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1、19春综合英语(III)作业3-0001 1 单选题 1 Bryce’s Department Store _ its furniture department about a year ago.A、enlargedB、was enlargedC、has enlargedD、has been enlarged正确选项是:A 满分:42 Her pocket was _ full of cards written in English which she used to remember words.A、stuffedB、stiffC、sufferedD、staff正确选项是:A 满

2、分:43 She simply _ that the check was good and did not ask him any question about it.A、took it easyB、took it for grantedC、took it up withD、took advantage of正确选项是:B 满分:44 The factory _ its waste into the river.A、gathersB、dischargesC、escapesD、hires正确选项是:B 满分:45 Isadora Duncan preferred to dance on a st

3、age _ scenery; she said that makes the dance itself rather than scenery more distinguishing.A、close toB、made ofC、protected fromD、devoid of正确选项是:D 满分:46 The soldiers are _.A、leaving awayB、left offC、on leaveD、leaving behind正确选项是:C 满分:47 Dont _ his tricks.A、fall inB、fall intoC、fall forD、fall out正确选项是:C

4、 满分:48 The nocturnal habits and _ cries of owls have made them objects of superstition for some people.A、delightfulB、wonderfulC、pleasantD、mournful正确选项是:D 满分:49 The judges have decided who the prize winners will be, and will _ the names tomorrow.A、publishB、announceC、claimD、declare正确选项是:B 满分:410 While

5、 they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to _ at the post office.A、pile upB、rise upC、turn upD、cover up正确选项是:A 满分:411 John was _ to Buddhism by a Chinese priest.A、convertedB、changedC、madeD、obliged正确选项是:A 满分:412 The children _the playground for a break from the classroom after the bell had

6、 rung.A、crowded intoB、packed intoC、streamed intoD、crawled into正确选项是:C 满分:413 Solar cells have been developed primarily to _ electric power for spacecraft.A、ensureB、storeC、secureD、provide正确选项是:D 满分:414 The success of the project _ on the support we get from our friends.A、hingesB、hintsC、barsD、hinders正

7、确选项是:A 满分:415 A small terrorist group has _ responsibility for the bombing in London.A、claimedB、acclaimedC、exclaimedD、reclaimed正确选项是:A 满分:416 Reading this book, we can _ the main character.A、identify withB、identify asC、identify toD、identity for正确选项是:A 满分:417 If you dont hear anything _ the contrary

8、Ill meet you at 7 oclock tonight.A、onB、inC、toD、about正确选项是:C 满分:418 He entered _his second year of office as Premier on October 1st.A、onB、intoC、forD、up正确选项是:A 满分:419 Riding on a bus without paying the fare _ cheating the bus company.A、amounts ofB、equalC、appearsD、amounts to正确选项是:D 满分:420 Several unpop

9、ular decisions _ the governors popularity.A、decayedB、diminishedC、distortedD、dissolved正确选项是:B 满分:421 Since antiquity there have been many attempts, some quite _, to explain how the cosmos came into beingthey make imaginative to tell the story of the born of the cosmos.A、familiarB、apparentC、fancifulD、

10、logical正确选项是:C 满分:422 While I was doing my research I _ on some fascinating new data.A、strolledB、strodeC、stumbledD、walked正确选项是:C 满分:423 Most of the people were _ down by hunger and poverty.A、groundB、grindingC、pulledD、beaten正确选项是:A 满分:424 The author gave an example _ support of his argument.A、forB、toC、inD、with正确选项是:C 满分:425 His stupid remarks _ a fight.A、touched downB、touched onC、touched offD、touched up正确选项是:C 满分:4



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