2019高考英语基础梳理训练及答案:选修6 Unit5 The power of nature

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1、Unit 5The power of nature高考链接完形填空记叙文.Right in the middle of Japan, high in the mountain, an old man lived in his little house. He1in one corner of the room an old iron kettle. He decided to use it to2water. To his surprise, the kettle became a3creature when it was on the fire. And then it4back into

2、a kettle again. The old man5to sell it. So a merchant came and6with the kettle.At night, the merchant was awakened by a big7. The kettle became a strange creature8and was running about in his room. But early next morning he found the kettle still9lying in the corner. One of his neighbors, after hear

3、ing what he had seen in the10, advised him to travel in the country to11it.Now the kettle could be asked to change and12by the merchant. The performances drew big audiences, and the13earned a lot of money. But he was a(n)14man. Though he was rich then, he thought that he owed some of his15to the man

4、 from whom he had bought the kettle.One morning, he16a hundred gold pieces into the17and, hanging it on his arm, he returned to the old man who had18it to him. The old man thanked the merchant, saying that few people would have been so honest.The kettle brought them19 luck. Everything went well with

5、 them20they died.1. A. searched B. foundC. cleaned D. slept 2. A. pollute B. carryC. boilD. drink 3. A. strongB. beautiful C. terrible D. strange4. A. changedB. developedC. grewD. burned 5. A. wondered B. decidedC. hesitated D. asked 6. A. went outB. went for C. went away D. went after 7. A. houseB.

6、 voiceC. stone D. noise8. A. againB. alreadyC. even D. however 9. A. slowlyB. quietlyC. carefullyD. generally 10. A. afternoonB. sunC. morning D. night11. A. displayB. admire C. see D. know 12. A. performB. singC. danceD. speak 13. A. adult B. merchantC. performerD. farmer 14. A. generousB. honestC.

7、 interestedD. happy 15. A. clothes B. houses C. wealthD. foods 16. A. exchanged B. threw C. putD. knocked 17. A. boxB. car C. pocketD. kettle18. A. presentedB. passedC. gaveD. sold19. A. everyB. neither C. bothD. none 20. A. till B. after C. althoughD. unless 参考答案22.BCDABCDABDAABBCCDDCA: 1_ vi.(火山)爆

8、发;突然发生_ n.火山爆发;(战争等)爆发2_ n.灰;灰末_ n烟灰缸3_ adv.在旁边;沿着边_ prep.在旁边;沿着的边4_ vt.任命;委派_ n任命;约会5_ vt.评估;评价;估计_ n.评价6_ n潜在性;可能性;潜能_ adj.可能的;潜在的7_ adj.绝对的;完全的_ adv.绝对地;完全地8_ adj.实在的;实际的_ adv.实际上9_ n.小说家_ n.小说10_ n欣赏;感激;感谢_ vt.欣赏;感激11_ n.汗_ vi.出汗12_ adj.忧虑的;不安的_ n.担心;焦虑;渴望13_ vi.& vt.惊慌_ n.惊慌;恐慌14_ adj.多种多样的;不同的

9、_ n.多种多样;多样性15_ vi.洗澡;游泳_ n.洗澡1To show our _(感激) for all your hard work, wed like to give you a bonus.2He opened the letter with _(颤抖) hands.3They are demanding certain _(保证) before signing the treaty.4A bomb exploded on the subway, causing _(恐慌) among people.5They have _(任命) a new head teacher at m

10、y sons school.6He has the _(潜力) to become a worldclass musician.7The fear of all kinds of examinations can be a source of deep _ (焦虑) to many students.8She looks young,but _ (实际上) shes 50 years old.9Bill _(挥手)his hand to us and then drove away.10The Big Island is home to one of the most active volca

11、noes in the world.It has _ (爆发)a total of 40 times since 1924.1burn _ the ground 全部焚毁2make _ way 前往3glance _ 匆匆看一遍4vary _ ._ .由到不等1The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but this _ my first experience, I stayed at the top and watched them.另外两人攀下火山口去收集供日后研究用的

12、岩浆,我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在火山顶上观察他们。句型提炼:this being my first experience 为独立主格结构。2_ _ _ _ this boy,who had a great gift for languages and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,他具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。句型提炼:It is said that.“据说”,it为形式主语,that引导主语从句。相当于People say that.。该结构还可以转换成Sb.is said to do.。基础梳

13、理整合词汇拓展1erupt;eruption2ash;ashtray3alongside;alongside4appoint;appointment5evaluate;evaluation6potential;potential7absolute;absolutely8actual;actually9novelist;novel10appreciation;appreciate11sweat;sweat12anxious;anxiety13panic;panic14diverse;diversity15bathe;bath语境记词1appreciation2.trembling3.guarantees4.panic5.appointed6.potential7.anxiety8.actually9.waved10.erupted短语回顾1to2.ones3.through4.from;to典句背诵1being2.It is said that4



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