湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学:unit 2 looking different topic 3(4) 导学案 (仁爱版七年级上)

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湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学:unit 2  looking different topic 3(4) 导学案 (仁爱版七年级上)_第1页
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湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学:unit 2  looking different topic 3(4) 导学案 (仁爱版七年级上)_第2页
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《湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学:unit 2 looking different topic 3(4) 导学案 (仁爱版七年级上)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖北省咸宁市嘉鱼县城北中学:unit 2 looking different topic 3(4) 导学案 (仁爱版七年级上)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Topic 3 Whose cap is this?Section D学习目标:1复习如何描述个人信息2复习物主代词 ,复习whose引导的特殊疑问句学习重点:help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事,学习难点:形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词自主预习找学生写形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词合作探究1.先给学生展示出关键词:find,help,us,him.读短文Part 2.2.根据课文完成下列Part 2的表格3.听录音,把物品与物主相匹配,完成3。4. 读4a和4b中的单词和句子。5. 小组讨论复习物主代词和名称所有格的用法6. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词大

2、小(长短)+颜色+器官 in +a (an)+颜色+衣服 in+颜色当堂检测1. Where is my pencil? I cant (不能) _(找到) it.2. W_ bag is this? Its his.3. This _(夹克衫) isnt mine. Its Peters.4. Is this _(your/yours) eraser?5. This is not _(their/theirs) school.6. _(Whos/Whose) desks are these?拓展提升1. Where are you f_? Canada.2. Do you know his

3、t_ number?Yes. 010-68132425.3. What c_ is her jacket? Its green.4. E_ me, are you a student? Yes, I am.课后检测( )1. _ jacket is this? I think its Mingmings.A. WhoB. WhosC. WhoseD. What( )2. What is _ name?A. his teachers B. her teachers C.his teachersD.her teachers( )3. Is it your dress? No. Its _.A. h

4、ersB. herC. myD. him( )4. What color is the T-shirt? Its _.A. an orangeB. orangeC. the orangeD. new( )5. The girl _ black is my sister.A. inB. atC. toD. from( )6. Do Lucy and Lily _ bikes?Yes. Lucy _ a new bike, but Lily _ an old one.A. has; has; haveB. have; has; hasC. have; has; haveD. has; have; has( )7. Is this Toms bike? _, I dont know.A. OKB. GoodC. YesD. Sorry( )8. Mary is in _ red clothes and her hair _ brown.A. /; isB. a; areC. an; isD. /; are( )9. You are nice in this dress. _A. Its right.B. No, it isnt.C. Thank you.D. OK.



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