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1、Collage of Software Beihang University,Contact Us http:/ Email : ,Scientific Paper Writing Lecture 1,Mar 12, 2016,How much do you know about academic writing? Find out by doing this fun quiz. 1. The main difference between academic writing and normal writing is that academic writing: (a) uses longer

2、 words (b) tries to be precise and unbiased (c) is harder to understand,Academic Writing Quiz,1,2 The difference between a project and an essay is: (a) essays are longer (b) projects are longer (c) students choose projects topics 3 Teachers complain most about students: (a) not answering the questio

3、n given (b) not writing enough (c) not referencing properly,4 The best time to write an introduction is often: (a) rst (b) last (c) after writing the main body 5 Plagiarism is: a dangerous disease an academic offence (c) an academic website,6 Making careful notes is essential for: (a) writing essays

4、 (b) revising for exams (c) all academic work 7 An in-text citation looks like: (a) (Manton, 2008) (b) (Richard Manton, 2008) (c) (Manton, R. 2008),8 Paraphrasing a text means: (a) making it shorter (b) changing a lot of the vocabulary (c) adding more detail 9 Paragraphs always contain: (a) six or m

5、ore sentences (b) an example (c) a topic sentence,10 The purpose of an introduction is: (a) to give your aims and methods (b) to excite the reader (c) to summarise your ideas 11 Proofreading means: (a) getting a friend to check your work (b) checking for minor errors (c) Rewriting,12 Teachers expect

6、 students to adopt a critical approach to their sources: sometimes only for Masters work always,Academic writing Translation strategies,Course Content,Unit 1: The Writing Foundations Unit 2: Writing Stages Unit 3: Elements of Writing I Unit 4: Elements of Writing II Unit 5: Writing Models,Attendance

7、 (20%) Class performance (20%) Final paper (60%) Topic: major/work-related Form: a survey report with no less than 1500 words,Assessment,Writing Foundations,Topic 1: Background to Writing Topic 2: Avoiding Plagiarism Topic 3: Summarising and Paraphrasing,Topic 1: Background to Writing,The purpose of

8、 academic writing, to answer a question the writer has been given or chosen to report a piece of research the writer has conducted to synthesize research done by others on a topic,Common types of academic writing,A piece of research, either individual or group work, with the topic chosen by the stud

9、ent(s).,The longest piece of writing normally done by a student (20,000+ words) often for a higher degree, on a topic chosen by the student.,A general term for any academic essay, report or article.,A study of something that has happened (e.g. a survey a student has conducted).,The most common type

10、of written work, with the title given by the teacher, normally 1,0005,000 words.,A written record of the main points of a text or lecture, for a students personal use.,Short essays,Introduction,Main Body,Conclusion,The format of long and short writing tasks,Longer essays,Introduction,Main Body,Concl

11、usion,Literature review,Case studies,Discussion,References,Appendices,Dissertations and journal articles,Abstract List of contents List of tables Introduction Main body Literature review Case study Findings Discussion,Conclusion Acknowledgements References Appendices,Find the words in the lists abov

12、e that match the following definitions: A short summary of 100-200 words which explains the papers purpose and main findings. A list of all the sources the writer has mentioned in the text. A section, at the end, where additional information is included.,abstract,references,appendix,A short section

13、where people who have helped the writer are thanked. Part of the main body in which the views of other writers on the topic are discussed. A section where one particular example is described in detail.,literature review,acknowledgements,case study,The format of academic writing,Read the text below a

14、nd identify the features underlined, using the words in the box.,sentence heading sub-title paragraph title phrase,(a) The Effectiveness of Microcredit (b) An evaluation of programs in India and the Philippines (c) Introduction,title,sub-title,heading,In the last ten years, considerable claims have

15、been made about the value of microcredit (also known as microfinance), the provision of unsecured small loans to the poor in developing countries. But it has proved surprisingly difficult to accurately measure the effectiveness of these loans, without interference from other non-commercial factors.,

16、phrase,sentence,Two recent studies have attempted to compare the effects on randomly chosen groups of people with access to microcredit, compared to those without. The first (Bannerjee et al., 2009), based at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), looked at slumdwellers in the city of Hyderabad in India, while the second (Karlan and Zinman, 2009) compared borrowers and non-borrowers in the Philippines. Overall, nei


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