英语外研版选修6 Module 3 Cultural Corner

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1、Cultural Corner,Read the passage and answer the questions.,Answer: It is a website where you can find old friends. You type in the name of their old school, college, sports team or neighborhood and try to find them.,What is Friends reunited? How do you use it?,2. Are there any similar websites in Ch

2、ina? If not, do you think a website like Friends reunited would be successful? Say why or why not? Answer: students own answers.,Further reading : 1.What kind of website is Friends Reunited? 2.Why was it set up and how did it develop? 3.How can we find our old friends by using this website? 4.How di

3、d the writer show us that the website was very helpful?,Careful-reading,Read the passage again and try to summarize each paragraph.(6 minutes),Para 1: What is friends reunited ?,Para 2. Steve and Jason Porter founded the website, and it become a big success.,Para 3. How to use Friends Reunited,Para 4. Explain that many people have benefited from the website.,


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