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1、送饭的(共2替代)、女囚1(女共1代替)。)共8人。江姐剧本 Act 1:in Yang Ersaos tea house坏人1: I was informed that there will be trucks of munitions passing here this afternoon. For security reasons, the road was cut off. Well, its a chance for me to show myself to the senior officer.(江姐、女共、共1、共2上,正要过桥,被拦下)坏1:站住,这条路戒严了。回去。 Stop

2、! The road is closed! Go back!共1:But we坏人1:shut up! No change江姐:那我们就在这歇会吧 (给共1使眼色,点头) well, lets have a rest in this tea house (此时军车过路)坏1:来了,来了,军车来了,得去帮忙。 Here comes the trucks, I have to give a hand.女共1:(拉杨二嫂到一旁去)二嫂,我们是游击队,我们今天要借你这个地方,帮下忙吧 Er sao, actually we are guerillas. Would you mind if we use

3、 your tea house today?杨二:没问题 (离开)do as you like!共1:大伙准备战斗 (众人纷纷拿出藏着口袋,篮子,柴火堆里的武器) Everybody, prepare for fighting!江姐:等一等,这里离城很近,我们要争取一枪不放。我俩来对付,你两隐蔽。 Wait, its too near to the town, we cant shoot here ! We two will handle it, you hide right now.坏军官上:Guard the trucks carefully. Ill be back soon!(边走边擦

4、汗)哎呀,这火辣辣的太阳当头照。上杯茶!Gosh! What a fucking hot day! A cup of Tea!女共1:yes, sir.坏军官:(将毛巾扔向桌子,拿蒲扇,看到了江姐)戒严了,离开这里! Hey you, The road is cut off, go away right now!(江姐喝茶,稍顿说)江姐:要是不走呢?Well, what can you do if I stick here?军官:(拍桌子)不走就要了你的命。(掏枪对向江姐。) kill you!(共1、共2悄悄从后面围上来。女共1上前。)女共1:先生,你的茶。Sir,your tea!(军官回

5、头,被泼至脸上。共1、共2围上来掏出枪抵着军官)军官:你们敢吗,往这开枪呀,这四周围课都是我们的人 Dare you to shoot? All around are our soldiers!共2:(掏出一把刀子抵在坏军官脖子上)what about this one? Tell us, what are you doing here?军官:(坏军官害怕了)好好好,我说,我来押送军火 Yeah yeah yeah, I confess. I send the munitions, three trucks.江姐:按第二方案进行,记着,千万不要开枪! Taking the plan 2 .re

6、meber, no fire!(共1下)江姐:给你的人喊话,让他们下车到小树林集合。 Tell your men to get off and gather in the grove.共2:快!Move!军官:李副官,你们都下车到小树林集合 Aide Lee, you all get off and gather in the grove!回应:Yes,sir(由坏人1代替回答)(共2押着军官到一旁。)共1上:江姐,全部缴械 Jiang jie, all captured!江姐:好 good (此刻突然坏军官逃跑,枪声响起。二嫂听到枪声赶上来)共2:不好了,江姐,他跑了。我们得快转移,并把车开

7、走damn it, he fled. We must leave here with the trucks quickly.江姐:嗯。(示意行动。转身对杨二嫂说)多谢二嫂,你也要迅速转移,这里不安全。Quite Right! Move! Er sao, It's not safe here, youd better leave, too.杨二:哼!怕啥子的,不怕鬼来不怕难,受苦人一定会翻身 Dont worry! I do not fear those devils! (江姐和杨二握手道别后和众人离去) (二嫂收拾桌子,准备离开。坏军官和坏人1上)坏人1:(用枪抵着杨二嫂)说!先前那些

8、人呢? Where are those guerillas?二嫂:是有人在我这里喝茶 There was someone drinking tea just now.坏军官:她妈的,你跟他们就是一伙的,带走 Damn, you must gang up with them ! take her away!(二嫂被抓。)Act 2: in the secret contact station.Jiang jie was informed of the trouble in Chongqing. Miss Song Mingxia was arrested, it is said that the

9、re were traitors in the party.共1:来的时候有几个行迹可疑的人,就没让老肖上来There are several strange followers when I came here, so I didnt let Mr. Xiao go with me.江姐:你做的对,这个联络站不能用了。你先送老肖同志上山。我和小华马上就来。Well-done. This contact station can not be used any more. You send Mr Xiao to the mountain first. Xiao hua and I would f

10、ollow you soon.(共1离去后,江姐把暗号撤掉,和女共1开始收拾文件,并将其烧掉。)甫:you hide near to the station, and catch them alive.坏人1:Yes, sir.(隐藏起来)(正待江姐和女共1要离去时,在门口遇见甫志高。)甫:江姐,找你好久啊。我给你们送电台来了,还有一台发电机AhJiang jie, here you are. I come to send you the radio and a generator.(江姐暗示他不要多说,甫四处看看,三人进门)江姐:甫志高,你怎么找到这来了?不是派宋明霞来的吗? Fu Zhig

11、ao, why are you here? Where is Song Mingxia?甫:哎,她病了。这地方是老徐同志亲口告诉我的 She is badly ill, Lao Xu told me this place.江姐:奥。小华,给甫同志做饭去。(女共1出) OKXiao Hua, offer some food for Mr. Fu.江姐:(递茶给甫志高,寻思)这地点老徐本不知道。宋明霞分明已经遭逮捕,他却说身染重病。看来,他就是那条毒蛇。(在房内踱步,发现外面有人)屋内有豺狼屋外有毒蛇,真急人。得拖住他。Lao xu couldnt have known this place. S

12、ong Mingxia was arrested, but Fu said she was ill, which means - He is the big devil! And there is a stranger pacing outside. I should be careful!甫:她神色安稳难捉摸。应该先把她当鱼饵,再把其他人捉。 why is she so calm? Strange I should take her as bait first.(共1出现在门外)共1:江姐到底是走没走?不行,得进去看看。Is Jiangjie still there? I have to c

13、heck.(男共1突然被一敌人(坏人1)拦住, 女共1此时冲进)女共1:江姐,我们被包围了 Jiang jie, we are surrounded!江姐:(怒!)甫志高,你这叛徒(一巴掌煽过去) you, the traitor!甫:(捂脸,指着江姐)江雪琴,你(掏枪指着江姐) Jiang Xueqin, you son of a b.(女共1护在江姐身前)江姐:(此刻窗外共1与一敌人(坏人1)搏斗,朝共1喊道)快走!Go!女共1:快走 Hurry up(朝敌人开枪,共1逃走,女共1被甫志高打掉枪)江姐:小华小华!(敌人从门进来,江姐瞪向甫志高,被捕)第三幕 江姐被捕 牢狱中In the J

14、ail杨nemies are fleeing, the daybreak is coming and KMT(Kuomintang) is collapsing.江姐:毒蛇临死前还会咬人一口。胜利就在眼前,斗争会更加残酷的 Vipers will certainly strike their final struggle. The closer we reach our victory, the fiercer the battle will be.(江姐讲话时送饭的进入,把饭桶放在地上就走,女囚1在桶内找到一张纸条)女囚1:江姐,信 Jiangjie, your letter.(背景音乐起,要解放军一到,各牢房齐动手,里应外合,砸碎这中美合作所。Comrades, our branch has got in touch with the general party branch and our plan meets with their approval. As soon as PLA arrives, each cell should work together with them. Lets break this earthly hell from within and without(众人激动):Fine!江姐:同志们,还有


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