盖茨退休奥巴马发表讲话:总结 计划 汇报 设计 可编辑

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1、盖茨退休奥巴马发表讲话what you see is a man that Ive come to know and respect a humble American patriot, a man of common sense and decency, quite simply, one of our nations finest public servants. Bob, today youre not only one of the longest serving secretaries of defense in American history, but its also clea

2、r that youve been one of the best.This weekend well celebrate Independence Day ,and 235 years of this countrys proud history. This nation was founded on the notion of liberty and justice for all. As we celebrate, we should remember that the pursuit of liberty is not journey with a destination. but r

3、ather a quest to which we must recommit ourselves every single day. Mr.President often said that with liberty comes with responsibility. We should take that responsibility seriously and confident we do. Thats why the Senate will reconvene On Tuesday. The day after the fourth. Well do that because we

4、 have work to doNicolas Sarkozy was in the southwest of France in a place called Brax and basically he was meeting with mayors and then looked what happens there. He works the line to greet people. He shakes their hands. Three of his bodyguards just rush to this one guy who yanks him violently, just

5、 grabs his jacket. You can see the French president so visibly shaken.His guards pummel the guy down to the ground. They arrest him.Norman.Its good. We took him for a ride and hit it get off. Hes liked it up there.Has he gotten better at it? I assume that he does,Imean,well does practice make perfec

6、t?it does ,the beginning were under wheel arm,then he learned to push up one foot and just recently he learned to fill up the other foot, close down the street.What was your reaction the first time he was pushing with fun foot,because thats quite a sight! It was pretty funny. We had a lot of people

7、coming out, neighbors coming out to look at him. “They get a pop dog on a scooter!”You get a sense that he gets pleasure out of doing that. Can you interface the smile on his face when hed do on the scooter?You can. When his cycle goes fast, he looks his head up. And he just looks like the king of the world.我们认识的是一位值得尊敬的,谦逊的美国爱国者,是一位忠诚,正直的人。简单的说,他是我们国家最好的公务员之一。今天,你不仅仅是美国历史上任期最长的国防部长,很明显你也是其中最好的一位。本周末,我们将庆祝独立日,这个国家已经走过235年的国会历程。这个国家建立在所有人自由平等的理念之上。我们在庆祝的时候,一定要记得,追求自由的旅程是没有目的地的,而是我们每天都必须要求自己做到的。总统先生经常说,伴随着自由的是责任。我们必须严肃对待这种责任,并且相信我们一定能够做的到。这就是周二晚上参议院重新召开会议的原因。我们这样做是因为我们有很重要的工作要做。


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