the feminist movement and a breakdown of the old moral values.,Life is like an endless cocktai

8、l party,Jazz Age,这是一个奇迹的时代,一个艺术的时代,一个挥金如土的时代,也是一个充满嘲讽的时代,-the first step that American fiction has taken since Henry James (T. S. Eliot),Nick,Jordan,Gatsby,Daisy,Tom,Mr.and Mrs.Wilson,Content, Structure, Point of View,Content the tragedy of Gs romance and life Structure the former four chapters: pre

9、sent two groups lives respectively the fifth chapter: the encounter of two groups the latter four chapters: present two groups conflicts Point of view Nick, both insider and outsider of the story, achieves the effect of objectivism,Themes,Violence It is most evident in the character of Tom (physical

10、 strength), in the cars (Rolls-Royce), in the weapon owned by Wilson (handgun). Class It is an unusual theme for an American novel. G tries to fake status (British shirts, Oxford), but the class gulf finally separates G and Daisy, and unites Tom and Daisy. WW It provides a brief period of social mob

11、ility between different classes, which quickly closed after the war.,Themes,The Decline of the American Dream in the 1920s America dream was originally about discovery, individualism, and the pursuit of happiness. In the 1920s depicted in the novel, easy money and relaxed social values have corrupte

12、d the dream. G is ruined by an unworthy woman, just as the American dream in the 1920s is ruined by the unworthy pursuit of money and pleasure. The Gulf between the East and the West The West represents the newly rich, who are gaudy, ostentatious and vulgar (Gs ornate mansion, pink suit, Rolls-Royce

13、), yet sincere and loyal; The East represents the old aristocracy, who are graceful, subtle and elegant (Buchanans tasteful home, the white dresses of Daisy and Jordan), yet careless and selfish. remind readers of Henry James “international theme”,Characterization,Gatsby not content with what he had

14、; 心怀梦想,永不满足 not afraid to be unscrupulous; 为了梦想,不择手段 not hesitant for his love 为了爱情,毫不犹豫,Characterization,Daisy inspired by Fs youthful romance with Chicago heiress Ginevra King trapped in her marriage and life; 被优雅牢笼所困的金丝雀 terribly clever; 深谙“幸福”的秘诀 - thats the best thing a girl can be in this worl

15、d, a beautiful little fool terribly careless; 自私自利, 不顾他人,Characterization,Tom inspired by William Mitchell, the Chicagoan who married Ginevra King spoiled in his life; 被优雅生活所宠的公子哥 terribly shameless; 众人面前无耻炫耀与Myrtle的私情 terribly careless; 自私自利, 不顾他人,Characterization,Jordan inspired by golfer Edith Cu

16、mmings, a friend of Ginevra King spoiled in her life; 被优雅生活所宠的娇小姐 terribly careless; 自私自利, 不顾他人 -She makes sure she surrounds herself with people who wont “crash” into her,Outline of Chapter Nine,Nick makes plans for the funeral. At Gs funeral, three people show up. Nick breaks up with Jordan. Nick meets with Tom. Nick gets a last view of Gatsbys house,Nick makes plans for the funeral.,Daisy and Tom went away early that afternoon, and took baggage wi


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