外研版高中英语 b4m1-1单词学习

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1、Words and phrases in B4M1,brick, concrete, mud, wood, stone Eg. 在古代,房子是石头和木头做的,现在房子是砖头和混泥土做的。众所周知,砖是由泥土做的。 In ancient time, houses are made of _ and_ . Now, they are made of _ and_ . As is well-known to all, bricks are made from _ .,wood,stone,bricks,concrete,mud,traditional architecture,wood,stone,

2、mud,natural materials,straw 稻草,bamboo,reed 芦苇,grass,2. material n. 材料,materials,modern architecture,steel,concrete,glass,man-made materials,rubber,aluminium,plastic,brick,tile 瓷砖,瓦片,cement 水泥,3. alternative adj.替换的,供选择的 n. 可供选择的事物 adj. 可替换地 _ alternative _ 新能源/ 可替代燃料 alternative _ 可替换的方法 我们没有别的选择,只有

3、听从他的建议。 We had no _ but to follow his advice. 2. 要是有一天自然能源用尽了,我们可以用什么可替代能源呢? If one day _ run out, what _can we use ?,情景导学P2-1,alternatively,energy/ fuel,approach,alternative,natural resources,alternative energy,4. for sure 肯定地,确切地 be sure of sth. 确信 be sure to do sth. 肯定/一定会 sb. be sure that 确信 他一个

4、小时之类肯定到这儿。 He will be here _within an hour. 他确信他会成功。 He _his success.(主语的信念) = He is sure that he will succeed. 他一定会成功。 He _succeed. ( 说话人的意见),for sure,is sure of,is sure to,练习 他一定会给予你帮助的。 He is sure to offer you help. (别人对主语的看法) 2.我确信我会通过考试。 Im sure of passing the exam. = _ I will pass the exam. (主

5、语的自我感觉),Im sure that,5.crime n. 罪行 criminal n. 犯罪分子 crime of corruption 贪污罪 crime rate 犯罪率 crime scene 犯罪现场 criminal case 刑事案件 criminal court 刑事法庭 criminal gang 犯罪集团 criminal record 犯罪前科 1.警察已经逮捕了那个犯罪分子。 The police have arrested the criminal.,6. predict v. 预言某事将发生.预报.预告 _ n. 预言,预告,预报 _adj. 可预言的,可预报的

6、,1. 他预言这个地区将有一场地震。但是 很多人认为预报地震时不可能的。换句话说, 地震不可预告。 He made _ that there _be an earthquake in this area. But many people think its impossible to _an earthquake. In other words, an earthquake is not _ .,prediction,predictable pridiktb()l,a prediction,predict,predictable,would,7.risk n. 危险,风险 risk v. 担风

7、险,冒危险 _adj. 危险的,冒险的 risk doing sth. 冒险做 _ 处境危险 _ .冒着做某事的危险,我受到裁员的危险,也就是说,我要被 解雇了。 My job is_ . That is, I will be_. 2.他冒着失去生命的危险救了那个小孩。 He risked _ to save the child. He saved the child_.,risky,at risk,at the risk of doing sth,at risk,losing his life,at the risk of losing his life,fired,8. resource

8、n. 资源(复数); 才智,机敏,创造精神 be at the end of ones resource develop natural resources energy source(来源),9. run out 被用光,被耗尽,1.我们的钱即将用光。 Our money_ . 2.我们即将用光自然资源。 We _natural resources.,江郎才尽,开发自然资源,能量来源,run out of = use up 用完,is running out,are running out of,10. rely vi. 依赖,相信 _ adj. 可信的,可靠的 _ 依赖.信赖, 依靠做 r

9、ely/depend on sb._. 你可以信赖我。 You may_ . 2. 你别指望他会帮助你。 You cant rely on him_ .,reliable,rely on = depend on,to do sth,rely on me,to help you,11. solar adj. 太阳的 _ 太阳能 _ calendar 阳历 ( _ calendar 阴历) solar water _ 太阳能热水器 Solar _ 太阳系,1.太阳能是一种新的可替代能源。 Solar energy is a new kind of_ _ .,solar energy/ power,

10、solar,lunar,heater,system,energy,alternative,12. urban adj. 城市的,都市的, urban area 城区 urban _ 城市犯罪 urbanization ,:bnaizein n. 城市化 urbanize v. 城市化 suburb n. 城郊 suburban adj. 城郊的,郊区的,他过去住在城区,但是现在已经习惯了在 郊区生活。 He used to live in the_, but now he is used to living in the_ .,urban area,suburb,crime,sb:rb,sb:

11、rbn,13.get rid of 摆脱,处理掉 他决心改掉自己的坏习惯。 He decided to _his bad habits.,14. load n. 负荷, 工作量,装载量 vi./vt. 装载, 使负担 1.他们正在往卡车上装货物。 They are loading the truck with goods. = The truck _ goods. =They are loading the goods onto the truck.,get rid of,is being loaded with,15. fire n. 火 vt. 开火,点燃,解雇 昨晚那所房子着火了,烧了三

12、个小时。 The house _ last night and _ for 3 hours. 2.最后,火被扑灭了。 _ , the fire is_ . 3. 如果你不努力工作,你将会被解雇。 If you dont work hard, you will_.,caught fire,was on fire,Eventually,put out,be fired,16. limit n. 范围(常用复数) within limits 适度地,有限度地 _ limits 无限地,无限制地 limited adj. 有限的 _ adj. 无限的 1.生命是有限的,但是学习是无限的。 Life i

13、s_, but learning is_ .,limited,limitless,limitless,without,17. outdoors n/ adj./ adv. 户外.在户外.户外的 indoors n/ adj./ adv 室内.在室内.室内的 1.篮球可在室内或室外打。 Basketball can be played_.,18. command n. 命令,指令 v.命令,指挥 command sb._ 命令某人做某事 command that (should) do 虚拟语气 1.将军命令士兵开火。 The general commanded his soldiers_. =The general commanded that his soldiers _.,indoors or outdoors,to do sth.,to fire,(should) fire,19. recreation entertainment n. 娱乐 amusement,听音乐是我课后最喜欢的娱乐方式。 _recreation after school. 2.娱乐方式有很多种,例如,篮球,保龄球, 和垒球。 There are many kinds of_, such as baske


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