实用物流英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 高芳 1_5 5-revision

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《实用物流英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 高芳 1_5 5-revision》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《实用物流英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 高芳 1_5 5-revision(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 5 Warehousing & Distribution Services,Revision,Objectives,understand the classification and role of warehouses.,2. find ways to improve your English skills and performance on how to describe and discuss about warehousing troubles.,3. master the basic words and expressions about warehousing.,C

2、ontents,Task 1,Translate the following terms into English or Chinese.,Task 1 - into English,mixing peak season Stockout ownership for-hire lead time retail price,组合作业 旺季 缺货,脱销 所有权 可供出租的 订货间隔期 零售价,Task 1 - into English,overhead bar coding distribution center consolidation terminal promotion break-bul

3、k freight rate,(日常)开支 条码技术 分销中心,配送中心 集拼码头 促销 分拨 运费费率,Task 1 - into Chinese,production overflow stockpiling pilfering contractual negotiations property developer centralized warehousing facilities retail complex anchor store,生产过剩 堆存 偷窃 为签订合同而进行的谈判 地产开发商 中央仓储设施 零售联合体 主要(租用)零售商,Task 1 - into Chinese,au

4、tomated ordering group shipments receiving dock economy of scale pre-distribute order assembly lead supplier shipment origin and destination,自动化订货 为货物分组 收货码头 规模经济 预配送 订单装配 主要供货商(一级供货商) 起运地和目的地,Task 2,Decide whether the following statements are True or False. Please write T for true and F for false i

5、n the blanks.,Task 2,1) _ The major purpose of distribution centers is to store products. 2) _ Distribution centers should be located close to the market. 3) _ Warehousing equipment helps in product movement, storage, and tracking. 4) _ Private warehouses can only be used to store a companys own goo

6、ds. 5) _ A bonded warehouse allows goods to be stored without paying trade tariffs and duties until they leave the warehouse.,T,T,T,T,F,Task 2,6) _ Free trade agreements like NAFTA reduce the need for bonded warehouses. 7) _ Military entities often use household warehouses to store personal property

7、 such as furniture, clothes, etc. 8) _ Grain is usually stored in specialty warehouses. 9) _ Liquids and dry goods like sand, stone and coal are usually stored in bulk storage warehouses. 10) _ Contract warehousing is a third-party integrated logistics organization that provides higher quality servi

8、ces than are available from a public warehouse. 11) _ Transportation costs decrease as the number of warehouses increases.,T,T,T,T,T,T,Task 3,Cloze (1) Order Selection assembly minimal rear receipt transport,Task 3,Cloze (2) Sortation selected sortation changing reduction speed,Task 3,Cloze (3) The

9、Functions of Supply Chain Management in Distribution globally customer continuously costs superior,Task 4,Translate the following material into Chinese.,Task 4,CKTS公司经营进口货物仓储业务,使用复杂的机械搬运系统来确保高质量而灵活的服务。 为了向客户提供额外的服务,如阴凉室、保险库、活畜室等,同时为危险品和鲜活货物提供专门的存储空间,公司装备有多样化的仓储设施。 CKTS公司能够采用正确的方法快速完成收货、存货和交货,以满足客户的要

10、求。,Project 5,In order to keep regular reasonable warehousing for the manufacturer according to their sales contract, use the skills you have learned about warehousing and design a dialogue between you, a logistics company and a manufacturer customer containing the following information : your general ways of warehousing and your warehousing plan for the customer. write a report about your warehousing plan for the customer.,Thank You !,


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