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1、BatchDoc Word文档批量处理工具2017年江苏省镇江市中考英语试卷一单项选择1(1分)(2017镇江)May 10,2017was marked as _ first Chinese Brands Day(中国品牌日) Made in China has come of age()AaBanCtheD不填2(1分)(2017镇江)The young mother wont leave her baby _ she is sure that he has already been asleep()AunlessBbecauseCifDsince3(1分)(2017镇江)Do you e

2、njoy the songs sung by Jay Chou?Of courseNot only I but also my parents _his fans()AamBareCwasDwere4(1分)(2017镇江)Which of the following words is pronounced /raiz/ ?()AraceBrideCroseDrise5(1分)(2017镇江)Chinas first homebuilt aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian _ the morning of April 26, 2017(

3、)AinBonCatDto6(1分)(2017镇江)I was told that a new road would be built to _ my hometown to Zhenjiang()AcompareBcontactCcommitDconnect7(1分)(2017镇江)All the drivers_ reduce speed when driving near the zebra crossing()AcanBcantCmustDmustnt8(1分)(2017镇江)Xu Yuanchong, a 96yearold man, devotes most of his life

4、time to _ works of literature()AtranslateBtranslatesCtranslatingDtranslated9(1分)(2017镇江)The Bell anti Road(一带一路) will serve to _ markets for China and other countries along()Aopen upBput upCmake upDlook up10(1分)(2017镇江) I hear youre crazy about Roger Federer Exactly He is one of the greatest tennis

5、players in the world and _ 18grand slams(大满贯) all together()AachievesBachievedChas achievedDwill achieve11(1分)(2017镇江) Our monitor, Lin Tao, keeps all his things in good order Thats true Hes so _, and we should learn from him()AcreativeBgenerousCmodestDorganized12(1分)(2017镇江)Last December, a man who

6、 stole a shared bike _ 1,000yuan by the police()AfinedBwas finedCwill be finedDhas fined13(1分)(2017镇江) You look tired Whats wrong with you? I stayed up late last night I _ my speech from eight oclock to midnight()ApracticedBam practicingCwas practicingDhas practiced14(1分)(2017镇江) To London? Dont mis

7、s red phone boxes in the streets Theyre a symbol of English culture _()AThanks for your adviceBhope soCSorry, I dont knowDThank you all the same15(1分)(2017镇江) How is your May Day holiday, John? Not bad You seem so happy Could you tell me _?()Awhat place you have been toBif you visit your grandparent

8、sCwho did you spend the holiday withDthat you watched a football match二完形填空16(10分)(2017镇江)As a kid, I used to spend my summers with my grandparents on their farm in Texas I helped them with farming at times Luckily, they (16) a caravan, a kind of car designed for people to live in while travelling E

9、very few summers, wed travel together around the US and CanadaOn one trip, I was about 10years old I was playing around in the back of the car (17) my grandfather was driving My grandmother had the passenger seat She smoked through the trip, and I hated the(18) , which made me cough a lot I read abo

10、ut smoking in an article It says that every puff(吸) of a cigarette takes two minutes off your life I(19) the number of cigarettes per day and the puffs per cigarette When I came up with a reasonable(合理的) number, I was(20) Then I moved my head into the front of the car and proudly (21) , So far, youv

11、e taken nine years off your life! Hearing this, my grandmother began to cry and it was not what I(22) I did not know what to do My grandfather, who had been driving (23) , stopped the car, got out of it and opened my door He looked at me calmly, and said(24) , See, grandmother is crying! One day, yo

12、ull understand that its harder to be kind than cleverAs I grow up, I realize that cleverness is a gift and kindness is a choice Gifts are easy they are given (25) Choices can be hard, so it seems more difficult to be kind16A: producedB: ownedC: requiredD: returned17A: asB: whenC: whileD: though18A:

13、dustB: tasteC: noiseD: smell19A: guessedB: countedC: collectedD: received20A: afraidB: relaxedC: satisfiedD: worried21A: repliedB: explainedC: presentedD: announced22A: dreamedB: enjoyedC: supportedD: expected23A: in fearB: in silenceC: with prideD: with sadness24A: gentlyB: loudlyC: powerfullyD: co

14、nfidently25A: in allB: after allC: above allD: first of all三、阅读理解17(6分)(2017镇江)When meeting strangers, we usually notice their hair, skin colour and clothes We like to group those things we dont know by comparing them with the things we knowSo whats wrong with this? For example, we think that short boys cant possibly be good basketball players The girls who love to be dressed up cant be excellent students Or we think shy students cant be good at giving speeches These are typical(典型的) examples of ster



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