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1、1,Systematic Anatomy,李文春 教授 Department of Anatomy Hubei University of Medicine 医学生学习网课件组 http:/,2,【目的和要求】,绪 论 1掌握系统解剖学的定义,人体的标准姿势、方位术语、轴和面。 2熟悉人体的分部和器官系统。 3了解系统解剖学的任务、分科及发展简史。 骨 学 1掌握骨的分类;椎骨的一般形态;胸骨的分部及重要标志。 2熟悉骨的构造;各部椎骨的主要特征;肋的组成、形态结构。 3了解骨的化学成分和物理性质,骨的发生和发育,骨的可塑性。,3,人体解剖学教研室基本情况,硕士点立项建设学科 省级重点学科 省

2、级精品课程 湖北省“楚天学者计划”设岗学科,项仕孝教授,4,Introduction,一、Concept and division Human Anatomy is the science which deals with the morphology and structure of the human body. For medical students, human anatomy is the basic course of preclinical and clinical curriculum.,krikjulm,5,台湾学生用书,6,台湾的解剖教学,7,澳大利亚悉尼大学的解剖教学,

3、8,澳大利亚悉尼大学的解剖教学,9,本校虚拟解剖实验室,10,解剖学与疾病的诊断和治疗,颅内动脉瘤,电解式可脱性弹簧圈栓塞治疗动脉瘤,全脑数字减影动脉造影,11,解剖学相关产品的开发,12,世界上首颗人造心脏照片曝光 1969年曾跳动三天,13,用天然平台制造人工心脏取得成功,美国科学家近日利用全器官脱细胞化(whole organ decellularization)方法,在实验室中制成了大鼠和猪的人工心脏。这一成果有望为人类人工心脏制备提供新的方法。相关论文1月13日在线发表于自然医学(Nature Medicine)上。,14,systematic anatomy macroanatom

4、y 巨视解剖 regional anatomy histology microanatomy cytology 微视解剖 embryology surgical anatomy surface anatomy X-ray anatomy sectional anatomy locomotive anatomy,Human anatomy division,mkruntmi,maikruntmi,15,二、人体解剖学发展简史(自学) 三、我国人体解剖学的发展历程(自学),16,研究显示爱情有助于缓解疼痛,疼痛实验 研究人员在美国斯坦福大学招募15名本科生,让他们手握一个物体,这一物体在电脑控制下

5、会慢慢加温,温度会使受试者感到轻微疼痛。 与此同时,受试者分别观看自己热恋对象和一名熟人的照片。研究人员对受试者的大脑进行功能性核磁共振(fMRI)扫描,记录大脑活动。 实验结果显示,爱情的方法可缓解疼痛。 “爱情止痛药”作用于大脑的奖励中心,刺激大脑深部组织,抑制疼痛感。,17,中美学者研究发现:钱可减轻生理疼痛,根据中美两国心理学者进行的一项研究,触摸或者仅仅凝视钱能够减轻生理疼痛和社会排斥造成的压力。但是一个人回忆花掉的钱却能够增加这两种痛苦。 据自然杂志在线新闻报道,这一发现表明,仅是想到自己有钱便能够让人们在生理上感到更强壮,并较少依赖其他人的赞赏来满足自身的需求。研究人员指出:“金

6、钱激活了普通意义上的信心、力量和效益。”,18,四、The parts and systems of the body,.The human body is divided into ten parts. the head the neck the thorax the back the abdomen the pelvis and perineum the upper limbs the lower limbs,:rks ,perini:m ,19,Locomotor system 运动系统 Alimentary (Digestive) system 消化系统 Respiratory sys

7、tem 呼吸系统 Urinary system 泌尿系统 Reproductive system 生殖系统 Endocrine system 内分泌系统 Circulatory system 脉管系统 Sense organs 感觉器 Nervous system 神经系统,. There are nine systems in human body,limentri,20,五、The anatomical position, terms of direction, axis and planes,. Anatomical position 解剖学姿势 Human body is suppos

8、ed to be in the erect posture, with the face and toes forward, the arms hanging by the sides and the palms of the hands directed forward, the heels near to each other.,hi:lz,ntmikl,尸体摆标准姿势,21,.The terms of direction Superior and inferior Anterior and posterior (ventral) and ( dorsal) Medial and late

9、ral Internal and external Superficial and profound Proximal近 and distal远 Ulnar 尺and radial桡 Tibial胫 and fibular 腓,22, .The axis and planes vertical axis axis sagittal axis frontal axis sagittal plane planes frontal plane horizontal plane,vertical,sagittal,frontal,hrizntl,23,六、人体解剖学的学习方法,(1)勤于思考,善于联系

10、,发现规律。 (2)形态与功能结合。 (3)局部与整体结合。 (4)理论与实际结合。,授课形式:理论1.5实验3.0,实验课穿白大衣,人体解剖学实验教程思考题,24,爱护尸体,25,运 动 系 统 Locomotor system,26,The locomotor system consists of bones, joints and muscles,origin,belly,tendon,insertion,27,Chapter 1 Osteology 骨学,206 According to the location of the bones, it can be divided into

11、 skull , bones of trunk, bones of limbs. The former two form the axial bone.,Section 1 The general description,stildi ,28,一、The shape and classification of the bones,long bone 长骨 short bone 短骨 flat bone 扁骨 irregular bone 不规则骨,irejul ,29,1. long bones are found in limbs , it consists of a body and tw

12、o ends.,Medullary cavity,Epiphysis,Epiphysial cartilage,Body,Epiphysis,30,2. Short bones The short bones distribute in wrist and foot.,31,3. Flat bones They distribute in skull and chest.,skull,chest,32,4. Irregular bones The irregular bones are varied in shape, such as cranial bones and vertebrae.,

13、sinus,vertebrae,33,The living bones consist of bony substance 骨质, periosteum 骨膜 and bone marrow 骨髓.,Periosteum,Bony substance,Bone marrow,二、The structure of bones,peristim ,34,1.Bony substance (1) Compact bone:坚实致密,配布于骨表面。,(2) Spongy bone:呈海绵状,配布于骨的内 部,由骨小梁组成。,35,2. Periosteum It covers the surface

14、of the bone (except the articular part) , it consists of two layers : an outer and an inner membrane.,Periosteum,骨膜剥离太多骨折难以愈合 增高术,:tikjul ,36,3. Bone marrow Bone marrow is found in the medullary cavities of long bones and within spaces in spongy bone. There are two kinds of bone marrow, red and yell

15、ow .,Red marrow,Yellow marrow,骨髓穿刺部位?,37,世界首例3D打印下颌移植手术,技术人员可根据移植患者的具体需求来设计骨骼部件的效果图,然后利用高精度的镭射枪来熔解钛粉,并将它们一层层地喷涂叠加起来,最终形成一个立体的人造骨骼部件成品。,通过3D立体打印技术制作人造骨骼对于医疗移植技术的未来发展来说是至关重要的,因为它可以贴合各种需求制作出复杂精细的骨骼或软组织构造,提高移植手术的速度和成功率。,38,三、The chemical composition and physical properties of bone,organic,inorganic,Livi

16、ng bones are plastic tissues with organic and inorganic.,n:nik ,39,Section 2 The axial bone 中轴骨,一、The bones of trunk 躯干骨,The bones of trunk include the vertebrae, the sternum and the ribs, which provide framework 支架 for the vertebral column脊柱, the thoracic cage胸廓and the pelvis骨盆.,(:) rsik,40,(一)The vertebra


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