雷神 thor (2011)中英对照台词剧本

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1、1 普安特安蒂戈尔 新墨西哥州 Wait for it. 等等看吧 - Can I turn on the radio? - No. - 我能听收音机吗 - 不行 Jane, you cant keep doing this. 简 你可不能一直这样 The last 17 occurrences have been predictable to the second. 前 17 次的预测完全可以精确到秒钟 Jane, youre an astrophysicist, not some storm chaser. 简 你是天体物理学家 不是什么追逐风暴的疯子 Im telling you, th

2、eres a connection 我告诉你 between these atmospheric disturbances and my research. 这些大气扰动和我的研究是相关的 Erik, I wouldnt have asked you to fly out here if I wasnt absolutely sure. 艾瑞克 如果我不是百分百确定的话 我就不会让你飞过来了 Jane? 简? I think you want to see this. 我觉得你要看看这个 What is that? 那是什么? I thought you said it was a subtl

3、e aurora! 你说的不是奇妙的极光吗 Go! 快开车! - Get closer. - Right. Good one. - 靠近一些 - 好 这不错 Go! 快开! What are you doing? 你干什么 I am not dying for six college credits! 2 我可不会为了学校里的 六个学分就死掉! I think that was legally your fault. 我觉得从法律角度来看 是你的错 Get the first aid Kit. 赶快去拿急救箱 Do me a favor and dont be dead. 帮帮忙 千万别死 P

4、lease. 拜托了 Where did he come from? 他是从哪里来的 Once, 曾经 mankind accepted a simple truth, 人类接受了这样一个简单的事实 that they were not alone in this universe. 他们在这宇宙之中并不孤单 Some worlds man believed to be home to their gods. 他们相信有些地方是神明的居所 Others, they knew to fear. 对另外一些地方 他们总是心怀恐惧 From a realm of cold and darkness

5、came the Frost Giants, 冰霜巨魔来自于极寒与黑暗之域 threatening to plunge the mortal world into a new ice age. 他们威胁着要让凡人的世界 再一次进入冰河世纪 But humanity would not face this threat alone. 但人类并不是孤立无援的 Our armies drove the Frost Giants back into the heart of their own world. 我们的军队将冰霜巨魔 驱逐回它们自己的世界 The cost was great. 我们损失惨

6、重 In the end, 最后 their king fell. 3 它们的王被打败 And the source of their power was taken from them. 它们的力量之源也被剥夺 With the last great war ended, 终极大战结束之后 we withdrew from the other worlds and returned home 我们从别的世界回到了家乡 to the Realm Eternal, 回到那永恒之域 Asgard 亚斯格特 Here we remain as a beacon of hope, 在这里 我们继续作为

7、希望之灯塔 shining out across the stars. 于星宇间闪耀 And though we have fallen into mans myths and legends, 即便我们的存在可能已经 消弭于人类的神话传说之中 it was Asgard 但依然是亚斯格特 and its warriors 以及她的战士 that brought peace 为这个宇宙 to the universe. 带来了和平 But the day will come 但是总有一天 when one of you 你们中会有一个 will have to defend that peac

8、e. 将会肩负起守卫和平的重任 Do the Frost Giants still live? 冰霜巨魔还活着吗 When Im king, 4 等我成为国王的时候 Ill hunt the monsters down and slay them all! 我就要打败并且杀光他们! Just as you did, Father. 就像你一样 父亲 A wise king 一个智慧的君王 never seeks out war. 从不会主动寻求战争 但是. But he must always be ready for it. 他总会做好万全准备 - Im ready, Father. - S

9、o am I. - 我已经准备好了 父亲 - 我也是 Only one of you can ascend to the throne. 你们中只有一个能登上王位 But both of you were born to be kings. 但你们俩都是天生的王者 Oh, please. 拜托 又来了 Thor Odinson, 托尔奥丁森 my heir, 我的子嗣 my firstborn. 我的长子 So long entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjolnir, 长久以来被授以雷神之锤妙尔尼尔 forged in the heart of a dyin

10、g star, 此锤于一颗即将湮灭的 恒星之中被铸造 its power has no equal, 其神力无可比拟 as a weapon to destroy 既可成毁天灭地之利器 or as a tool to build. 5 又可为开天辟地之神工 Tis a fit companion for a king. 作为一位君王傍身之物再好不过 I have defended Asgard 我已守卫着亚斯格特 and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms 还有九大星域中的众生 from the time of the great

11、beginning. 从其诞生之初直至今日 Though the day has come. 但这时刻已经到来. Do you swear to guard the Nine Realms? 你愿发誓守卫九大星域吗 I swear. 我发誓 And do you swear to preserve the peace? 你愿发誓守望和平吗 I swear. 我发誓 Do you swear 你愿发誓 to cast aside all selfish ambition 摒弃你一切自私的欲望 and to pledge yourself only to the good of the Realm

12、s? 将己身奉献于 九大星域中众生的福祉吗 I swear! 我发誓! Then, on this day, 那么 今日 I, Odin Allfather, 我 奥丁 众神之父 proclaim you. 宣布你为. The Frost Giants! 6 冰霜巨魔! The Jotuns must pay for what theyve done! 那些霜巨人要为此付出代价 They have paid, with their lives. 他们已经付出了代价 他们付出了生命 The Destroyer did its work, 毁灭者履行了它的职责 the Casket is safe

13、, and all is well. 寒冰之匣完好无损 一切都完好 All is Well? 一切都完好? They broke into the weapons vault! 他们闯进了我们的武库 If the Frost Giants had stolen even one of these relics. 那些冰霜巨魔哪怕只是 偷走了一个神器. - They didnt. - Well, I want to know why! - 他们没有 - 我想知道原因 I have a truce with Laufey, King of the Jotuns. 我和劳菲 霜巨人之王有休战协定 H

14、e just broke your truce! They know you are vulnerable! - 他违反了你的休战协定 - 他们知道你还很弱小 What action would you take? 那你会怎么做呢 March into Jotunheim as you once did. Teach them a lesson. 进军约顿海姆 就像你曾经那样 给他们一个教训 Break their spirits 让他们恐惧 so theyll never dare try to cross our borders again. 这样他们才永远不敢跨入我们的国界 Youre

15、thinking only as a warrior. 你只是以战士的角度在思考 This was an act of war! 这已经是战争行为了 It was the act of but a few, doomed to fail. 7 这只是注定失败的 一小部分人的行为 Look how far they got! 看看他们都到什么地方了 We will find the breach in our defenses and it will be sealed. 我们会找到防线的漏洞 并且把漏洞填好的 As King of Asgard 作为亚斯格特之王. But youre not

16、king! 你不是王! Not yer. 至少现在不是 Its unwise to be in my company right now, Brother. 现在待在我身边可不明智 兄弟 This was to be my day of triumph. 这本该是我荣耀的一天 Itll come. 它总会来临的 In time. 总会来临的 Whats this? 这是怎么回事 If its any consolation, I think youre right. 不知道这算不算安慰你 不过我觉得你是对的 About the Frost Giants, about Laufey, about everything. 关于冰霜巨魔 关于劳菲 还有所有的一切 If they found a way to penetrate Asgards defenses once, 如果他们有办法穿过 亚斯格特的防线一次 whos to say they wont try again? 谁说他们不会来第二次呢 - Next time with an


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