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1、Unit 7 and so forth(诸如此类,等等)The clothes are red, pink, blue, purple, yellow, and so forth. go against(违背)Dont go against your parents wishes. go through(经历,经受;演练,排练)Jhons going through a painful divorce. hold true (适用,有效)This advice will hold true throughout your life. insist on (坚持做)She insists on

2、cleaning my room everyday. many a (许多)Many a student like to listen to the music. put sb. to trouble (给某人添麻烦)I dont want to put you to a lot of trouble. see sb. off (为某人送行)They are going to the airport to see their friends off. send sb. off (给某人送行;把某人送往另一地方)They will send their son off to the univer

3、sity. slip into (渐渐进入)It amazed him how easily one could slip into a routine. 他惊异地发现人很容易在不知不觉中因循守旧起来。 smooth over(缓和,减轻)She managed to smooth over the bad feelings between them. start out (开始)When did you start out as a teather? take pride in (以为荣)He takes great pride in his father. with regard to (

4、关于,至于)He wants to talk to you with regard to your English. apt to do sth.(易于做某事)Babies are apt to focus on colorful things. at ones best (呈最佳状态)The singer was at her best during the performance. break up (解散,散去)The party didnt break up until midnight. follow sbs lead/example (效仿某人) I dont want you t

5、o follow my lead and rush into marriage. leave sth. to sb. else (把某事留给某人)You can leave the cooking to me. on the contrary(正相反)On the contrary, its an interesting book. under way (已经开始或正在进行)The party is now under way.1. 这首歌你要是唱几遍的话,孩子们就会学会歌词的。(pick up) If you sing the song several times, your childre

6、n will (begin to) pick up the words.2. 我们尽力使那位紧张的老人相信乘飞机是安全的。(assure.that) We tried to assure the nervous old man that flying/air travel was safe.3. 缺乏维生素A会导致夜盲。(inadequate, vitamin A) An inadequate supply of vitamin A may lead to night blindness.4. 我会用计算机,但是一说到修理计算机,我就一无所知了。(when it comes to.) I ca

7、n use a computer, but when it comes to computer repairing, I know nothing about it.5. 很多母亲试图在她们的女儿身上实现她们的梦想。(many a) Many a mother tries to act out her dreams through her daughter. Many a mother tries to have her dreams realized by her daughter.6. 恶劣的天气使人们不能去参加游行。(discourage.from) The bad weather di

8、scouraged people from attending the parade.7. 我给了他一些药丸以减轻他的痛苦。(ease) I gave him some pills to ease his pain.8. 这份工作需要每年去国外三个月。(involve) The job involves traveling/working abroad three months each year.Unit8 all but (几乎)The party was all but over when we arrived. cut back on (减少)Youd better cut back

9、on smoking. do sb. good (对某人有好处)Itll do you good to have a vacation. for that matter (而且)I dont know, and for that matter, I dont care. 我不知道, 对此我也不在乎.I dont know what he is doing , and for that matter, I dont want to know. keepup (使无法入睡)The noise kept me up until midnight. plow back (把(盈利)再投资) Plow

10、your profits back into building your business. 您犁营业利润回建贵. point out(指出)Point out the mistake in this sentence, please. ask for(要求,请求得到He asked for a story book. come up with (想出,提出)She came up with a new idea in the meeting. look on (观看,旁观)They look on me as their own sister. 他们把我当作自己的姐妹。 stick to (

11、坚持)Just make a decision and stick to it.1. 我觉得我应该指出这是多么地危险。 (point out) I feel I should point out how dangerous it is.2. 他的理论对身体如何运转以及如何受到药物的影响做了解释。 (affect) His theory explains how the body works and how it is affected by drugs/medicines. 3. 当谈到现代艺术时,很少有人比Tom知道得多。(when it comes to) When it comes to

12、 modern art, few people know more than Tom does.4. 有人问她时,她肯定了她将要退休。 (confirm) When asked, she confirmed that she was going to retire.5. 咳嗽药不难吃,但对我没啥用。 (do sb. good) The cough medicine tastes nice, but it doesnt do me much good.6. 如果我们不能卖出更多的货物,就必须降低产量。 (cut back on) If we cant sell more goods, well

13、have to cut back on the production.7. 英国的煤炭业已经几乎消失了。 (all but) Britains coal industry has all but disappeared.8. 我向你们保证我的故事是真的,以免有人觉得奇怪。 (assure, lest) I assure you that it is true, lest anyone (should) think my story strange.Unit9 along with(与一起)Im having dinner along with my parents. in terms of (

14、按照;在方面;从方面来说)He thought of everything in terms of money.他是从钱的角度来看每一件事。 perceive as(把看作:认为是)We perceive him as a hero. prior to (在之前;先于)It happened prior to my arrival.这发生在我到达之前.His mark on art is prior to mine.他的美术成绩比我好. rely on (依靠) Dont always rely on others.You can rely on me for help.It would be

15、 better to rely on ourselves than on others. 与其求人,何如求己. tend to do sth. (倾向与做某事)He tend to play football。 at best (最乐观的看;至多)He is at best a child. 他只不过是个孩子。 back and forth (来回的,反复的)The bird flew back and forth. in reality (事实上,实际上)In reality, its an interesting book. in theory (理论上)It sounds good in theory.1. 在你出发之前应该作好所有的安排。 (prior to) All the arrangements should be



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