标准书号66-67 308-06661 第七章 付款方式

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1、商务英语谈判,作者:王秀萍,责任编辑:张琛 出版日期:2009年6月 IDPN:308-2009-009 课件章数:14,商务英语谈判,第七章 付款方式 Unit 7 Terms of Payment,Leadin,Business English Negotiation,在商务谈判中,付款条件是谈判的重要内容之一;为了降低交易中的风险,谈判双方都会坚持使用有利于己方的支付方式。在国际贸易中,支付通常是通过银行进行的,有三种基本的支付方式:汇付(remittance)、托收(collection)和信用证(letter of credit)。本课以支付条件为中心内容。,Pre-reading

2、Questions,Business Negotiation,Questions 1: How many risks do you know about foreign trade?,Questions 2: How do you avoid the risks raised by payment systems?,After-reading Exercises,Vocabulary: Find the words in the text which mean the following,Business Negotiation,2. risk,3. participant,5. credit

3、,4. default,1. payment,Comprehension: Answer the following questions with True or False.,1) Legal risk refers to the risk caused by national legal systems. 2) Information technology or mechanical failure could cause the operational risk. 3) The security risk arises when a participant accuses the pay

4、ment systems. 4) Economic risks can be divided into two types, namely, credit and liquidity risks. 5) Liquidity risks occur if a participant does not receive an expected payment but has to make payments to other counterparties.,Business Negotiation,Comprehension: Complete the following statements wi

5、th the information from the passage.,Business Negotiation,A,D,C,B,B,本课的重要句型,1Do you think it is possible to. 你认为可能吗? e.g. Do you think it is possible to make an exception and accept D/A for this order? 2. I am planning to. 我打算 e.g. I am planning to pay the sales by T/T not later than Nov. 11th.,Busi

6、ness Negotiation,3. I hate to disagree with you, but. 我不想跟你有不同意见,但是 e.g. I hate to disagree with you, but I am afraid that we cannot accept payment in cash on delivery. 4. If it is possible, Id like to 若可能,我想 e.g. If it is possible, Id like to see you tomorrow. 5. Personally, I think / believe / fee

7、l. 我个人认为/相信/感觉 e.g. Personally, I think remittance against documents is much safer.,Business Negotiation,6.You are (not) allowed to. (不)允许你 According to依照/根据 e.g. You are not allowed to quit your job according to the present situation. 7. It is dangerous to., 是危险的 e.g. It is dangerous to make paymen

8、t in cash in this area.,Business Negotiation,Dialogues,Dialogue 1 Talking About Terms of Payment Important sentence patterns 重点句型1)We usually accept payment by.我们通常接受付款方式。 重点句型2)Is it possible for you to .?你们能不能? 重点句型3)I hate to say but. 我不想说,但是 重点句型4)If thats the case, Ill have no choice but to. 既然

9、这样,我只能,Business Negotiation,Dialogue 2 Talking About Terms of Payment Important sentence patterns,重点句型1)This is my first time to. 这是我第一次来 重点句型2)I am sure that, .我相信 重点句型3)I am wondering. 我想知道 重点句型4)can you.?你是否能够.?,Business Negotiation,7. 3 Background information 谈判知识与技巧,7.3.1是非题 1根据矛盾激化程度的不同,谈判僵局分为

10、潜在和现实两种僵局。 2谈判过程中要作到对事不对人,不要因为对对方的个人好恶而影响谈判进程。 3“商场如战场”,当己方犯错误时不应该轻易服输、承认错误。 4谈判过程中,要关注双方的利益,而不是在立场上讨价还价。 5现实僵局出现后,要提议暂时休息,和对手在谈判桌外继续进行较量。,Business Negotiation,7.3.2 词组解释,1谈判僵局 2潜在僵局 3现实僵局,Business Negotiation,7.3.3讨论题,1. 文中提到了造成谈判僵局的几种原因,除了这几种原因外,你能想出别的可能导致谈判僵局的原因吗? 2. 假设你是一位谈判者,你应该如何避免谈判僵局的出现? 3.

11、谈一谈你对打破现实僵局的技巧的理解。,Business Negotiation,Situational dialogue design,Please design a negotiation dialogue for each of the two situations in which two persons representing two business parties to negotiate over the affairs as described below. Your design has to use some of the vocabularies and sentenc

12、e patterns you have just learned in this unit. And the dialogue should be as long as at least about 10 sentences.,Business Negotiation,Situational dialogue 1,Business Negotiation,An American exporter intends to change the terms of payment from L/C to D/P. You feel it impossible to accept that. Try t

13、o persuade him not to change terms of the payment. A: B:,Situational dialogue 2 Your British importer insists on payment in cash on delivery. You feel it impossible but may consider payment in cash with order. At last, you make a compromise and agree that 30% of the sales proceeds to be paid in advance by T/T and the balance to be paid in cash on delivery. A. B.,Business Negotiation,Situational dialogue 2,Thank you!,


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