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1、 abdomin/o-腹 abdomen,belly,stomach abdominal 腹部的 bdmn()l abdominalgia 腹痛 abdominoscopy 腹腔镜检查(法) lapar/o-腹 laparotome 剖腹刀 laparotomy 剖腹术 ,lprtm laparoscope 腹腔镜 lpruskup laparoscopy 腹腔镜检查 lprskpi Abdominoscopy - your doctor views your abdominal cavity by making tiny incisions in your abdomen bdumen; b

2、dmen and inserting a fiber-optic纤维光学tube with a small camera lens., aden/o-腺,腺体 adenine 腺嘌呤 adenyl 腺嘌呤基 adenosine 腺(嘌呤核)苷 adenous 腺的 adenitis 腺炎 adenocyte 腺细胞 adenoblast 成腺细胞 adenoma 腺瘤 adenofibroma 腺纤维瘤 adenocarcinoma 腺癌 adenovirus 腺病毒 adenology 腺学 adenomegaly 腺肿大 adenectomy 腺切除术 adenomalacia 腺软化 a

3、denosclerosis 腺硬化 adenoid, adeniform 腺样的 adenosis, adenopathy 腺病 adenalgia, adenodynia, adip/o-脂肪 fat adipectomy 脂肪切除术 adiponecrosis 脂肪坏死 ,dipunikrusis lip/o-脂肪,脂质;肥胖 lipid 脂质;油脂 lipoma脂肪瘤 lipoprotein脂蛋白 VLDL, LDL, HDL lipemia脂血症 lipi:mi hyperlipemia 高脂血(病) hypolipemia 低脂血 hyperlipoproteinemia 高脂蛋白血

4、症 hypolipoproteinemia 低脂蛋白血症 lipotrophy脂肪增多(-trophy营养) ,liputrufi, adren/o-肾上腺 adrenal gland adrenal 肾上腺的;肾上腺 dri:nl adrenalectomy 肾上腺切除术 adrenitis, adrenalitis 肾上腺炎 adrenopathy,adrenalopathy 肾上腺病 adrenalotropic 促肾上腺的 adrenocortical 肾上腺皮质的 adrenaline, Adr 肾上腺素 drenlin adrenalinemia 肾上腺素血症 adrenalino

5、genesis 肾上腺素生成 adrenalinuria 肾上腺素尿 noradrenaline, NA 去甲肾上腺素 ,nrdren()ln,adrenoceptor 肾上腺受体 Adrenoceptor agonists adrenomimetics 拟肾上腺素药 Adrenoceptor antagonists Adrenoceptor agonists (and antagonists) are classified into three types: - adrenoceptor agonists (and antagonists), ,- agonists (and antagon

6、ists) and -agonists (and antagonists). The -antagonists have widespread and important uses in the management of cardiac arrhythmias心律失常, angina ndan pectoris心绞痛, and hypertension. Happiness is connected to two key mood regulators that our brains produce serotonin ,sertnn血清素,5-羟色胺(血管收缩素) and noradren

7、aline., angi/o-管,血管 blood vessel angiocardiopathy 心血管病 angioma 血管瘤 ,ndm angioblast 成血管细胞 ndiubl:st; -blst angiomyoma血管肌瘤 angioneuroma血管神经瘤 angiomyoneuroma 血管肌神经瘤 angiotensin 血管紧张肽 ACEI angiodynia, angioalgia, angiosclerosis angiopathy, angioplasty, angiostenosis angiostomy, angiotomy, angiopoiesis a

8、ngioedema, angiogenesis angioneuralgia angioneuropathy, vas/o-管, 血管 vasoconstriction 血管收缩 vasodilation 血管舒张 vasodilator血管舒张的(药) vasomotion 血管舒缩 vasomotor 血管舒缩的(药) vezmt vasography 血管造影术 vasospasm 血管痉挛 vez,spz()m vasotonia, angiotonia 血管紧张 vasoneuropathy,vasoneurosis 血管神经病 vasoinhibitor 血管抑制药 cardiov

9、ascular 心血管的 ,kdvskjl cerebrovascular 脑血管的 ,serbr()vskjl, arteri/o- 动脉 artery tr arterial 动脉的 trl arteriostenosis 动脉狭窄 arteriodilating 动脉扩张的 arteriorhexis 动脉破裂 arteriopathy 动脉病 arteriolith 动脉石 arteriorrhaphy 动脉缝术 arteriorenal 肾动脉的 arteriogenesis 动脉形成 arteralgia, arteritis, arter(i)ectomy, arteriotom

10、y arteriology, arteriosclerosis, arterioplasty arterionecrosis, arteriospasm aorta 主动脉 et, arteriol/o 小动脉 small artery arteriole 小动脉 arteriolosclerosis 小动脉硬化 arteriolonecrosis, arteriolitis coronar/o-冠状,冠状动脉 coronary kr()n()r artery coronarospasm 冠状动脉痉挛 percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) coron

11、aritis capillari-,capillo-毛细管,毛细血管 blood capillary kpilri capillarimeter毛细管计 (-meter计量仪) arteriocapillary 动脉毛细血管的 precapillary 前毛细血管 postcapillary 后毛细血管 capillaritis capillaropathy, andr/o-雄 estr/o- 雌 androgen雄(性)激素(-gen致物) ndrd()n male hormone - testosterone teststrun睾酮 estrogen 雌(性)激素estrdn female

12、 hormone estradiol 雌二醇 ,estrdail estriol 雌三醇 e:stril estrone 雌酮 estrun Natural estrogens include estradiol, estriol and estrone. The estradiol produces the most actively biological function, subsequent is estriol, and the last is estrone. The effects of estrogens are mediated by estrogen receptor.,

13、arthro-,arthr-关节 joint arthropyosis关节化脓 arthrocele 关节肿大 osteoarthritis骨关节炎 rheumatic rmtk arthritis风湿性关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis,RA 类风湿性关节炎 Rheumatoid arthritis is autoimmune diseases. Patients with RA have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. arthralgia,arthrodynia arthropathy,arthrosis arti

14、cul-关节 articular tkjl, arthral关节的 articular cavity 关节腔 articular cartilage 关节软骨, ather/o 粥样沉积, 动脉粥样化 atherogenesis 动脉粥样化形成 atherogenic 致动脉粥样化的 atherosclerosis, AS 动脉粥样硬化 coronary atherosclerosis aorta atherosclerosis carotid atherosclerosis krtd n. 颈动脉 adj. 颈动脉的 femoral atherosclerosis fmrl adj. 股骨的

15、;大腿的;大腿骨的 antiatherosclerosis 抗动脉粥样硬化 antiatherosclerosis factor HDL Lack of physical activity may increase LDL, or bad cholesterol, and decrease HDL, or good cholesterol., bacteri/o- 细菌 bacterium (pl) bacteria bacteriostat 抑菌剂 bktiriu,stt bacteriostasis 抑菌作用 bktiristeisis bacteriostatic 抑菌的 bk,tiriusttik bactericide 杀菌剂 bktirisaid bactericidal 杀菌的 bk,tirisaidl bacteriemia 菌血症 bktrm


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