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1、江 苏 省 职 业 学 校理论课程教师教案本( 20152016 学年 第 一 学期 )专业名称 课程名称 英 语 _ _授课教师 李 峥_ _学 校 南京工程高等职业学校_课题序号1授课班级授课课时2授课形式讲授授课章节名 称Unit 1 Where Has All My Money Gone?Part 1: Listening and Speaking使用教具Tape-recorder, reference book, projector, laptop教学目的Students will learn something about finance, and they can know ho

2、w to manage their money. Make them know how to use English to ask and answer something about money.教学重点Listening and Speaking skillsImproving students skills of judgment and problem-solving教学难点How to share personal experiences with others. 更新、补充、删节内 容课外作业教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计Unit 1 Where Has All My Money

3、Gone?Step1: Warm-upActivity 1: Read the situation blow. Tick the ones you have been involved.Activity 2: Discuss the following questions with partner.Step2: Part A Whats the Matter?Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and circle the best answers.Activity 2: Listen again and tick true or false.Acti

4、vity 3: Listen again and fill in the blanks with the information you have heard.Step3: Part B How to Shop Wisely?Activity 4: Listen to the conversation and circle the best answer.Activity 5: Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box. Listen and check the answers. Then practice the conv

5、ersation with a parter.Activity 6: Work with a partner. Role-play the following situations. Use the conversation strategy in Activity 5. Step 4: Assignment1、 Review the new words and sentences we learned today.2、Preview the “Reading and Writing” part in this unit.3、Finish the exercise book. 课堂教学安排教学

6、过程主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤II.IIIIVWarm-upListening and Speaking Part AListening and Speaking Part BAssignmentUnit 1 Where Has All My Money Gone?Step1: Warm-upActivity 1: Read the situation blew. Tick the ones you have been involved.1) Leading students to get ideas of the financial problems we may face in d

7、aily life by asking them questions. Encouraging the students to share their similar experiences.2) We can ask them:” How do you do with your pin money?”, “Have you ever met any financial problems?” and so on.3) With these questions, we can come to the activity 1.Activity 2: Discuss the following que

8、stions with partner.Asking students to analyze the problems in activity 1. Inspiring the students to think about which reasons lead to these situations and if they face these problems, how to solve these problems by themselves.Step2: Part A Whats the Matter.Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and

9、 circle the best answers.1) Ask students to skim the questions quickly and guess the answers. 2) Listen to the tap and choose the right one.3) Let the students answer these questions one by one, and show the basis for her/his answer.Activity 2: Listen again and tick true or false.The same as activit

10、y 1.教 案 纸 第1页第 2 页Activity 3: Listen again and fill in the blanks with the information you have heard.1) According to the answers above, ask students to guess the answers of activity 3, and let them pay attention to the syntax.2) Check their answers.Notes:1) lend: 借出lend sb. sth.=lend sth to sb. 把某物

11、借给某人eg. She lent me some money.=She lent some money to me.她借了些钱给我。区别borrow:借入borrow sth. From sb. 向某人借某物eg:I borrow some money from her.我向她借了些钱。2) But its been a week since she gave you the money. 但是她一个星期前才把钱给你的。It has been+时间段+since意为“自从以来有多长时间。3) I just dont know where all the money has gone.我不知道钱

12、去哪了。where all the money has gone是where引导的宾语从句,在这里做know的宾语。4) But I do suggest you make a monthly finance plan for yourself. 但是我建议你为自己做一份每月理财计划。这里suggest后面省略了that引导的宾语从句,you make a monthly finance for yourself 作suggest的宾语。当主语的谓语动词为insist, order, command, suggest, 第 3 页advise, propose, require, reques

13、t, demand, desire等词,其中should 可以被省略。eg: But I do suggest you (should) make a monthly finance plan for yourself.Step3: Part B How to Shop Wisely?Activity 4: Listen to the conversation and circle the best answer.1) Ask students to skim the questions quickly and guess the answers. 2) Listen to the tap a

14、nd choose the right one.3) Let the students answer these questions one by one, and show the basis for her/his answer.Activity 5: Complete the conversation with the sentences in the box. Listen and check the answers. Then practice the conversation with a partner.1) Listen again, try to use some tips

15、to record the sentences, like abbreviation, symbols and so on. 2) Circle the important parts around the blanks, get the points in the conversation, and remember the importance of ordinal numbers here.3) After finishing and checking answers, ask students to practice repeating this conversation.Activity 6: Work with a partner. Role-play the following situations. Use the


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