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1、2013年全国各地市中考英语试卷分类解析汇编:单项选择非谓语动词【2013广东广州】17. I always tell my students _ on the road because its really dangerous. A. not to playB. to play not C. not playing D. not play 【答案】A【解析】考查非谓语动词。不定式做tell的宾语补足语,构成tell sb. to do sth.结构,对不定式进行否定在to前加not。即tell sb. not to do sth.意为“告诉某人不要做某事”。【2013广东】41. I did

2、nt hear you come in just now. Thats good. We tried _ any noise, for you were sleeping.A. not make B. not to make C. to make D. making【答案】 B【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。try to do sth.意为“努力/尽力做某事”,否定式为 try not to do sth.,句意指尽量不去制造任何噪音。所以选择答案 B。【2013湖北孝感】39. Dad, why must I stop _ computer games? For your health, my

3、 boy. A. play B. to play C. to playing D. playing【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。stop to do sth. “停下来去做另外一件事”; stop doing sth.”停止正在做的某件事”。题意为“爸爸,我为什么必须停止玩游戏?”“为了你的健康,孩子。”故选D。【2013湖北襄阳】38. Driving less, walking more is good for our health.So Id rather an hours walk to work than consider a car.A. take, driveB. take,

4、to driveC. take, driving D. taking, driving【答案】C【解析】选C。考察动词及动词短语的用法。would rather do意为“宁愿干某事”, 后面接动词原形;consider doing意为“考虑做某事”,后面接动名词。故选C。【2013山东济宁】23. I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you?I havent decided where _.A. go B. went C. goingD. to go【答案】D【解析】考查“疑问词+不定式”结构。由句意“我将去哈尔滨过暑

5、假,你呢?我还没有决定去哪里。”decide后可接宾语从句,也可接“疑问词+不定式”结构。故排除A、B和C项。【2013江西】38. Lucy is shy. She would not invite her classmates _dancing with her.A. practice B. practices C. practicing D. to practice【答案】D【解析】 考查非谓语动词的用法,invite的用法是 invite sb. to do sth. 故选 to practice。【2013 湖北黄冈】38.How is your grandma?Shes fine.

6、 She used to _ TV at home after supper. But now she is used to _ out for a walk.A. watch; go B. watching; goC. watching; goingD. watch; going【答案】D 考查动词短语用法。used to,过去(常常),其后用动词原形;be used to,习惯于,其后用动名词,故选D。【2013广西贺州】 33. Our teacher often tells us _ in the river. Its dangerous.A. dont swim B. not swi

7、m C. not to swim D. not swimming【答案】C【解析】考查动词的用法。句意为:老师经常告诉我们_在河里游泳。那很危险。Tell sb. to do告诉某人做某事;tell sb. not to do告诉某人别做某事;根据后句可知句意为 “老师告诉我们不要在河里游泳”,故选not to swim, 答案为C。【2013江苏扬州】13. The Greens used to live in London and now they _ in Beijing.A. used to live B. are used to liveC. are used to living D

8、. are used for living【答案】C【解析】考查固定结构的用法。根据句意:“格林一家过去生活在伦敦,但是现在他们习惯于生活在北京。” used to do sth“过去常做某事”;be used to doing sth“习惯于做某事”,所以选择答案C。【2013江苏扬州】12. What are you going to do when you grow up? A singer, but my parents wish me _ a teacher. A. am B. to be C. will be D. be【答案】B【解析】考查wish sb.to do的用法。根据句

9、意“你长大后将要做什么?”“歌手,但我的父母希望我成为一个老师。”及句中wish确定要用固定结构wish sb to do sth“希望某人做某事”,所以选择答案B。【2013江苏无锡】9. Dont throw away the waste paper. It needs so that it can be reused. A. to destroyB. destroyingC. to collectD. collecting【答案】D【解析】本题考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为“别乱扔废纸。它需要收集起来再利用。”物作主语时用need doing sth。再由句意可知应选D。【2013江苏苏州

10、】7. Paul made a nice cage_ the little sick bird till it could fly.A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep【答案】D【解析】考查动词不定式。由句意“保罗做了一个好看的笼子来养那只生病的小鸟,直到它能飞”,后面动词不定式作目的状语,故答案为D。【2013山东济南】52. It was time for class. Mr. King asked all the children _ down quietly.A. sit B. sat C. to sit D. sitting【答案】C【解析】选C

11、。考查非谓语动词。句中动词为ask,后接动词不定式作宾语补足语,即ask sb. to do sth.“要求某人做某事”。所以答案选C。【2013湖南株洲】21. All the Chinese people must work hard China Dream. A. to realize B. realize C. realizing【答案】A【解析】考查动词不定式的用法。根据前面句意为“所有的中国人必须努力工作”,和后面句意为“实现中国梦”,可知不定式作目的状语。【2013山东临沂】31. My parents often tell me too much junk food becau

12、se its bad for my health.A. not eatingB. not to eatC. eatingD. to eat【答案】B 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句子的谓语动词tell构成的常见结构为“tell sb to do sth”或“tell sb not to do sth”。又句意为:我的父母告诉我不要吃太多的垃圾食品,因为他对我的健康有害。故应用动词不定式的否定式,那么B项正确。【2013浙江杭州】24. Shes not strong enough _ walking up mountains.A. to goB. goingC. goD. went【答案】A【解析

13、】本题考查非谓语动词。不定式to go做结果状语,由句意“她的年龄还没足够达到去爬山的地步”。be enough to do sth 是固定句型,足够达到什么程度做某事。【2013重庆】38He lost his keyIt made him _in the cold to wait for his wifes returnAto stay B stayed Cstays Dstay【答案】D 【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。make sb. do表示使某人做某事。句意为“他丢失了钥匙,这使他呆在寒风中等待他妻子回来”。故选D。【2013湖南邵阳】25. What about a rest? Le

14、ts go for a walk.A. to take B. take C. taking【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。What about 后接名词或者动名词。选C。【2013 浙江衢州】28. Many children are left alone in the countryside. Lets try our best them. A. help B. helping C. to help D. helps【答案】C【解析】本题考查非谓语动词用法。try ones best to do sth,尽最大努力做的用法,故选C。【2013四川内江】39. Our English teacher often says to us, “_ English well is very important”A. Learn B. Learning C. Learned D. To learning【答案】B【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。这里是用动名词作主语,表示“学好英语非常重要”。所以选择答案B。【2013四川内江】36. He



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