中考英语复习专题六 连词精练

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《中考英语复习专题六 连词精练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语复习专题六 连词精练(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 专题六 连词 ( A )+1.(2016陕西中考)I didnt accept his help _I wanted to try it myself. Abecause BThough Cuntil ( C )公公2. (2016阜康中考)Id like to go with you,_Im too busy. Aor Band Cbut ( C )众众3.(2016玉林中考)Why were you late for school this morning,Tom? I was about to go to school _ it began to rain. Asince BWhil

2、e Cwhen ( A )号号4. (2016西宁中考)When shall we begin our trip? Well set out _ our head teacher arrives. Aas soon as Bever since Cso that ( B )课课5.(2016青海中考模拟)Jim,how do your parents like country music? _my dad _my mom likes it.They both like country music. AEither;or BNot only;but also CNeither;nor ( A )

3、堂堂6.(2016无锡中考)Could you help me with housework _you are free today? Asince BThough Cunless ( C )无无7.(2016泰州中考)The novel seems a little boring. You wont enjoy it _ you put your heart into it. Awhen Bif Cunless ( C )忧忧8.(2016南京中考)Are you going camping this afternoon? A typhoon is coming,Im not sure_th

4、e road to the mountains will be closed. Awhich Bwhat Cwhether ( A )9. (2016绵阳中考)How do you like the concert given by EXO? Exciting,_ one piece of the music wasnt played quite well. Athough Bbecause Cso ( A )10. (2016北京中考) _I got home,my sister was doing her homework. AWhen BBecause CIf ( A )11.(2016

5、菏泽中考)_ the traffic was heavy yesterday,we got to the bus station on time. AAlthough BUnless CSince ( A )12.(2016齐齐哈尔中考)I was writing a letter _ she was making a telephone call. Awhile Bwhen Cbefore ( C )13.(2016资阳中考)Mom,could I watch the game show now? Sorry,you cant watch it_ you clean your room. A

6、when Bif Cuntil ( C )14. (2016孝感中考)Its a good habit to wash your hands _ you have meals. Aunless Bwhile Cbefore ( C )15.(2016青海中考模拟)Which do you prefer to use to communicate with your friends,QQ 2 _ MSN? Aand Bnor Cor ( B )16.(2017中考预测)The old library will close soon _people can give some money to s

7、upport it. Aif Bunless Cbecause ( C )17.(2017中考预测)Jims a taxi driver,_he really wants to be a doctor. Aor Band Cbut ( A )18.(2017中考预测)Lucy,save water,_ we will have no water to drink in the future. OK,you are quite right. Aor Band Cso ( A )19.(2017中考预测)He didnt go to school yesterday _ he was ill. A

8、because Bbecause of Cif ( C )20.(2017中考预测)Will you please give the Readers Times to Jane? Sure,Ill give it to her_ she comes back. Abefore BUntil Cas soon as ( C )21.(2016宜宾中考)Its already tens of years_the worlds population reached five billion. Abefore Bafter Csince ( B )22.(2016安徽中考)Our world will

9、 get better and better_each of us lives a greener life. Abefore Bif Cthough ( A )23.(2016随州中考)I really want to join the square dance.Can I learn the dance well? Yes,Mom!Nothing is impossible_you put your heart into it! Aas long as Bas soon as Ceven if ( C )24.(2016绥化中考)I dont know _ he will come or not this afternoon. Aif BWhen Cwhether 3


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