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1、,Recently, the documentary “A Bite of China“ which takes the fine foods as the theme has beaten many TV series, becoming extremely popular on the microblog and turning into the hottest topic. Chinese people are proud of the profound food culture of China, and some even praise the documentary by sayi

2、ng that “it is a best patriotic video.“ 最近,这部纪录片“舌尖上的中国“以优良的食物为主题击败了许多电视连续剧,成为微博上最热门的话题,变得非常流行的。中国人为之自豪的深刻的饮食文化,一些人甚至称赞这部纪录片说,“这是一个最好的爱国影片”。,Recently, the documentary “A Bite of China“ which takes the fine foods as the theme has beaten many TV series, becoming extremely popular on the microblog and

3、turning into the hottest topic. Chinese people are proud of the profound food culture of China, and some even praise the documentary by saying that “it is a best patriotic video.“ 最近,这部纪录片“舌尖上的中国“以优良的食物为主题击败了许多电视连续剧,成为微博上最热门的话题,变得非常流行的。中国人为之自豪的深刻的饮食文化,一些人甚至称赞这部纪录片说,“这是一个最好的爱国影片”。,Helmed by award-win

4、ning documentary maker Chen Xiaoqing, A Bite of China is filled with mouthwatering images of food ranging from haute cuisine to local delicacies, the documentary captures the beautiful and refined process of food-making. The program is sure to attract both food buffs and ordinary audiences. 舌尖上的中国由曾

5、拿过大奖的纪录片制作人陈晓卿执导,从珍馐佳肴到地方小吃,用影像为观众呈现出各种令人垂涎欲滴的食物,同时该纪录片也用镜头记录下各种菜肴精致悦目的制作过程,理所当然地会吸引美食家以及普通观众的关注。,A Bite of China captures social transformations while presenting food cultures, such as showing the dispersion of extended families that leave the elderly in their hometowns while other members work out

6、side - cases in which food serves as reminders of happy times and centerpieces of reunions. 舌尖上的中国在展现美食文化的同时,也捕捉到了社会的变革,例如大家庭中成员分散在各处,大家都在外工作,留下空巢老人在家乡生活。这种情况下,美食可以提醒人们去追忆美好时光,也成为家庭团聚时的餐桌佳品。,豆腐脑:tofu curd,干炒牛河:stir-fried rice noodles with beef,烤羊排:baked lamp chop,腊汁肉夹馍:Chinese hamburger,兰州拉面:Lanzhou

7、 hand-pulled noodles,绍兴醉鸡:Shouxing chicken in wine,酸菜鱼:boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili,腌笃鲜:bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork,扁豆焖面:braised noodles with lentil 端午粽子:zongzi,烤松茸:roasted matsutake 蒙古奶茶:Mongolia milky tea,酸菜饺子:dumpling of pickled Chinese cabbage 鲜虾云吞面:won to

8、n noodle with shrimps,羊肉泡馍:pita bread soaked in lamb soup 鱼头泡饼: bread soaked in fish head soup,岐山臊子面:Qishan minced noodles 酸菜白肉:pickled Chinese cabbage with plain boiled pork,Beijing: Peking roast duck 北京:烤鸭 The cuisine: Generations of emperors and blue-blooded residents have set the standard for hi

9、gh-end Chinese cuisine. The city is famous for imperial cuisine, which uses only premium quality ingredients and is cooked with complex techniques. 烹饪风格:历代皇帝和贵族早已为高端的中式烹饪设定了标准。北京这座城市因其皇家菜肴闻名遐迩,这种菜肴仅选用上等食材佐料,并运用复杂的技巧烹饪而成。 The dish: A perfect kaoya is roasted to a reddish color; its skin remains crisp

10、y and the meat oozes a fruity flavor. 菜肴:最棒的烤鸭烤至淡红色,表皮酥脆,鸭肉口感圆润。,Qinghai province: hand-grabbed lamb 青海省:手抓羊肉 The cuisine: Qinghais vast expanse of grassland produces some of the countrys finest mutton and beef. While cooking, locals combine spice with twists of sweetness. 烹饪风格:青海辽阔的草原培育出了全国最上等的牛羊肉。

11、当地人喜爱将香料加一丝甜味来做这道菜。 The dish: As a province with a large Islamic population, Qinghai contains a great variety of halal food. 菜肴:青海省的居民大都信仰伊斯兰教,因此当地有大量的清真食品。,Sichuan province: mapo doufu 四川省:麻婆豆腐 The cuisine: Sichuan is one of the most influential regional cuisines in todays China. 烹饪风格:现如今,川菜是中国最具有影

12、响力的地方菜色之一。 The dish: Mapo doufu is named after its creator, a freckle-face woman from Chengdu who lived during the Qing Dynasty. No Sichuan meal is complete without it. The tofu is tender, the minced beef crispy, the scallions fresh. The sauce hits its numb and spicy notes with aplomb. 菜肴:麻婆豆腐是由这道菜的

13、发起人一个满脸雀斑的女人而命名的。她来自成都,居住在清朝时期。没有麻婆豆腐川菜就不完整。嫩豆腐,碎牛肉和鲜葱是这道菜的主要材料。其调料巧妙地实现了”麻“和”辣“的平衡。,Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region: big plate chicken 新疆维吾尔族自治区:大盘鸡 The cuisine: Uygur people like to show their hospitality by treating guests to heavy sauces on top of hearty meat dishes served on gigantic plates. 烹

14、饪风格:维吾尔族人喜欢展现他们的热情好客,因此会将分量十足的鲜肉淋上丰富的佐料,然后放在一个巨大盘子里来招待客人。 The dish: Da pan ji features big chunks of chicken and potatoes cooked in a beer-based sauce and garnished with colorful bell peppers. 菜肴:大片鸡块,由啤酒佐料拌煮的土豆,再装饰上色泽鲜艳的甜椒,别提多美味了!,Yunnan province: over-the-bridge rice noodles 云南省:过桥米线 The cuisine:

15、Yunnan cuisine is heavily influenced by Sichuan, meaning locals have a yen for spicy food. 烹饪风格:受到川菜的影响,当地人也非常喜爱吃辣味。 The dish: Allegedly invented by a virtuous wife who wanted to keep her soup noodles fresh and hot for her hard-studying husband, this Yunnan specialty is nutritious and often beautifu

16、lly presented. The dish normally comes with a bowl of rice noodles, a bowl of stock and more than a dozen of small plates piled with toppings, such as beef, crab meat, salted goose, oyster mushrooms, wooden-ear mushrooms, assorted vegetables and fragrant herbs. 菜肴:据称,这道菜是由当地一位非常贤惠的妻子制成,由于她的丈夫在外努力工作,因此她用了特别的方式使面条长久保鲜保热。这道云南特色菜营养丰富,呈现方式也非常新颖。一般来说,这道菜配备有一碗米线,一碗高汤和几打装有各种配料的小盘子,例如牛肉,蟹肉,盐水鸭,牡蛎,木耳,然后辅以蔬菜和香草制成,Chongqing: chili-fried chicken cubes 重庆:辣子鸡 The cuisine: Even compared w


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