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1、 Module 4 Great inventions 学案 Unit 1 预习导纲一 单词拓展。1 advantage 1) 有利条件 (adj)Yao ming used his height to his advantage during the match. 2) 好处,优点,利益(n)Good restaurants are one of the many advantages of living in the city. 3) 反义词 disadvantage (n.)不利条件,缺点,缺陷 The biggest disadvantage of her work is the lon

2、g hours. 2 ordinary 1) 普通的,寻常的(adj)He is an ordinary teacher, he teaches English in an ordinary school. 2) 不很出色,平淡无奇的(adj)I think it is a pretty ordinary performance. 3) out of the ordinary 不寻常的;例外的Did you notice anything out of the ordinary in Julies behavior?3 age1) 多大(n)He could read at the age o

3、f 3.2) 历史时期 (n)The Ice Age3) 人生阶段 (n)The show is sure to delight all ages.4) for ages 长期 I havent seen you for ages.4 replace1) 取代 (v)I know Lucy is ill. Have you found anyone to replace her?2) 把放回原处(v)Place replace your plate on the table, I will give you more dish.5 leave 1) 离开(v)I usually leave t

4、he house at 6:00 every day.2)使某物保持某种状态(v)Dont leave the children alone because they are too young.3)给某人留,留下(某物)(v)I will leave a message for him.4)丢下,遗留(v)I think I left my homework at home.二 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗?1 take photos, 2 from now on, 3 Whats wrong with?4 make sb. do sth, 5 for ages, 6 get from

5、, 7 a couple of , 8 turn off, 9 turn on10 lend sth. to sb.11 promise to do sth, 12 look after三 你知道下列中考必备句型吗?能用他们造个句吗?1)Whats wrong with?.怎么了?出毛病了? 2) make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事(此为模拟试卷中的常考点,一般出现在单选的时候比较多,请看2011年朝阳一模第29题,答案为A) -Dont always make Tony _ this or that. He is already a big boy. -Maybe youre r

6、ight. A. do B. done C. to do D. doingUnit 2预习导纲一易混词语精练与点拨borrow;lend 1. I want to _ your bike. 2. He _ his money to the poor man. 3. Can you lend it from me? 4. 他想跟你借一把小刀。 A B C D _【答案】1. borrow 2. lent 3. D. from to 4. He wants to borrow a knife from you.【点拨】 borrow和lend是一组反义词,borrow表示“借入”,常构成borro

7、w sth. from sb. 如:He often borrows money from me. 他经常向我借钱。lend表示“借出”,可构成短语lend sth. to sb. 如:Can you lend your bike to me? 你可以把你的自行车借给我用吗?lend后也可以接双宾语,构成:lend sb. sth. 如:I will lend you a pen. 我将借给你一支钢笔。use;with;in1. He cut the wood _ a knife. 2. You cant do this _ this way.3. You should _ your own

8、pen. 4. May I with your bike?5. 请用墨水写字。 _ A B C D【答案】1. with 2. in 3. use 4. B. with use 5. Please write in ink.【点拨】以上三个词都与“使用”有关,但是用法却不同。use是动词,意为“使用”,在句中作谓语,如:We use our mouth to speak. 我们用嘴说话。with是介词,表示用某工具干某事,后面接工具类名词,如:We write with our pens. 我们用钢笔写字。介词in构成的介词短语,可以表示用某种语言、方法等,如:Lets sing the so

9、ng in English. 让我们用英语来唱这首歌。a few, few, a little, little1. I have _ friends in Beijing. I often visit them during the holidays.2.Tony is very shy, so he has _ friends in his class. 3.There is _ meat in the fridge. My mum tells me to buy some.4. There is _ time for us. Lets hurry up, or well be late.【

10、答案】1. a few 2. few 3. little 4. little【点拨】a few, few 修饰可数名次;a little, little 修饰不可数名次。A few, a little表示有一些,意为肯定;few, little表示几乎没有,意为否定。二 你知道下列短语吗?能用他们造个句吗? 1 make a list of, 2 on his way to work, 3 look through, 4 be made from, 5 at a time, 6 by hand, 7 as a result, 8 at the beginning of, 9 be compar

11、ed with 10 rather than, 11 be replaced by. 12 such as三 你知道下列句型吗?能用他们造个句吗? 1 on ones way to. , 2 learn to do sth., 3 rather than, 4 such as, 5 so that., 6 two metres high, ww w . x k m第一课时:(听说课) Unit 1 Paper and printing have been used for ages.课堂学案Step 1课前预习检测。1 英汉词组互译。 1)照相_ 2)从现在开始_ 3)使某人做某事

12、_ 4)关上 _ 5)从得到 _ 6)借某物给某人_ 7)for ages _ 8)a couple of _ 9)see to_ 10)look after _2语法自学(单选或翻译句子)3-5个1校刊已经出版了。 The school magazine _.2 一些信息是可以从电脑上看到的。 Some information _ on computers.3 书能被电脑所代替吗? Can _by the computers?.Step 2 听力训练(Activity 3)听第一段对话,完成1-2小题(beginning Tonys Dad 3) ( ) 1What does Tony want to borrow from his dad? A. A school magazine. B. A digital camera. C. An online magazine.( ) 2How many issues have been published?A. One. B. Two C. Three 听第二段对话,完成3-4小题(Tony ending)( ) 3What can you learn from


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