7.2 学案3(外研版九年级上)

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1、Module 7 AustraliaUnit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper.【学习目标】1.能够读懂有关澳大利亚的文章;2.通过阅读能够掌握如何处理生词、如何记忆单词的学习策略。3.通过阅读能够提高细节阅读能力及大意理解能力。4.能够根据同学的学习情况,就其学习问题或困难提出适当的建议;5.能够学会用英语讲故事及描述旅行。【课前准备】1.课前学生齐读模块的词汇;2.四人一组口头检查词汇拼写情况。【学习过程】1.两人一组谈论自己在理解、表达和词汇学习等方面的困难。2.背景知识Australias natural environment, ric

2、h Indigenous history and culture, and vibrant food and wine sector make it one of the worlds most popular tourist destinations. More than 5 million people visit Australia every year, making the tourism industry the largest contributor to Australian services export earnings.3.泛读训练 A快速默读文章,回答下面的问题:1)W

3、here is the centre of Aboriginal culture?_2)What language do most Australians speak?_.3)What did the writer do the next after he arrived at Uluru?_.B再次阅读文章,完成判断正(T)误(F)练习:1) The Aboriginal name for Uluru is Ayers Rock. ( )2) The rock is always purple. ( )3) Stories about the creation of the world ar

4、e an important part of Aboriginal culture. ( )4) Water sports are the most popular in Australia. ( )5) When its winter in Australia, its summer in China. ( )C阅读课文,完成填空练习。On the first day, we took the helicopter tour over the rock, and I _ how it was! The Australians have many British relatives and t

5、heyre like us _-. Their family life _ ours. The food and drink _ are grapes, lamb, ham and especially wine_ in the south of the country.4.精读足练。精读文章,找出疑难问题。_四人小组交流,写下不能解决的问题。_小组之间互相解决问题。语言点导学:at the moment是介词短语,作时间状语,表示“此刻,目前”,用于一般现在时或现在进行时。例如:I have nothing to do at the moment. 注意与at that moment的区别,

6、后者表示“就在那时”,相当于just then,用于一般过去时或过去进行时。be similar to 表示“和差不多;相似;相近”,是固定搭配。例如:His views are similar to mine.full of是形容词短语,意为“充满,装满”,可作状语或表语。例如:He gave me a bottle full of liquid. The train station is full of people.Be filled with也表示“装满了,占满”,其中fill表示“装”的动作,这里使用过去分词。例如:All the streets were filled with y

7、oung people on that day.5.读后写模仿课文写一篇短文,描述自己去过的某个地方,欣赏过的景色,做过的趣事。6.跟踪练习一首字母填空1. Thats the A name for Ayers Rock.2. We took a h tour over the rock.3. The colors of the rock are f , they change from purple to red.4. These stories d the spirits that created the world.5. The Australians have many British

8、 r .6. Their family life is s to ours, and they enjoy the same food and hobbies.二单项填空1. The baby panda is _ a mouse. A. more than B. liking C. more like D. likes2. He wants to choose the bottle _ juice. A. filled with B. is filled with C. is full of D. is filled of 3. After Tom won the photo competi

9、tion, he got very . A. excited B. exciting C. amazing D. amazed 4. The next day we _ Uluru. A. got B. arrived in C. arrived at D. reached to5. Theyre taking a train back . A. later in the evening B. this evening later C. later this evening D. after this evening三. 选择与划线部分意义相近的词1. When did you get bac

10、k from your trip?A. receive B. give back C. come from D. return2. What are you up to at the moment?A. want to B. doing C. like to D. going to do3. Could you give a hand to lift this heave box?A. hand up B.hand in C.help D. a help4. The weather in the Caribbean will certainly be a change from over there.A. different B. changed C. changing D. the same5. She is really a nice person- I liked her at once.A. once B. then C. at the time D. immediately



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