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1、第一节:前元音No. 1关键词:feel A: How are you feeling today?B: I feel a lot better, thanks for asking.【发音秘诀】请注意,are, lot, better, thanks和ask都是典型的美国发音。它们的发音外号请查表。No. 2关键词:peopleA: The Chinese are a great people.B: I completely agree with you.【发音秘诀】completely是一个五星级副词,读起来很过瘾。请夸张地反复练习completely!和它对应的中文是彻底,完全,十分。1

2、) Oh, my God! I completely forgot!2) Your progress in English is completely amazing.No. 3关键词:give关键句:She gives me a big headache.A: She gives me a big headache.B: I know. Its really annoying.【发音秘诀】短衣音。No. 4关键词:littleA: Whats wrong with you?B: I feel a little sick today.【发音秘诀】正是因为一个句子中有短元音、长元音和双元音,所以

3、这个句子才会读起来悦耳动听。请反复练习I feel a little sick today.!No. 5关键词:expensiveA: Everything is so expensive in Japan.B: I cant even afford to go there for a week.第二节:中元音No. 6关键词:friendShe is my best friendNo. 7关键词:happyI have a very happy familyNo. 9关键词:loveA: I love money.B: Everyone loves money.No. 10关键词:lucky

4、A: How did you become so successful?B: Im just lucky.No. 11关键词:workA: Did it work?B: Im not sure yet.【发音秘诀】Did it要连读。work是经典的重读卷舌音。No. 12关键词:perfectA: You made a mistake!B: Nobodys perfect.【发音秘诀】nobody中有一个疯狂舀水音和一个感叹祖国大好河山音,perfect中要注意重读卷舌音。No. 13关键词:matterA: Whats the matter? B: Nothing is the matte

5、r. Everything is fine.【发音秘诀】matter的结尾是一个轻读卷舌音。No. 14关键词:teacherA: Our English teacher is great. B: Youre so lucky to have a good teacher.No. 15关键词:aboutA: Im sorry Im late. B: Forget about it. No. 16关键词:togetherA: China and America should work together.B: Youre exactly right.第三节:后元音No. 17关键词:fatherA

6、: My father has never traveled abroad. B: My father lived in America for three years.No. 18关键词:calmA: Keep calm, Its nothing serious.B: But Im so worried. I dont know what to do.No. 19关键词:afterA: How about the day after tomorrow?B: Im busy then. How about Friday?No. 20关键词:lastA: Youve made the same

7、mistake as last time.B: Im sorry. Im still learning.大嘴卷舌音No. 21关键词:chargeA: Whos in charge here? B: Our manager is in charge of this department.No. 22关键词:hardA: What makes you work so hard? B: I am determined to succeed.No. 23关键词:confidenceA: What do you think of Bill Clinton?B: He has a lot of conf

8、idence.No. 24关键词:impossibleA: Its impossible for me to speak English.B: Nothing is impossible. No. 25关键词:talkA: I need to talk to you. B: Sure. Do you want to talk now?No. 26关键词:callA: I will call you later. B: OK. Ill be waiting for your call.No. 27关键词:moreA: The traffic is terrible in Beijing.B: Y

9、eah, I really cant stand it any more.No. 28关键词:forA: Im looking for Mr. Li.B: Oh, hes just over there.No. 29关键词:goodA: My mother is a good cook.B: My mother is a terrible cook.No. 30关键词:lookA: You look great today.B: Im flattered. Thanks.No. 31关键词:improveA: I want to improve my poor English. B: Then

10、 you should study Crazy English.No. 32关键词:truthA: You must tell the truth.B: But Im afraid to tell the truth.第四节:合口双元音No. 33关键词:painA: You have to work long hours to make money.B: Youre right. No pain, no gain.Everthing will work out 一切都会解决的No. 34关键词:mistakeA: I made a mistake.B: Everyone makes mist

11、akes.No. 35关键词:shyA: Im so afraid to speak English.B: Dont be shy, just try.No. 36关键词:mindA: Do you mind if I smoke? B1: No, not at all. Go ahead.B2: Yes, I do. Thanks for asking.No. 37关键词:joinA: That boy looks so lonely sitting there by himself.B: Ask him to join us for lunch.No. 38关键词:enjoyA: Enjo

12、y your stay here.B: Thanks, Im sure I will.No. 39关键词:hopeA: I hope I can see you again.B: Then lets get together again soon.NO.关键词:sound that sounds greatNo. 40关键词:knowA: I dont know what to do? B: Dont worry. Everything will work out.No. 41关键词:aboutA: China will host a great Olympics?B: No doubt ab

13、out it. 第五节:集中双元音No. 43关键词:hereA: Do you live near here? B: Yes, I live very near.No. 44关键词:yearA: How do you know Liyang?B: Weve been friends for years. No. 45关键词:careA: Im going to quit my job.B: I dont care what you do. No. 46关键词:whereA: Where are you from? A: Im from America. Where are you from?

14、No. 47关键词:poorA: He is from a very poor family.B: Im so surprised to hear that.No. 48关键词:sureA: Are you sure you can do it? B: Sure. Its a piece of cake.第六节:爆破音No. 49关键词:problemA: Do you think you can help me?B: No problem. No. 50关键词:popularA: What do you think of Bill Clinton?B: Hes a popular president. No. 51关键词:busyA: How are you?B: Im very busy now. No. 52关键词:troubleA: He is in a lot of trouble. B: Why? What did he do?No. 53关键词:todayA: Today is a great day. B: I compl



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