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1、物流专业英语 电子教案 Unit 13 Characteristics of transport supply 运输供应的特征,教学任务: 掌握本单元的物流专业术语 掌握本单元的核心概念 熟悉本单元的常用物流英语表达法 熟悉本单元的物流流程,第一部分 Section 1 本单元核心术语 Core terms,non-storability 不可储存性 indivisibility 不可分割性 full cargo load 货物满载 fixed capacity unit 固定容量(装载量)单位,第二部分 Section 2 本单元核心概念 Core concepts,What are two

2、 problems which transport supply providers always have to face? 运输经营者总会面临的两个问题是什么?,In the process of operation, there are two problems which transport supply providers always have to face. Transport service cannot be stored non-storability. And it cannot be divided indivisibility. 在运营的过程中,有两个问题是运输运营

3、商们总会面临的。 运输服务不可能被存储 不可存储性 而且它不能被分割 不可分割性,课堂教学之 Step 1 单词领读 由教师当堂领读生词 纠正学生的发音 领读完之后给学生留出5分钟的时间来温习单词。,课堂教学之 Step 2 重点内容 掌握核心术语 学习时间5分钟,课堂教学之 Step 3 难点学习 理解并背诵核心概念 学习时间5分钟,课堂教学之 Step 4 课文学习 理解课文的意思 对难句进行语法和结构讲解 学习时间30分钟,课文学习提示: 教师在讲解课文时,除对课文进行翻译之外,还要顺带讲解一下难句的语法结构。,Characteristics of transport supply 运输

4、供应的特征,In the process of operation, there are two problems which transport supply providers always have to face. Transport service cannot be stored non-storability. And it cannot be divided indivisibility. 在运营的过程中,有两个问题是运输运营商们总会面临的。 运输服务不可能被存储 不可存储性 而且它不能被分割 不可分割性,Both are key characteristics which a

5、pply to all modes of transport.,两者都是适用于所有运输模式的关键特点。,Non-storability A particular problem with transport is that it cannot be stored; it is instantly perishable or non-storable. 不可存储性 运输中所具有的一个独特的问题是,运输不可以存储;运输具有“即时灭失性”或不可存储性。,If a bus, train or aircraft is to provide for a trip but all the tickets a

6、re not sold, then the operator has only two choices: Cancel the trip, which is bad for the companys image Let the vehicle depart with empty seats (excess capacity), which means loss of income from unsold seats 如果一辆巴士、火车或飞机准备提供旅行服务,而客票并未全部售出,那么,运营商就会有两种选择: 取消行程,这有损于公司的形象。 让车辆带着空坐位(过剩运能)出发,这意味着未售出的坐位会

7、带来收入损失。,These two basic characteristics apply equally to the supply of freight services. The operator of a container vessel cannot cancel its passage simply because it does not have a full cargo load. It must sail with empty or non-earning space (excess capacity). Or else it may lose the goodwill an

8、d future business of the shippers who have booked space.,A Container Vessel,这两个基本特性同样适用于货运服务的供应。集装箱货轮不能仅仅因为其没有满载就取消其行程,它必须带着空舱位或非赢利舱位(过剩运能)启航。否则,它就可能会失去已预订舱位的发货人的信任以及未来的业务。,Indivisibility The problem of non-storability is linked with indivisibility of transport supply. Transport comes in fixed capac

9、ity units; in other words, all vehicles have fixed space or seats (limited payload). If the vehicle is full and there is additional demand, the operator again has two choices: 不可分割性 在运输供应中,不可储存性的问题是和其“不可分割性”联系在一起的。运输是以固定装载单元而运营的,换言之,所有车辆都有固定舱位或坐位(有限的有效载荷),如果车辆已满载,可是还有追加需求,则运营商又有两种选择:,ignore the addi

10、tional demand and lose the extra business to a competitor or put on another vehicle which may probably run with less than a full load 忽略追加的需求,并把额外的业务让给竞争对手 或者增加另一辆车,而新增的车辆则可能要以非满载来运行。,以上内容为第一学时内所应完成的内容,课堂教学之 Step 5 阅读材料 提示:这部分内容由教师指导,学生自学。以提高学生的自主学能力。,Transport as a system 运输的系统性,A major feature of

11、transport is that it is systematic, and that it is made up of a number of different components, all of which must work together to produce the necessary output. On the railway, for example, if the track fails because of a broken rail or stuck points the whole system is brought down, even though ther

12、e may be nothing wrong with the trains themselves. 运输的主要特征是其系统性,并且它是由若干不同的部分所组成的,所有这些部分必须协同工作才能带来必要的产出。譬如说在铁道上,如果因为铁轨断裂或出现卡点而致使轨道失灵,整个系统就会瘫痪,即使火车本身没有出现任何故障。,The components of the transport system are as follows. The way or track, road The terminal or interchange Control and communications The vehicl

13、e or carrying unit 运输系统的组成部分如下: 道路或轨道、公路 终点点或中转站 控制及通信系统 车辆或运载单元,It is the nature of these system components that determine the characteristics of the various modes of transport and their suitability for different purposes. There are also significant differences in the way different modes are treate

14、d in terms of provision of the infrastructure and access to it for vehicles. 正是这些系统组成部分的性质决定了各种不同运输方式的特性及其不同用途的适合性。依照基础设施的供给和车辆对基础设施的使用情况,在处理不同运输方式的方法上也有着显著的区别。,All modes (except pipelines, although a conveyor belt or moving walkway may be considered a pipeline) carry both freight and passengers. Ro

15、ad, rail, and pipeline all require a way to be constructed and there are thus limitations as to where the traffic can go. Road transport is the only mode in which there is significant carriage of passengers in individually owned vehicles. 所有运输方式(管道除外,虽然传送带或移动人行道也会被看作是管道)都装运货物和乘客。公路、铁路和管道均需要修筑道路,因此,这

16、就对交通能够到达的地方形成了限制,公路运输是唯一的一种可以用私人拥有的车辆大量运送乘客的方式。,课堂教学之 Step 6 课堂练习 提示:这部分内容由教师指导,学生自学。以提高学生的自主学能力。,1. Answer the following questions in English:,What are the two characteristics of transport supply? In the process of operation, there are two problems which transport supply providers always have to face. Transport service cannot be stored non-storability. And it cannot be divided indivisibility.,2. What does non-storability mean in trans



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