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1、19春福师英汉互译在线作业一2 - 一、单选题共50题,100分1、Evidence _indicates that you attend to one idea at a time.Aof dateBto dateCof the dateDto the date本题正确的选项是:B2、Hewenttothedancelastnightbutcouldntfinda_becauseofhisstrangeclothes.ApondBsaddleCpartnerDsalad本题正确的选项是:C3、Before she went abroad she spent as much time as s

2、he could _English .Apractise to speakBpractising speakingCpractise speakingDto practise speaking本题正确的选项是:B4、_that this small town was exposed to various kinds of dangers.AIn 2003BThe year of 2003CIt was 2003DIt was in 2003本题正确的选项是:D5、Howcanwefinishtheworkinthe_ofanyotherhelpers?AeraBhasteCspareDabse

3、nce本题正确的选项是:D6、The telephone _, but by the time I got indoors, it stopped.A had rungB was ringingC ringsD has rung本题正确的选项是:B7、Whatweneedtolearnishowtoputtheoryinto_whenwebeginourfieldworkhere.AappearanceBapplicationCaccomplishDachievement本题正确的选项是:B8、The car accident _him _his sight.Atook . fromBdepr

4、ived . fromCtook . ofDdeprived . of本题正确的选项是:D9、Healwayshasalotof_ideasinhismind,andsometimeswedonotevenknowwhatheisthindingabout.AnovelBspoilCacceptableDadditional本题正确的选项是:A10、We should enable every student _morally, intellectually and physically.AdevelopingBdevelopsCdevelopedDto develop本题正确的选项是:D11

5、、TheForeignMinistermadeanexcellent_onthecurrentinternationalsituation.AcommitteeBcommandCcommentDcommission本题正确的选项是:C12、I had taken it for_that Sally would tell whenever she got the useful information.AinterestedBsureCcertainDgranted本题正确的选项是:D13、Shealwaysdreamedofan_jobevenwhenshewastenyearsold.Aide

6、alBindirectCabsoluteDaid本题正确的选项是:A14、I havent seen Ann for _ long that Ive forgotten what she looks like.A suchB veryC soD too本题正确的选项是:C15、Infact,thereisno_libertyinanycountry.AadequateBabsoluteCprivateDpractical本题正确的选项是:B16、He_the9:20trainbecausehedidntleavehometill9:25.AcanreachBcouldcatchCmaynotc

7、atchDcouldnthavecaught本题正确的选项是:D17、These networks are _for warning signs that show the weakening of rock layers that can precede an earthquake.Ain alertBfor the alertCwith the alertDon the alert本题正确的选项是:D18、Weare_attherapidprogressMarkhasmadeinthissemester.AdistinguishedBannoyedCastonishedDscored本题正

8、确的选项是:C19、We had an anxious couple of weeks _ for the results of the experiment.A waitB to be waitingC waitedD waiting本题正确的选项是:D20、We will not attack _we are attacked; if attacked,we will certainly counter-attack.AifBwhenCunlessDeven if本题正确的选项是:C21、We arrived at the station_late, or we_ the bus.Atoo

9、 much, would catchBa little too, had caughtCmuch too,would have caughtDtoo much,would have caught本题正确的选项是:C22、When the fever eventually_, he is likely to feel tired and weak for a while.Adies downBdies outClosesDleaves本题正确的选项是:A23、The score was 80 to 78_the guest team.Ain favor ofBin way ofCin spite

10、 ofDin view of本题正确的选项是:A24、I have no doubt _he will overcome all his difficulties.AifBthatCas toDwhether本题正确的选项是:B25、Withthe_ofMary,allthegirlstudentsareeagertogototheparty.AexhibitionBexceptionCexceptDreception本题正确的选项是:B26、In the United States, there is always _ flow of people to areas of _ country

11、 where more jobs can be found.A a; theB the ; aC the; theD a; a本题正确的选项是:A27、The door burst open and _ , shouting with anger.Ain rushed the crowdBrushed in the crowdCthe crowd tin rushedDin the crowd rushed本题正确的选项是:A28、Metalsexpandwhentheyareheatedand_whencooled.AindicateBeliminateCconquerDcontract本题

12、正确的选项是:D29、We can use plastics as a substitute_wood.AofBtoCforDinstead of本题正确的选项是:C30、The reason_the little boy died was lack of medical care.AwhyBbecauseCforDas本题正确的选项是:A31、_you choose, make sure that it is a good one.AWhatBWhereverCWhicheverDWhich本题正确的选项是:C32、Inthefilmwesawlastnight,thehero_hiswif

13、etodeathwithhissword.AthroatBthrustCtrustDthread本题正确的选项是:B33、The old lady has never _ the house since she moved in.Abeen awayBleftClivedDstayed at本题正确的选项是:B34、_of them know about the plan because it is secret.ASomeBNo oneCAnyDNone本题正确的选项是:D35、The weather is bound to change_.Asoon and lateBsoon or lateCsooner and laterDsooner or later本题正确的选项是:D36、Either my father or my brothers_to the party.Aare going to comeBare comingCis comingDis going to come本题正确的选项是:B37、Itisa_truththatmanistheonlyanimalthathasthepowertospeakandreason.AworthyBvirtualCuniver



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