高中英语 unit4随堂练习及答案 新人教版必修1

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《高中英语 unit4随堂练习及答案 新人教版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 unit4随堂练习及答案 新人教版必修1(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单项填空1. _from his looks, he is a kind man. A. Judging B. Being Judged C. To judge D. Judge2. Instead of _sights, Edison would spend the time _in the public library.A. seeing, to read B. see, read C. to see, to read D. seeing , reading3. Ive told him_. A. a hundred time B. hundred times C. hundred of

2、times D. hundreds of times4Everybody got _ when they heard the _ story.A shocked; shocked B shocking ; shockingC shocked; shocking Dshocking; shocked5_ in the newspaper , I didnt notice what was happening .A I buried B Burying C Buried D To buried 6What _did the storm cause to the crops?A destroy B

3、ruin C damages D damage7I must warn you that my patience is _.A at the end B by the end C at an end D in the end 8_students went to see Mr Smith during the time he was ill.A The number of B A number of the C A plenty of D A number of 9He _ when he heard the bad news.A bursted into tears B burst out

4、tears C bursted out crying D burst into tears 10-What is the matter ?-My leg_ when I try to move it .A damages B destroys C hurts D injures 11The little boy got punished what he had done .Abecause Bbecause of Csince Das 12He came here to discuss it with you.Aon purpose B. by chance C. for purpose D.

5、 on design 13Please all the numbers . Those numbers 10,000.Aadd to ; add up Badd up ; add up to Cadd ; add to Dadd up to ; adds 14What _great fun it is to have a swim on a hot day in summer!A. a B. the C. D. of 15What you should remember is that we should always keep in an emergency .Astill Bcalm Cq

6、uiet Dsilent 16. The number of people invited _fifty, but a number of them _absent for different reasons.A. were; was B. was; was C. was; were D were; were阅读理解One day a teacher was giving her young students a lesson on how the government works . She was trying to explain the principle of income tax

7、(收入税). “You see ,” she began , speaking slowly and carefully , “each person who works must pay part of his or her salary (薪水) to the government . If you make a high salary , your taxes are high . If you dont make much money , your taxes are low .”“Is that clear ?” she asked . “Does everyone understa

8、nd the meaning of income tax ?” The students nodded .Are there any questions ?” she asked . The students shook their heads .“Very good !” she said .” “Now , I would like you to take a piece of paper and write a short paragraph on the subject of income tax .”Little Joey was a slow learner . He had lo

9、ts of problems with spelling and grammar , but this time he at least seemed to understand the task . He took his pen and after a few minutes , he handed the teacher the following composition :Once I had a dog . His name was Tax .I opened the door and in come Tax .19The teacher was trying to explain

10、one day .Athe basic principles of the income tax Bhow the government works Ceveryone should pay income tax Dhow much tax one should pay for his income 20After the teachers explanation , .Aall the students shook their heads Bmany of the students were still puzzled Cnot all the students understood the

11、 meaning of income tax Da few students disagreed with their teacher 21The students were asked .Ato say something about income tax Bto answer some questions on income tax Cto write a composition on “income tax”Dto explain the principle of income tax 22Little Joey .Awas clever Bunderstood what the tea

12、cher saidCwas not clever enough Ddid as what he was told to do短文改错There are so much road accidents every day.1_They are often caused by careless. So there2_are many rules that help to make the road safely.3_Here are any rules we must know: In Hong Kong 4_traffic keeps to the left. Before across the

13、5_road, we must stop or look at both sides. Look6_right; look left and look right again. If the road7_is clear, so it is safe to cross the road. If8_we saw little children or very old persons,9_or blind people waitted to cross the road, we10_can help them to cross the road safely.单词拼写1They came to o

14、ur _(援救) in time.2、How many j (裁判)have been invited to the competition?3、The city was completely d by the earthquake.(毁灭)4、Judging from his _ (害怕) look ,he must have been frightened by the (吓人的)dog.5、He b his diary in the ground.(埋)6、Earthquake is one of the most terrible natural (灾难)in the world.7、Smoking seriously _(损害)your health .8、He out a box of money under the tree. (挖出)9、We were s when we heard of the news that they got married (震惊)10 _ on your exam results.(祝贺)1.the apple of ones eye 掌上明珠 例:May is the apple of her fathers eye


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