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1、Life in the future,Book 5 Unit 3,晨背佳作 积累素材,话题词汇 1.civilization n.文明 2.milestone n.里程碑 3.disastrous adj.灾难性的 4.substitute v.取代 5.innovative adj.创新的 6.advanced science尖端科学 7.technical innovation科技创新 8.sustainable development可持续发展 9.make progress取得进步 pared with/to和相比,话题佳作 请你(Kate)结合下列要点给你美国的笔友Helen写一封电

2、子邮件,描述你对未来职业的畅想做一名救死扶伤的医生。 1.你的祖父是位名医,是你的榜样; 2.医生可以救治伤者,对社会贡献很大; 3.你自信可以通过努力成为一名优秀的医生。,佳作欣赏 Dear Helen, How is it going? Today Im writing to share my dream with you. When I was a little kid,I made up my mind to become a good doctor. My grandfather,who is a famous doctor in our city,is always my idol

3、. I would like to contribute my high medical skills to serving more people. By curing and saving patients,a doctor is able to help more families live a happy life. It is really a noble job for me. Of course,at first I have to pass the entrance examination to a good medical college. With great effort

4、,I believe I can make my dream come true. Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Kate,名师点睛 本文结构分为三部分:开篇交待写信目的简述自己的梦想;正文详细描述自己的梦想,及拥有这个梦想的原因;最后是结束语。文中用定语从句来介绍自己的榜样我的祖父;用would like to do.表达自己为他人服务的愿望,用“by动词-ing”形式表述医生的作用,文中高级词汇有:make up ones mind to do.,contri-bute.to.,be able to do.,with great effort,come tru

5、e等。,基础排查 点拨要点,语篇训练 提升能力,内容索引,教材升华 综合运用,基础排查 点拨要点,A.写作必记单词 1.impression n.印象;感想;印记 (1) v.使有印象;影响;n.印记,印象 adj.给人深刻印象的 (2)impress sb. sth./impress sth. sb.使某人铭记 (3)Sedate though they are,rides at this time of day are still very (impress).(2015重庆) (4)My wheelchair experiment was soon finished. It made a

6、 deep imp- ression me.(填介词),1,impress,impressive,with,on,impressive,on,2.previous adj.在前的;早先的 previous 在之前 3.guide n.指导;向导;导游 vt.指引;指导 (1) n.指导 (2)Practise the guidance of some experienced writers and teac- hers who can help you with basic writing skills.(填介词)(2014湖南) (3)This is a good guide studyin

7、g birds.(填介词),to,guidance,under,in,(1)表示“指引某人到某地”习惯用guide sb. into a place,不能用guide sb.to go into a place。 (2)表示“做某事的指南”习惯用a guide in doing sth.,不能用a guide to do sth.。,4.surroundings n.周围的事物;环境 (1) v.环绕 adj.周围的 (2)That means a transparent object doesnt look very different from the (surround) air or

8、water.(2015北京) (3)In Picture 1,a man is trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree (surround) by stumps,but in vain.,surround,surrounding,surrounding,surrounded,5.tolerate vt.容忍;忍受 (1)If/When neighbors want to get along well with each other,they have to show their (tolerate).(2014湖南) (2)He wont tole

9、rate anyone (question) his decisions. (3)He is tolerant small errors.(填介词),tolerance,questioning,of,tolerate后接动词作宾语时,该动词常用动名词形式。,6.lack vi.& vt.缺乏;没有;n.缺乏;短缺的东西 (1) adj.没有的;缺乏的 (2)Since she is young,she (缺乏) experience. (3) (缺乏) confidence can lead to a lot of suffering. (4)More and more high-rise b

10、uildings have been built in big cities (因缺乏) space.,lacking,is lacking in,A lack of,for,lack of,7.adjustment n.调整;调节 (1) v.调整;调节 (2)Some schools will have to make (adjust) in agreement with the national soccer reform.(2015江苏) (3)Obviously,students are terrible at adjusting their sleep cycles their d

11、aily schedule.(填介词)(2014四川) 8. n.沙漠;荒原,adjust,adjustments,to,desert,9.instant n.瞬间;片刻;adj.立即的;立刻的 (1) adv.立即;conj.一就 (2)the instant一就(引导时间状语从句) (3)The instant he met Cuddles,he knew he was making the right choice. 他一遇到Cuddles,他就知道自己做出了正确的选择。,instantly,10.greedy adj.贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的 (1) n.贪吃;贪婪;贪心 (2)be g

12、reedy 渴望 be greedy .渴望做,greed,for,to do,表示“某人做某事是贪婪的”习惯用Its greedy of sb.to do sth.,而不能用sb.is greedy to do sth.。,B.阅读识记单词 11.aspect n. 12.constant adj. 13.mask n. 14.carriage n. 15.press vi.& vt. n. (1)pressure n. (2)press sb. .催促某人做 press sth. sb.敦促某人接受某物,方面;层面,时常发生的;连续不断的,面具;面罩;伪装,运输工具;四轮马车;客车,按;压

13、;逼迫,按;压;印刷;新闻,压力,to do,on,16.fasten vt. The students wrote down their names and fastened them their breast pockets as I required.(填介词),系牢;扎牢,to,表示“把某物系于另一物上”,通常与介词to连用。,17.flash vt.& vi. 18.switch n. vt. switch 打开 switch 关掉 switch 换台;转换频道 19.timetable n.,(使)闪光;(使)闪现,开关;转换,转换,on,off,over,时间表;时刻表,20.o

14、ptimistic adj. My good performance in the job interview left me optimistic my future and about what I can do here.(填介词) (2014安徽) 21.mud n. muddy adj. 22.swallow vt. 23.material n. 24.recycle vt. 25.goods n.,乐观(主义)的,about,泥(浆),泥泞的,吞下;咽下,原料;材料,回收利用;再利用,货物;商品,(1)goods只有复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词也要用复数。 (2)goods可以与t

15、hese,many,few等连用,但不与数词连用。若要表示“几件货”,可借用piece。,26.representative n. adj. represent v. 27.settlement n. v.解决;安定 28.motivation n.,代表;典型人物,典型的;有代表性的,代表,定居;解决,settle,动机,1. 拿起;接受;开始从事;继续 Peter will take up his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month. 彼得将于下个月底就任旅行社负责人的职位。(2015陕西) 2. 立刻 at no time 3. (困境后)恢复;完全复原,2,take up,in no time,决不,be back on ones feet,4. 看不见 sight of.瞥见 失明 the sight of一看见 5. 打扫;横扫 6. (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进,lose sight of.,catch,lose ones sight,at,sweep up,slide into,7. 加速 (1) down 减速 a speed


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