英语外研版选修7 Module 3 Literature--Writing课件(外研版选修7Module3)

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1、Module 3,Literature,Writing,Learning to learn When you read a story that interests you very much, try to summarize it in your own language. Trying to use what you have learnt is the most efficient way of learning.,5 minutes task: Write a short description of one of these characters above, including

2、family, situation in life and personality.,1.Pip 2. Miss Havisham 3. Estella 4.Abel Magwitch,Characters in Great Expectations,Model answers,Estella: As a girl Estella was cruel and cold. She makes fun of Pip because he is poor. But when she marries a rich man who mistreats her, she learns that money

3、 isnt everything and in the end she changes and marries Pip. Abel Magwitch: Magwitch is a convict, but even through he is a criminal he recognizes Pips kindness to him, and when he has made some money in Australia, he repays Pip by sending him money secretly.,10 minutes task: Read the last two parag

4、raphs of the story. Discuss in groups. Rewrite the last two paragraphs and give the story a different ending.,One possible version Some years later, Abel Magwitch returned to England, But he used another name, calling himself John Smith. By now he was a rich man. He is looking for Pip, but meanwhile

5、 Pip has already left England to have a successful career abroad. We learn that he meets Estella. Sadly, her husband has just died. She falls in love with Magwitch and they get married. Some months later, Pip returns as a rich man.,He goes looking for Estella because he still loves her, but she find

6、s out that she is happily married to Magwitch. Magwitch cant tell Pip who he is, or about the money he used to send him. He is very sorry about this, but he cant risk the police finding out who he is . Pip sadly leaves England forever and goes to work in Australia, helping convicts to lead better lives. He never marries.,


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