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1、来源:(http:/ - 乌坎村土地纠纷与宗族之争_三联生活周刊_新浪博客一、广交会志愿者问题:面试内容:广交会概况,志愿者通识,英语基本能力测试往年华工志愿者面试现场情况:这次面试,首先是让每一位面试者把握好30秒钟的时间,用英语做下自我介绍,紧接着是面试官的发问,面试者们选择英文或者中文进行回答。由于面试者太多,这次的竞争是残酷的,每两场只能录取三个人,每一场选择一名待定者。本次面试志愿者的评分标准为仪表态度占50%,语言能力占30%,应变能力占20%。另外,通过和被面试者的沟通,我们了解到有相当一部分被面试者表示面试很紧张,英语的弱势妨碍了自我的发挥。但总体上,被面试者们表示自己很有信心

2、能通过这次面试。也有些被面试者认为此次面试的面试官很和蔼,不会板着脸,面试气氛很好。1(广交会概况)第届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)日上午在广州开幕。当天还同时举行了纪念中国加入十周年论坛。 年创办、每年举行两届的广交会是当前世界上规模最大的单体展会,被誉为“中国第一展”,是中国外贸产业的“晴雨表”和“风向标”。本届展会设置出口展区和进口展区。出口展区共有家中国企业参展,进口展区共有来自个国家和地区的家企业参展。 今年是中国加入世界贸易组织周年,广交会也特此举办纪念论坛English The Canton Fair (Chinese: 广交会) is a trade fair held in

3、 the spring and autumn seasons each year since the spring of 1957 in Guangzhou, China. Its full name since 2007 is the Chinese Import and Export Commodities Fair (中国进出口商品交易会) renamed from Chinese Export Commodities Fair (中国出口商品交易会) 1. It is the largest trade fair in China. Among Chinas largest trade

4、 fairs, it has the largest assortment of products, the highest attendance, and the largest number of business deals made at the fair. Like many trade fairs it has several traditions and functions as a comprehensive event of international importance.The 101st session in spring 2007 saw a very large r

5、ise of business with African companies. More than 16,200 buyers were from African nations, an increase of 73% from the August 2006 fair.Fifty trading delegations(集团), being composed (由什么组成)of thousands of Chinas best foreign trade corporations (enterprises), take part in the Fair, including foreign

6、trade companies, factories, scientific research institutions, foreign invested enterprises, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, private enterprises, etc【tsetr】. The 101st fair saw 314 different companies from 36 countries.FunctionsThe fair leans to export trade, though import business is also done her

7、e. Apart from the above-mentioned, various types of business activities such as economic and technical corporations and exchanges, commodity inspection, insurance, transportation, advertising, consultation, etc. are also carried out in flexible ways.2 地址:110届广交会共分三期,将在中国进出口商品交易会展馆(广州市海珠区阅江中路380号琶洲展馆

8、)进行展览。其中,第一期的时间为:2011年10月15-19日;第二期:2011年10月23-27日;第三期:2011年10月31日-11月4日。现在我校各学院组织志愿者的招募工作,为110届广交会挑选、输送合适的志愿者。3 服务内容:其中志愿者服务工作包括为中外商人做场馆道路指引,指导采购商进行办证,登记,行李安放等。是一个与外国商人交流的机会,也是一个展现英语水平的平台,希望我院广大同学踊跃报名参与。报名志愿者必须是课余时间,不允许逃课参加志愿者活动 上午:8:00-12:00 (提供午餐)下午:14:00-19:00 (提供交通补贴)(请在报名表上想服务的的时间段打勾)三、英文的自我介绍

9、,英文介绍广州,英文回答问路者的问题(1) 参加目的: 用心享受服务的过程,不为任何功利的目标驱使,不计较得失,单纯付出的过程是最纯净的也是最让人满足的,这样的工作是最快乐的,是身体累但是心里有不枯竭的动力。(2) 英语问答做调查的话,可以这么开头:Can I take up some of your time? 我能占你点时间吗?Would you please fill up this survey for me? 你能填下这张调查表吗?解释路怎么走就麻烦了:Take the road on your right, go straight, turn left on the third r

10、ed light, walk about 5 minutes, and you are there.走你右手那条路,直走,第三个红绿灯左转,再走约5分钟就到了。Continue on this direction, turn right at about 200 meters, its on your left side.这方向直走,200米后右转,你要去的地方在你的左手边。Youve just missed your turn. Go back to the first intersection, make a left turn, then turn right on the first

11、intersection, its on the east side of the street.你刚刚该转弯的。往回走到第一个交叉路口,左转,然后在第一个交叉路口右转,你要去的地方在路东。Its in Expo Hall No. x . You go from here, that way, then turn right at the corner, its to your left.你要去的地方在第X展览厅。从这儿往那个方向走,拐角右转,在你左手。用英语表达从华农到展览会的路程:At first, you need to walk to the Favorview palace (Lan

12、dscape road station 汇景北总站) and take bus such as NO.41 and NO.197 to Agricultural university main entrance .Then, go straight for about 2 minutes and you will see the metro entrance on your right side. And then you just need to change to the metro line 3 and get off at the kecun station. At last, you

13、 should get out from the subway exit D and turn right to walk 800meters.英语自我介绍:Good morning, interviewers! My name is xiaojie Chen, l am a student of South of china Agricultural University, majoring in finance. Very pleased to be able to participate in the canton fair volunteers interview and have a

14、n opportunity to introduce myself. In my mind, its necessary for us to donate ourselves into voluntary activities for the reasons that we can help others and lessen their anxiety for life .So , I have been a committee member of Red Cross and a service teamer of Head start Program held by Guangzhou Y

15、outh Volunteer Association(广州青年志愿者协会).I feel courageous and pleasant when I give a hand for others, so I am willing to be struggle in the voluntary field and encourage more people join in the team. I regard self-reliance and self-improvement as my motto(座右铭). I never give up when I meet difficult and I believe Action is more than words. I believe I am capable volunteers for the job, sincerely look forward to receive the honor. Thank you!110届会展现场


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