unit 8综合水平测试

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《unit 8综合水平测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 8综合水平测试(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8综合水平测试一、单项选择。(15分)( )1.Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood? Yes,its _ Center Street _ the right. Afrom;on Bon;at Con;on Don;in( )2.Is there a _ near here?I want to eat rice and chicken. Apolice station Bpark Crestaurant Dzoo( )3._ is the post office? Its next to the hospital. AHow BWhere

2、CWhat DWhen( )4.Is the juice _? Yes,you dont need to pay for it. Afree Bhealthy Cdelicious Dcold( )5.I enjoy _ in the river near my house in summer. Aswim Bswimming Cto swimming Dto swim( )6.Go _ this street and turn right at the third crossing. Ato Bwith Cin Ddown( )7.I like to watch my sister _. A

3、to draw Bdrawing Cto drawing Ddraws( )8.The work is not difficult.I can finish it _. Alate Beasily Cback Dhard( )9.Jim always _ too much time on computer games. Thats too bad. Aspends Bmakes Cturns Dkeeps( )10.Are there any books on the desk? _.But there are some CDs. AYes,there are BNo,there arent

4、CYes,they are DNo,there isnt( )11.The dictionary is 158 yuan.I dont have so much _ to buy it. Atime Bwater Cfood Dmoney( )12._,is Alices Clothes Store on the Street? _,I dont know. ASorry;Excuse me BSorry;Sorry CExcuse me;Sorry DExcuse me;Excuse me( )13.There _ a small post office and some bookstore

5、s in the school. Ais Bare Cam Dbe( )14.Are there _ strawberries in your store? Yes,we also have _ pears and bananas. Aany;some Bany;any Csome;any Dsome;some( )15.Thank you so much. _. AThats right BGood luck CNo problem DSounds great二、完形填空。(10分)Hi,friends.There is a new _16_ in my neighborhood.The f

6、ood there is very delicious.My parents and I _17_ having dinner there on the weekend.It only takes _18_ three or four minutes to walk there.After dinner we often take a walk in the _19_ across from the restaurant.And sometimes we _20_There is a big supermarket next to the park.The restaurant is also

7、 a great _21_ to have big parties.I will have my 14th birthday party there next Friday.If you are _22_,welcome to my party.You can find the restaurant _23_Its on Zhongshan Road,_24_ a bank and a hotel.Oh,I _25_ to tell you the name of the restaurant.Its Jinyang Restaurant.( )16.A.hotel Bbank Chospit

8、al Drestaurant( )17.A.spend Benjoy Cwish Dfollow( )18.A.him Bthem Cus Dher( )19.A.park Blibrary Coffice Dstore( )20.A.play sports Btake a trip Cgo swimming Dgo shopping( )21.A.time Bplace Ccountry Dnumber( )22.A.lazy Bshort Cfree Dfunny( )23.A.usually Bfriendly Cearly Deasily( )24.A.between Bafter C

9、under Dfrom( )25.A.learn Bdrive Cleave Dforget三、阅读理解。(20分)AMy name is Dale.This is my neighborhood.There is a big supermarket near my house.My mother often goes shopping there.Across from the supermarket is a school.Its my school.There is a library next to the school.I like reading books thereIm Sco

10、tt.My neighborhood is busy.There are a lot of stores and restaurants in my neighborhood.My house is on a street corner (街角)There is a post office near it.And next to the post office is a pay phone.My name is Helen.There is a big park in my neighborhood.Lots of people go there to have fun.I also like

11、 to play there.There is a restaurant across from the park.A bank is next to the restaurant.And some clothes stores are near the bank.( )26.Where is Dales school?AIts behind a library.BIts across from a library.CIts behind a supermarket.DIts across from a supermarket.( )27.The underlined word “there”

12、 refers to the _.Aschool Blibrary Csupermarket Dbookstore( )28.There are many _ in Scotts neighborhood.Astores and restaurantsBstores and pay phonesCpost offices and pay phonesDpost offices and restaurants( )29.There is a big park in _ neighborhood.ADales BScotts CHelens DGinas( )30.What can NOT we

13、know from the passage?ADale,Scott and Helen study in the same school.BScotts neighborhood is very busy.CThere are some clothes stores near the bank in Helens neighborhood.DDales mother often buys food in the supermarket near their house.BDear Blaire,How are you?I have a good time living in my new neighborhood.There is a sports center in it.Its just in front of our house,so my father often goes there to swim.There is also a pa


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