module8 学案3(外研版九年级上)

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1、学习目标:能读懂与本模块话题有关的阅读文章,和运用定语从句描绘一个最喜欢的照片I. 阅读理解:Last summer, I went to Europe with my family. I was deeply impressed(打动) by a lot of interesting places in Europe, such as Mt. Titlis (铁力士山). Mt. Titlis is in Switzerland. Mt. Titlis is about 3,032 metres high. At the foot of the mountain there is a bea

2、utiful small town Engelberg. Every year, more than 800,000 visitors from different parts of the world come here. It is not very difficult to arrive at the top of Mt. Titlis , because there are cable cars. There are three kinds of cable cars there. The first kind of the cable car is a small one. It c

3、an only hold six people. From the cable car, you can see large grassy slopes (草坡) below you. In the grass, there are a lot of colourful flowers. The second kind of the cable car is a big one. It can take 80 people up to a place which is about 2,428 metres high. In this place, the grassy slopes are g

4、one and in their place are huge rocks . The most wonderful cable car is the third kind. It is their newest invention. It can turn around 360. In this cable car you can enjoy the scenery of the Alps(阿尔卑斯山). I think youll lose yourself in the beautiful view.When you get to the top of Mt. Titlis, you w

5、ill find that you are in a world of ice and snow. Even in the summer, youd better put on your warm clothes.( )1. What does the phrase “lose yourself in .” mean in Chinese?来源:学_科_网A. 丢掉 B. 沉迷于 C. 失去D. 迷路( )2. What can you see at the place that is 2,428 metres high?A. Huge rocks. B. Large grassy slope

6、s.C. Ice and snow. D. A lot of colourful flowers.( )3. Which of the following about Mt. Titlis is Not true ?A. There are a lot of huge rocks.B. There is a lot of ice and snow.C. There is a lot of grass.来源:学科网D. There are three kinds of cars.来源:学科网( )4. Which is the best title of this passage?A. A Vi

7、sit to Europe. B. A Visit to Mt. Titlis .C. How Can You Get to Mt. Titlis ?D. Its Cold on the Top of Mt. Titlis. ( )5. We can infer from the text that _.来源:Z|xx|k.ComA. few people can arrive at the top of Mt. Titlis.B. in the second kind of the cable car you can get to the Alps C. there is snow on the top of Mt. Titlis all the year.D. on the top of the mountain there is a beautiful small town II.书面表达:在你的人生中一定珍藏着许多你所拍摄的,或者你的亲朋好友为你拍摄的一幅幅照片,每一张照片都讲述着一个令人难忘的故事。请选其中一张你最喜欢的照片,描绘它,并讲述发生在它身上的故事,说出它为什么对你来说如此难忘。要求:1。必须用上所学的定语从句。 2内容完整,结构清晰。 380词左右。_来源:学.科.网作业:B A课堂小结:课后反思:



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