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1、 精锐教育学科教师辅导教案学员编号: 年 级:初升高 课 时 数: 学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:授课类型C高一上重点词汇预习星 级教学目标1、 掌握高一上重点单词的用法;2、 学会简单记忆单词的技巧。C专题-高一上重点词汇预习(建议2-5分钟)批注:相信你对照片上这个漂亮的MM很熟悉吧,没错,她就是奶茶MM章泽天,人家现在可是中国最高学府清华大学的学生哦!今天我们先来看看她学习过的校园南京外国语学校吧。说起南外你肯定一脸的艳慕吧!上次课我们介绍了一所著名的英国中学,今天我们就来了解一下我们南京最优秀的中学吧。看看他们的生活和学习和英国的学生是否一样呢?(建议20-25分钟) 1. e

2、xperiencen. (1) C 经历something that happens to you or something you do, especially when this has an effect on what you feel or think:1) This was my first experience of living abroad.这是我第一次在国外生活的经历。2) Failing an exam was a new experience for me.考试失败对我来说是全新的体验。3) Getting caught in the flood was quite a

3、n experience for me. 被洪水困住对我来说是一次特别的经历。 (2) U 经验 knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity, or the process of doing this:1) Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的老师。2) I have some first-hand experience in skiing. 我有滑雪的第一手经验。3) Nowadays people prefer to hire someone with work exper

4、ience. 当今人们喜好雇用一些有工作经验的人。v. (1) 经历,体验,遭受to have a particular situation affect you or happen to youEveryone experiences these problems at some time in their lives每个人在人生中的某些时刻都经历过这些问题。(2) 感受,体会,体验 to experience pain/pleasure/unhappiness 感受痛苦/愉快/不幸experienced adj. 有经验的an experienced teacheran experienc

5、ed reporterbe experienced at/in +名词/doing something 1) Jenny is experienced at teaching beginners. 珍妮在教初学者方面有经验。 2) Tom is experienced in dealing with difficult customers.汤姆在与难对付的客户打交道方面有经验。批注:experience这个单词可以分为两个部分来记:experi-(experiment初中学过);-ence(初中学过ence结尾的后缀),如:differentdifference,silentslence等,鼓

6、励学生多想,并总结形容词ent结尾变成名词ence结尾的词有哪些。记住这条规律。初中学习过的形容词变成名词还有那些规律?Experience动/名形容词(experiencedinexperienced) 即学即练。用experience的适当形式填空。He didnt get the job for lack of work _.Tom is an _ cook and cooks well.Thailand _ a period of economic growth in 2010.That was my first _ of living with other people.Keys:

7、experience, experienced, experienced, experience2. devotevt.(1) 致力于,献身to give most of your time, energy, attention, etc. to sb./sth. She devoted herself to her career.她全力倾注于自己的事业。 (2) 把用于 to give an amount of time, attention, etc. to sth. I could only devote two hours a day to work on the project.我一

8、天只能在这个项目上花两小时。devoted adj. 挚爱的,忠诚的,全心全意的They are devoted to their children.他们深爱着自己的孩子。a devoted son /friend / fan 孝子; 忠诚的朋友; 狂热的崇拜者devotion n.批注:初中学习过devote这个词及其用法,其名词形式devotion.让学生记住tion名词后缀,记住其读音,以后再背单词的时候可以根据读音记住这个组合。让学生回忆初中学习过tion结尾的名词。collectcollection, donatedonation, suggestsuggestion, educat

9、eeducation.即学即练。If you have a job, _ yourself to it and finally you will succeed.A. do devote B. dont devoteC. devoting D. not devotingKey: A3. average adj.(1) 平均的 the average rainfall平均降雨量 1) Tom is of average height. 汤姆是平均身高。 2) The average age of the students in this school here is 16. 该校学生的平均年龄是

10、16岁。 (2) 一般的,普通的(neither very good nor very bad) 1) She looks like an average teacher. 她看起来是一名普通的老师。 2) An average American eats more than 10 pounds of chocolate a year. 美国人平均每年吃掉10磅多的巧克力。 n. 平均,平均数” 1) The average of five and three is four. 5和3的平均数是4 2) Do you know how to work out an average? 你知道怎样

11、算平均数吗? 3) This years rainfall comes close to the average. 今年的降雨量接近平均水平。average的词组:* on (the) average 平均而言On (the) average, I receive 15 e-mails every day.* above (the) average / below (the) average高于/低于平均水平1) Her grades are above the average. 她的成绩高于平均分。2) The cost of living in this city is below the

12、 average. 这个城市的生活费用低于平均水平。批注:average这个单词可以分为两个部分来记。aver + age. aver与ever只有一个字母之差。即学即练。Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200,000, a(n) _ of 40,000 per year.A. average B. numberC. amount D. quantityKey: A. regret vt. 1) 懊悔,后悔 + n. / clause 2) 遗憾地说 / 告诉 + to

13、say / tell / informI regret his retirement. 我很遗憾他退休。We regret that you have to sell your house. 我们很遗憾你必须卖房子。regret to do 遗憾要做某事; regret doing 后悔做过某事I regret to tell you that I cannot help you. 我很遗憾地要告诉你我不能帮你的忙。 I regret not giving him any advice. 我后悔没有给他建议。 批注:这类词的用法在初中总结过,让学生在课上把自己记住的讲一遍,忘记的或者讲错的老师

14、纠正补充。We regret _ you that our library will be closed next Wednesday.A. informing B. to inform C. having informed D. to have informedI regret _ to come to your birthday party yesterday.A. to be unable B. not to be able C. being unable D. being not ableI deeply regret _ at the meeting.A. have spoken B. to speak C. having



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