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1、BatchDoc Word文档批量处理工具2018年山东省潍坊市中考英语试卷一、听力测试(每小题1分,共25分)1(1分)(2018潍坊)A Its LinglingsB She is LanglingC Lingling did it2(1分)(2018潍坊)A Its 50 yuanB Its 30 kilosC Its 273(1分)(2018潍坊)A About 20B Around 5: 00C At the street corner4(1分)(2018潍坊)AI think soB Thats OKC Sorry to hear that5(1分)(2018潍坊)A Im goi

2、ng to Shanghai DisneylandB I went to Hong Kong last yearC Ive never been to England6(3分)(2018潍坊)(1) (2) (3) 7(1分)(2018潍坊)How was the music just now?A It was lightB It was silentC It was loud8(1分)(2018潍坊)What does the woman want to have?A WaterB CokeC Tea9(1分)(2018潍坊)Where is the bank?10(1分)(2018潍坊)W

3、hat is David?A A writerB A singerC An actor11(1分)(2018潍坊)What did the man do?A Stayed at homeB Travelled aroundC Went to the museum12(1分)(2018潍坊)What was the weather like last night?A WindyB CloudyC Rainy13(3分)(2018潍坊)(1)What did the woman buy finally?A Some cakesB Some breadC Some bread and cakes(2

4、)How many cakes did the woman take away?A 10B 15C 20(3)How much did the woman actually pay for each cake?A 6 yuanB 5 yuanC 4 yuan14(3分)(2018潍坊)(1)Where are the speakers?A At a zooB At a hospitalC At a pet market(2)What is the relationship between the man and the woman?A They are familyB They are nei

5、ghboursC They are classmates(3)Which animal is not mentioned in the conversation?A The fishB The snakeC The rabbit15(5分)(2018潍坊)Lisa, a (1) yearold girl, goes to her fathers toy shop after school every(2) On that day excited kids and babies are busy playing with the toys in their shop, so its always

6、 quite (3) there Lisa has to watch carefully and make sure nobody(4) the toys This often makes her feel(5) , but she has fun helping her father二、单项选择(共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)16(1分)(2018潍坊)To prepare for_trip to LA, Betty is making_list of things to take along()Athe; theB不填; aCthe; aDa; 不填17(1分)(2018潍坊)Stude

7、nts here often do physics experiments_small groups()AbyBinCforDat18(1分)(2018潍坊)The Three Gorges Dam produces_for millions of people in China()AelectricityBinfluenceCtransportDtechnology19(1分)(2018潍坊)Doctor Bethune sometimes had to treat the wounded on _ own()AhimBhisCthemDtheir20(1分)(2018潍坊)I always

8、 hate being late for school_()ASo am IBSo do ICSo I amDSo I do21(1分)(2018潍坊)The photos that won the first prize in the competition will be_on the website()Aput awayBput offCput upDput on22(1分)(2018潍坊)You will still miss the flight_you catch a Didi car()Aeven ifBas ifCuntilDbefore23(1分)(2018潍坊)We wer

9、e all disappointed at_()Awhat does the boy sayBwhat the boy saysCwhat did the boy sayDwhat the boy said三、完形填空(共1小题,满分10分)24(10分)(2018潍坊)Riding a Mobike on the street, you might hear some people speaking Chinese aloud Turning to the right, you see a Sichuanstyle restaurant After walking into a store,

10、 you see that Huawei smartphones are (1) But youre not in Chinayoure in Manchester in Britain In fact, you might see (2) things in many other cities Chinese products have been (3) worldwide Chinese food has been enjoyed in western countries for a long time To (4) local peoples tastes, Chinese restau

11、rants have made some changes to the (5) Unlike Chinese, Australian people dont like to eat meat with the bone (6) , so Chinese restaurants there provide big pieces of meat without bones, (7) for fish Some Chinese brands(品牌)are also becoming more (8) In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisi

12、ons, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers And more than half of USowned drones (无人机)are Chinese models Theyre not simply made in China, but designed and developed in the (9) In the past, most western people thought Chinese products were cheap and not dependable But now, things have changed greatly Mad

13、e in China becomes cool More and more people (10) Chinese brands(1)A for funB at workCon saleD in use(2)A similarB differentCcommonD unusual(3)A storedB collectedCreceivedDaccepted(4)A meetB copyCspreadD answer(5)A kitchensB drinksC dishesD services(6)AupBoutConD in(7)A justB evenCyetD still(8)Atrad

14、itionalB expensiveC practicalD popular(9)A countryB circleC fieldD town(10)A sellB trustCimproveDquestion四、阅读理解(共4小题;满分30分)25(8分)(2018潍坊)When she was just 9 years old, Katie Stagliano planted a cabbage seed(卷心菜种子) in a garden outside her house She cared for it every day by watering it, weeding it and giving it plant food It grew to be HUGE! Forty pounds huge! Katie wanted



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