七年级英语下册口头表达专练Unit7It’s rainingSectionA课件63

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《七年级英语下册口头表达专练Unit7It’s rainingSectionA课件63》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语下册口头表达专练Unit7It’s rainingSectionA课件63(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Its raining! Section A,你好,我是里克。 你好,里克,我是史蒂夫。 近来可好?,还好,谢谢。天气好极了,你在做什么? 我在公园里和一些朋友打篮球。,听起来好想你正玩得高兴哩。 是啊,你弟弟在家吗?,哦,他不在这儿。他在他的朋友家学习。 我可以给他捎个口信吗?,是的,你能不能叫他给我回个电话? 当然可以,没问题。,天气怎么样? 天气多云/ 晴朗 /天在下雨。,你在做什么? 我在做饭。,他们在做什么? 他们在公园里打篮球。,他在做什么? 他在他的朋友家正学习哩。,近况如何? 好极了/ 不错 / 糟糕透了。,Hello, Rick speaking. Hi, Ri

2、ck. Its Steve. Hows it going?,Not bad, thanks. The weathers great. What are you doing?,Im playing basketball with some friends at the park.,Sounds like youre having a good time. Yeah. Is your brother at home?,Oh, hes not here. Hes studying at his friends home. Can I take a message for him?,Yes. Coul

3、d you just tell him to call me back? Sure, no problem.,How is the weather? It is cloudy/sunny/raining.,What are you doing? Im cooking.,What are they doing? They are playing basketball in the park.,What is he doing now? He is studying at his friends home now.,How is it going? Great/Not bad/Terrible.,Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best.,再见,



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