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1、,Nice to meet you!,奇台二中 马鹤,课前准备,双色笔 创新方案册子 课本 Book7 U2 Period 4 Using language 导学案,Are you ready?,学习目标,Learning aims: 1 要求学生掌握阅读中的词汇,完成P16课文阅读 2掌握学案中所给出的词汇,能够理解并能熟练运用。 3 采用独立完成,合作学习讨论的方法,小组竞赛法。 4 让学生了解艾萨克阿西莫夫的生平事迹。,导学案的反馈,存在的问题: 1.个别同学偷懒,作业留有空白,没有完成。 2. 有的同学书写不规范。,words,phrases,review,state,talent,o

2、bey,divorce,junior,staff,陈述,天才,服从,离婚,较年幼的;地位较低的,全体员工,每天进步一点点,作为的结果,be bound to,in all,set aside,as a result of,一定做,一共;总计,将放在一边,积少成多,be based on,take seriously,以为根据,认真对待,be junior to,比年幼,Task1 Crazy English 基础知识再回首,要求:全体起立疯狂大声背诵,导学案第一部分的单词及词组 目的是记忆单词及词组,自主学习 体验快乐,Checking,争做记忆达人,Task 2 Have a dictati

3、on,相信自己你有一个超强大脑,Unit 2 Book 7 Using Language,A Biography of Isaac Asimov,艾萨克阿西莫夫传,Leading in,艾萨克阿西莫夫 Isaac Asimov, ( 1920-1992), 他是一位生于俄罗斯的美籍犹太人, 作品极其丰富,为本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一,曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就大师奖。以他的名字为号召的艾西莫夫科幻杂志,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。,阿西莫夫是一位多产得惊人的作家,自50年代初,至今已出版了300多部著作。代表作有我, 机器人(I,Robot) 、基地系列、 钢窟(Th

4、e Caves of Steel) 系列、赤裸太阳(The Naked Sun) 等。,Skimming,Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph to get the general idea.Answer the questions:,Skimming,Glance through the passage and then find out the answers to such questions:,Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died

5、? 2. Which paragraph tells you about his education? 3. Which paragraph tells you about awards he received?,Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died?,2. Which paragraph tells you about his education?,Para. 2,Para. 3,3. Which paragraph tells you about awards he received?,Para.

6、 5,自主学习 体验快乐,When and where did Asimovs life begin and end ?,His life began in Russia in 1920 and ended in New York in 1992.,2.,Both for his science fiction books and his science books.,When and where did Asimovs life begin and end ?,For what kind of books did he receive many awards ?,Scanning,Read

7、the text over without pause and mark all the dates and numbers,paying attention to what happened to them.,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life 自主学习 体验快乐, : Born in Russia :His sister was born. 1923: Moved with family to _. Parents bought a candy store. 1929: Started working _ in the candy store. _

8、 Started to take himself seriously as a writer.,New York,part-time,1931,1920,1922,1939: Began having stories published in _ magazines. _: Gained masters degree in chemistry. _ :Got married. _ : Got PhD in chemistry. _ : Became a biochemistry teacher, Boston University School of Medicine.,science fic

9、tion,1941,1948,1949,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life 自主学习 体验快乐,1942,Timeline of the events in Asimovs life 自主学习 体验快乐,1950: Published his first novel. Published_. Developed three laws for robots. _: Published first science book. _: Became a full-time writer. 1973: Divorced his first wife. Marri

10、ed for a _time. 1992: Died in _.,I, Robot,1953,1958,second,New York,我参与、我快乐我为小组争荣誉,小组合作,讨论展示的内容(5分钟),课文的翻译和理解及知识点的运用,展示自我 为组争光,show time,联系生活 学以致用,提升案 当堂检测,1.Setting the chair _,he sat on the floor.他把椅子搁在一旁,坐在地板上。,根据句义填写合适的单词:,aside,2.Dont be hard on him._ all, he is only 6 years old. 不要对他太苛刻。毕竟他才6岁

11、。,After,3.Youve done so much work that you are bound_ (pass) the exam.,to pass,She is occupied in _ (look) after 3 children. 她忙于照料3个孩子.,I am busy _(do)my homework. I am busy_ my homework. 我忙于做作业.,with,doing,looking,4.The company is small with_staff of 60. 这家公司小,只有60名员工。,a,5.Even though he is taller

12、than me, he is junior_me.虽然他比我高,但他比我小。,to,6.He has a talent _music.,for,7. He takes things too (serious). 他对事太认真了。,seriously,8.I have had my bike_ (repair).我让人修了我的自行车,repaired,He had his son _(stand) outside 他让儿子站在外面,We wont have you _ (cheat)in the exam.我们不容许你们在考试中作弊。,I have a lot homework_(do).我有许多作业要做。,stand,cheating,to do,Summary,学科班长 1.总结本节课知识和收获, 回扣目标,强调重点内容 2.表扬优秀晋级个人和小组。,好 榜 样!,Assignments,Read the text again and again and try to retell it. 2. Discuss and write something about your own life experiences.,Thank you!,


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