山东省滨州市2016高考英语二轮复习 阅读理解精选(3)

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1、山东滨州市2016高考英语二轮阅读理解精选(3)由 (2013安徽江南十校联考)改编Nineteen-year-old Christopher Paolini has always loved adventure books.In fact,he plotted out his first book,Eragon,when he was just fifteen!Eragon is selling more copies than most of the Harry Potter books.A reporter from Whos News talked to this young auth

2、or about his books and how he ended up being one of the best-selling authors of all time!Reporter:What inspired you to write Eragon?Christopher Paolini(CP):I love the sense of respect and wonder that you always get at the end of a great book or movie.Eragon was an attempt to express that.When I was

3、about twelve,I read a book called Jeremy Thatcher,Dragon Hatcher.Its about a young boy who went into a mysterious shop and bought a dragon egg that ended up hatching(孵出).It stuck in my head.Eragon was an attempt to see what I could do with the idea myself.Reporter:CP:Im definitely influenced by auth

4、ors who have a fairly inventive use of language,imaginative worlds and a sense of wonder-authors who write about things that other people dont.Reporter:What was the hardest thing about writing Eragon?CP:Probably the editing because I wasnt used to it.It was a kind of shock doing it.But also I was ha

5、ving to learn a huge amount about grammar and punctuation(标点)and other things Id never paid much attention to before.Id say that editing and writing are pretty much equal in difficulty.My raw writing is a lot more professional now than it ever was before because of everything I learned through the e

6、diting process.Reporter:How do you avoid becoming annoyed with the writing process?CP:Write about what you enjoy the most or what touches you the most;otherwise youll never be able to survive a book-length project.Reporter:Anything else youd like to share with your readers?CP:Before I wrote Eragon,I

7、 spent an entire month plotting out the entire story so I wasnt writing blindly.That helps.Its not just an adventure story;it is about Eragon trying to work out who we are,why we are here and how we can live honorably.9.What does the underlined word“that”refer to in the third paragraph?()A.A storyB.

8、The sense of respect and wonderC.An ideaD.A great book or movie10.What could the reporters second question most probably be?()A.Whats the most interesting thing about Eragon?B.Where else do you get your ideas of Eragon?C.How has your writing improved after Eragon?D.Why did you attempt to deal with y

9、our ideas in Eragon?11.What does Paolini find as difficult as writing?()A.Plotting out the story.B.Grammar and commas.C.The editing process.D.The creative use of language.12.What can be inferred from the text?()A.Christopher is the author of Harry Potter as well as Eragon.B.Christopher only writes w

10、hat he enjoys or what touches him.C.Christopher spent an entire month plotting out the entire story.D.Christopher really poured his heart and soul into Eragon.语篇解读:一个19岁的孩子就创作了一本名为Eragon的探险小说,而且销量远远超过了Harry Potter系列丛书中的大部分。他是怎么做到的呢?听听记者对他的采访就知道了。答案及剖析:9.B猜测词义题。由画线部分前面的句子I love the sense of respect a

11、nd wonder that you always get at the end of a great book or movie,可知,此处的that指代the sense of respect and wonder;故选B项。10.B推理判断题。由空格下面的Im definitely influenced by authors who have.authors who write about things that other people dont可推知,记者问影响Christopher Paolini创作的因素是什么,故选B项。11.C细节理解题。第三个问题后面的回答中的Id say

12、that editing and writing are pretty much equal in difficulty可知,他认为writing和editing同样难,故选C项。12.D推理判断题。由最后一段的Before I wrote Eragon,I spent an entire month plotting out the entire story,so I wasnt writing blindly可知,他写这本书是费了心思的,故选D项。由常识可知A项不对;B、C两项都是文章的直接信息,不需推断,故排除。【长难句子分析】 那本书是关于一个小男孩的,他进入一家神秘的商店并且买了一只

13、龙蛋,那只龙蛋结果孵化了。【重庆市南开中学2014高考英语二诊考试】 请阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Coffee is a powerful beverageOn a personal level,it helps keep US awake and activeOn a much broader level,it has helped shape our history and continues to shape our cultureCoffee didnt take off until the l400s when people figu

14、red out they could roast its seedsBy the l500s,the drink had spread to coffeehouses across the Arab worldWithin another l50 years,it took Europe by storm“It actually had a major impact on the rise of business,” historian Mark Pendergrast saysCoffeehouses became a spot not just to enjoy a cup but to

15、exchange ideasThe insurer Lloyds of London was founded hundreds of years ago in one of Londons 2,000 coffeehousesLiterature,newspapers and even the works of great composers like Bach and Beethoven were also spawned(涌现)in coffeehousesIt is often said that after the Boston Tea Party of l773,when Ameri

16、can colonists attacked British tea ships and threw boxes of tea into the harbor,Americans universally switched over to drinking coffeeIn a letter John Adams wrote to his wife,Abigail,the Founding Father claims his love of tea but says he will have to learn to embrace coffee instead,because drinking tea had become a symbol of not loving the countr


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