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1、Unit 1 Book1,一、考纲要求: 要求学生掌握并能运用本单元的基础知识。 二、本单元的考点: even though/if, come up, such as和for example的区别,in order to do sth 三、本单元的重点: 本单元的单词和短语。 四、本单元的难点: 句子翻译练习,survey 调查;测验 add up 合计 upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦。 ignore 不理睬,忽视 calm vt.vi(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 calm ()down (使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来 conce

2、rn (使)担忧;涉及;关系 loose 松的;松开的 vet 兽医 set down 记下;放下;登记 series 连续;系列 a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 on purpose 故意 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder v打雷;雷鸣;n雷;雷声 entire 整个的;完全的;全部的 entirely 完全地;全然地;整个地 power 能力;力量;权力,词汇记忆,调查;测验 合计 使心烦。 不理睬,忽视 (使)平静 (使)担忧; loose vet 记下; series a series of 故意 at dusk thunder entire entirely

3、 权力,survey add up upset ignore calm ()down concern 松的;松开的 兽医 set down 连续;系列 一连串的;一系列;一套 on purpose 在黄昏时刻 打雷;雷鸣;n雷;雷声 整个的;完全的;全部的 完全地;全然地;整个地 power,词汇记忆,.翻译下列短语,1. 为了做某事 2.使某人振作起来 3.信不信由你 4.走近,上来 5. 经受 6. 不久 7.即使;尽管 8.关心 9.鼓励某人做 10.对充满感激 11.与相处,进展 12.不再 ,in order to do sth,go through,before long,even

4、 if/even though,believe it or not,come up,cheer sb up,be concerned about,encourage sb to do sth,be grateful to,get along with,no longer/ not longer,.重点句型,1. even if=even though:即使,尽管,后跟让步状语从句。 【即学即练】完成下列句子。 (1)_ ( 即使他生病了),he still goes to work as usual. (2)He likes to help us_. (即使他忙),Even if/Even t

5、hough he is ill,even if/even though he is very busy,2. 说出下列句中come up的意思。 (1)A child came up to me and showed me the way to the station. (2)The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up. (3)Your question came up at the meeting. ,(走近,上来),(升起),(被提出讨论),3.such as 和 for example such as 意为“例如,诸如之类的

6、”,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个。如: A lot of things can be recycled, such as waste paper,waste plastic bags,and old batteries. 很多东西能回收再用,例如废纸,废塑料袋和旧电池。 for example 举例说明,列举同类人或事物中的“一个”。如: In general,boys like football very much.Tom, for example, is a football fan. 一般说来,男孩都喜欢足球,比如汤姆吧,他就是个足球迷。,in order to do sth为了做某事

7、He studies very hard in order to go to college. In order to go to college, he studies very hard.,5.强调句型 1. It is/was .that/who . 分别对划线部分进行强调: I met Mary in the park yesterday. It was I who met Mary in the park yesterday. It was Mary who I met in the park yesterday. It was in the park that I met Mary

8、 yesterday. It was yesterday that I met Mary in the park . 翻译: 1. 是她的宽容(forgiveness) 使我取得成功。 It was her forgiveness that made me succeed. 2. 是他的粗心使他丢失了工作。 It was his carelessness that made him lose his job.,6.It/This is the first time that+句子(现在完成时) 翻译 1.这是我第一次来这里。 It/This is the first time that I h

9、ave been here. 2.这是他第二次出国旅游。 It/This is the second time that he has travelled abroad.,综合运用 请把下面短文翻译成中文,Recently, Li Hua felt upset because his father was ill. He was always absent-minded in class and ignored his classmates care. His teachers were very concerned about him .In order to cheer him up, h

10、is teacher had a face-to-face talk with him. They encouraged him to be strong. They told him that only by going through hardships could he become more independent. With the teachers encouragement, Li Hua felt that any problem could be solved and he didnt feel upset any longer. Before long, his fathe

11、r recovered and Li Hua became a youngster again who is grateful to the hardships of life gets along well with his classmates.,最近李华觉得非常心烦,因为父亲生病了。他上课的时候老是走神,也不理会同学们的关心。老师们很关心他的情况。为了使他振作起来,老师和他进行了一次面对面的沟通。老师们鼓励他要坚强,告诉他只有经历磨难才能更独立。在老师的鼓励下,李华觉得任何问题都是可以解决的。他不再心烦了。不久,李华的爸爸康复了,李华又变成了一个对生活的艰难充满感激并与同学相处得很好的少

12、年。,参考答案,1.Recently, Li Hua felt upset because his father was ill. 最近李华觉得非常心烦,因为父亲生病了。 2.He was always absent-minded in class and ignored his classmates care. 他上课的时候老是走神,也不理会同学们的关心。 3.His teachers were very concerned about him In order to cheer him up, his teacher had a face-to-face talk with him. 老师

13、们很关心他的情况。为了使他振作起来,老师和他进行了一次面对面的沟通。 4.They encouraged him to be strong and told him that only by going through hardships could he become more independent. 老师们鼓励他要坚强,告诉他只有经历磨难才能更独立。,5.With the teachers encouragement, Li Hua felt that any problem could be solve and he didnt feel upset any longer. 在老师的鼓

14、励下,李华觉得任何问题都是可以解决的。他不再心烦了。 6.Before long, his father recovered and Li Hua became a youngster again who is grateful to the hardships of life and gets along well with his classmates. 不久,李华的爸爸康复了,李华又变成了一个对生活的艰难充满感激并与同学相处得很好的少年。,课堂小结: 1.survey 调查;测验 2.add up 合计 3.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的vt.使不安;使心烦。 4.ignore

15、不理睬,忽视 5.calm ()down (使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来 6.concern (使)担忧;涉及;关系 7.on purpose 故意 8.为了做某事in order to do sth 9.经受 go through 10.即使;尽管even if/even though 11.关心 be concerned about 12.鼓励某人做 encourage sb to do sth 13.对充满感激be grateful to 14.与相处,进展get along with,随堂默写: 1.survey 调查;测验 2.add up 合计 3.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的vt.使不安;使心烦。 4.ignore 不理睬,忽视 5.calm ()down (使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来 6.concern (使)担忧;涉及;关系 7.on purpose 故意 8.为了做某事in order to do sth 9.经受 go through 10.即使;尽管even if/even though 11.关心 be concerned about 12.鼓励某人做 encourage sb to do sth 13.对充满感激be grateful to 14.与相处,进展get along with,


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