unit 2 you’re sitting in my seat 学案(外研版九年级下)

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1、课题:M1u2 You re sitting in my seat 序号: 2 Teaching aims:1、知识目标:(1) 词汇:nod; towards; though; set off; dream about; look out of; in a loud voice; a number of;. (2) 句型:With tears in his eyes,Jin pushed Lin away. Write to us as soon as you get there,Ok? Though he was sitting,he looked very tall and strong

2、. 2、能力目标:能够从短文中获取有关交通旅行等方面的信息,培 养学生的实际运用能力和阅读技巧;能写一篇有关 旅行的文章,介绍自己的旅游经历。 3. 情感目标:学习旅游知识,掌握旅游知识。Teaching keys; (1)句型 Even if its only 10 minutes,you should move. Finally a man wearing glasses spoke in a loud voice.(2)语法:冠词,名词,数词的用法。Teaching difficulties:如何写有关旅行的文章 知识点拨-:一Key words:1. nod v. 点(头) (表示赞同

3、,同意或理解) (nod-nodded-nodded) eg. 1)She n_and smiled. 2) Chinese people often n_when they agree with someone. 3) I asked him is he would go with me ,and he n_.2. set off 动身,出发 (set-set-set) eg. 1) You should _ _ _ in order to avoid the heavy traffic.(你应该早点出发以避开交通拥堵) 2) He_and agreed_ _ _at 7. (他点点头,同意

4、七点出发) 3. towards prep (往,向,朝.方向) eg. 1) They saw her_ _the bank. (他们看见她正朝银行走去)。 2)The thief noticed two policemen coming t_ him, he was very frightened.4. though conj(虽然,尽管) 1)引导让步状语从句,可放在句首或句中,与although 用法 相同,注意不能与but连用,但可以与yet 或 still 连用。 eg. T_ he is a child, he knows a lot.(同义) He is a child,_he

5、 knows a lot. 2) though作副词,意为“然而,可是”,放在句末。 eg. He said he would come; he didnt , though. Its hard work.I enjoyed it though. 注:though可以用作副词,但although 不能,只能用作连词。 5. get off the bus/train/. 下公共汽车、火车. get on the bus/train/. 上公共汽车、火车. get into the car/ lift 上小汽车、电梯 get out of the car/lift 下小汽车、电梯 get int

6、o trouble 陷入困境、处于麻烦中 2 Key sentences : 1.Lin often dreamed about the train, 解析:dream about /of +n./doing做梦,梦见, 向往,梦想 dream( dreamed,dreamed; dreamt,dreamt) eg.1)He always _ his grandfather. (他总是梦到他的爷爷) 2)The girl dreams about _ a singer. A. becomeB. becoming C. to become 3)I_her last night. (昨天晚上我做梦

7、见到了她) 2.区别:in front of / in the front of 用在内部:_;用在外部:_ 1)There is a tree _ the house 2)The driver is sitting _ the bus.3. Lin nodded,unable to speak. (林点点头,说不出话来) 解析:unable to speak 是一个形容词短语,在句中作状语,说明点 头时的状态。“unable”表示“不能的,不会的”反义词是“able” be able to do sth表示“能做某事” Be unable to do 表示“不能做某事” eg. 1)Many

8、 passengers _ _ _reach the lifeboats.(许多游客无法够到救生艇) 2)I_ _ _ _when I was ten. (我十岁的时候会游泳)4. This was his first long trip by train at the star of his new life, leaving his village and his home for the last 16 years. (这是他第一次乘火车长途旅行,离开了他生活16年的村庄和家,开始踏上新生活之旅)结构分析:leaving his village and his home for the

9、last 16 years 为现 在分词短语做伴随状语,伴随状语特点是:它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的。 eg. 1)They went into the classroom, _(talk) and_ (laugh). 2) My father was sitting in the chair,_(read) a book.5. He held Jin in his arms.With tears in his eyes , Jin pushed Lin away.( 他紧紧地抱住金。金眼里含着泪水,把林推开了)结构分析:1) hold sb in ones a

10、rms 意为“抱住某人”2)with tears in his eyes 是由with 构成的复合结构,做伴随状语, 修饰pushed, with+名词/代词+adj/ adv/doing/介词短语 构成的复合结构在句中表示伴随的状态,做伴随状语 eg. 1)He came into the classroom, with his nose red.( with+n.+adj) 2) The teacher came into the classroom,with a book under his arm. (with +n.+介词短语)3) He fell asleep with the l

11、ight burning.( with+n.+doing)4) He left with the door open. (with +n.+adj)5) With the meal over, we all went home. (with +n.+adv) 6. Write to us as soon as you get there,Ok? 结构分析:这是一个主从复合句,主句为祈使句:as soon as 意为 “一.就.引到一个时间状语从句. 若主句为一般将来时或祈使 句或含有情态动词的句子,以as soon as 引导的时间状语从句用一 般现在时。 Eg. You can call m

12、e as soon as you_(get) there. She will call me as soon as he_(arrive) there.7. The other people watched with interest.其他人饶有兴趣的看着 with interest 带着兴趣,饶有兴趣的 在句中作状语 eg 1)The audience watched the movie with i_. 2)He is _. (她正饶有兴许的读这份报纸)8. besides 介词,意为“除.之外(还有.);再加上”,即把除去的部 分加上。 eg. I have many friends b

13、esides you. 联想辐射:辨析except, except for, but 与besides 1) except 与but 同义,均意为“除.之外,不包括”,即不包括除 去的部分,不能位于句首eg. Everyone is here except/but Tom. 2) expect for 意为“除了.; 除了.之外”,用于说明整个基本情 况后,对细节加以纠正,即强调整体很好,部分不足。eg. The coat is beautiful except for the colour.9. Finally a man wearing glasses spoke in a loud voice. (最后一个戴眼镜的人大声说话了) 结构分析:本句wearing glasses 是现在分词短语作a man 的后置定 语,现在分词短语作定语与所修饰的词具有逻辑上的主


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