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1、Module 42Reading(句型篇) .完成句子1他能说好几种语言,比如英语,法语。He can speak several languages,_2杭州的景色比我们家乡的景色美很多。The scenery in Hangzhou_3大量的书已被送给孩子们了。Large quantities of books_to the children.4乘火车比乘飞机要花更长的时间。Taking a train will spend_than taking a plane.答案1such as English,French2.is much more beautiful than that of

2、my hometown3.have been given away4.much more time.单句改错修改以下各题中的错误,每题不超过两处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。1(2016年高考北京卷改编)Your support is important to our work.You can do whichever helps._2If nothing is doing,the oceans will turn into fish deserts._3Australia is nearly as larger as the United States,but most o

3、f it is too dry for people to live in._4(2016年高考天津卷改编)The dictionary is out of the date:Many words have been added to the language since it was published._5First Yuan Longping experimented of different types of rice._6The letter adds,“When dangerous and divisive(导致分裂的)leaders have come to the power

4、in the past,it has been in part because those of goodwill failed to speak out for themselves or their fellow citizens.”_7Whatever difficult the work may be,we must go all out to finish it ahead of time._8A hightech system to help find missing children was put into operation on Sunday as a result joi

5、nt efforts by Chinese police and Internet companies._9Researchers were brought up from all over China to develop the new system._10However,those who think differently believe that the learning environment is important and that graduates from a leading university are more likely find good jobs._答案与解析

6、1whicheverwhatever句意为:你的支持对我们的工作很重要。无论你做什么都有帮助。whatever helps是从句,作谓语动词do的宾语。whichever使用的前提条件是有选择的范围。故将whichever改为whatever。2doingdone句意为:如果不采取措施,海洋的鱼类资源将面临枯竭。If引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表示将来,nothing作主语,和do是被动关系,应用被动语态,故将doing改为done。3largerlarge此处为形容词原级比较的固定句式:A is asadj.asB,意为“A和B一样”。故将比较级larger改为原级large。4删除dat

7、e前的the句意为:这本词典过时了:自它出版后,很多单词被加到了语言中。固定短语out of date意为“过时的”。故删除date前面的the。5ofwith/on/in句意为:首先,袁隆平对不同品种的水稻进行试验。experiment with/on/in sth.意为“用某物做实验”。6删除power前的the句意为:这封信还补充道:“过去,危险独断的政客之所以可以当政,部分原因在于善良的人没能为自己发声,或没能为自己的同胞发声。”固定短语come to power意为“执政”。故删除the。7WhateverHowever句意为:无论工作多么困难,我们必须全力以赴提前完成。此处的中心词

8、为形容词difficult,故用副词However修饰。8在result后加of句意为:由中国警方和互联网公司合力推出的帮助搜寻失踪儿童的高科技系统于周日正式上线。as a result of为介词短语,后跟名词、代词等,意为“由于的原因”,相当于because of;as a result是副词短语,一般用于句首,且要用逗号与后面的句子隔开,表示“所以;因此”。9upin/into句意为:全国各地的研究员们被召集在一起开发新的系统。bring up意为“抚养;养育;培养;提出;呕吐”;bring in/into意为“使参与(或讨论某件事情)”。10在likely后加to句意为:然而,持不同观

9、点的人们认为学习环境很重要,名校毕业生更可能找到好工作。be likely to do sth.为固定结构,意为“有可能做某事”。.完形填空My name is Peter, and I use a wheelchair (轮椅) to get around. This year I _1_to be in the School Walkathon. At the Walkathon last year, I helped hand out drinks to the walkers. The teachers and parents said they couldnt have _2_wit

10、hout me.“Are you going to give out drinks _3_this year?” my friend Michael asked.“I _4_so,” I said. “But I _5_wish I could do laps (跑道的圈) with you.”Michael told Mrs Hunt that I wanted to _6_the Walkathon. Mrs Hunt looked at me. “Its not a good course for a wheelchair,” she said. “The hilly part woul

11、d be too _7_”“But I could push Peter over the hard bits,” said Michael. “Ill _8_it,” said Mrs Hunt. That afternoon, Mrs Hunt called a class meeting. Michale told everyone about his _9_“We could all take turns. That way no one would get too _10_,” said Olivia. Then everyone said they would take a tur

12、n.When the Walkathon began, I turned my wheels round and round as _11_ as I could. When we came to the hilly bit, Michael _12_ to push me up it. Olivia was waiting halfway up. “My _13_now,” she said. With all the help my _14_ were giving me, I _15_the first lap and did a second lap and another. I wa

13、s tired in the _16_. “Its time to announce the winner of the mystery prize. It goes to. Peter!” Mrs Hunt said.I looked at all the things I had _17_, and felt extremely _18_. But then I remembered that the whole _19_ had helped me.“I want everyone to _20_ the prize,” I said. “Lets keep all the things in our classroom. Then we can all have some fun!”And thats what we did.1. A. NeedB. agree C. W


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