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1、Unit 5综合水平测试听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:1.Pandas are black and white and they only live in China.2The elephant is from Africa.3I like giraffes because they are smart.4Koalas are very cute and they are from Australia.5Lets see the lions first because they are interesting.1_E_2._A_3.

2、_C_4._B_5._D_二、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:6.What animals do you like?(C)6.A.I dont like monkeys.BTheyre lions.CI like pandas.听力材料:7.Why do you like koalas?(C)7.A.Yes,I like them. BBecause its nice.CBecause theyre cute.听力材料:8.Where are these animals from?(A)8.A.Theyre from Africa. BTheyre smart.CT

3、heyre tigers.听力材料:9.Are the tigers friendly and cute?(A)9.A.No,they arent. BYes,they arent.CNo,it isnt.听力材料:10.How old is she?(B)10.A.Shes OK.BShe is twelve.CShe is kind of shy.三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听第一段长对话,回答第1112小题。听力材料:M:Hi!Whats that,Julia?W:Its a picture of my dog.M:Oh,a beautiful dog.W:Ye

4、s,and its cute,so I like it.M:What other animals do you like?W:Pandas and koalas.Do you like them?M:No,I dont.I like tigers and lions.(B)11.Why does Julia like her dog?ABecause its friendly. BBecause its cute.CBecause its interesting.(C)12.What animals does the boy like?APandas and koalas. BTigers a

5、nd elephants.CTigers and lions.听第二段长对话,回答第1315小题。听力材料:W:Do you like animals,Jerry?M:Yes.I like dogs best.W:Do you have dogs?M:Yes.I have two black dogs.W:How old are they?M:Theyre three years old.W:What other animals do you like?M:I like elephants.W:Why do you like elephants?M:Because theyre friendl

6、y.(A)13.Whats Jerrys favorite animal?ADogs. BElephants. CLions.(B)14.How many dogs does Jerry have?AOne. BTwo. CThree.(C)15.Why does Jerry like elephants?ABecause theyre cute. BBecause theyre shy.CBecause theyre friendly.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)听力材料:My name is Mary.I am eight years old.I have a cl

7、ever dog.His name is Tony.He is four years old.He comes from Beijing.He likes to eat meat very much.He doesnt like to eat vegetable at all.He likes to play with me.He sleeps at night and gets up in the morning.He is very friendly,but he is kind of shy.Isnt he very cute?Tony and I are good friends.(C

8、)16.How old is Marys dog?ATwo. BThree. CFour.(A)17.Where does the dog come from?ABeijing. BNanjing. CTianjin.(B)18.What does Marys dog like to eat?AFruit. BMeat. CVegetables.(B)19.Does the dog like to eat vegetable?AYes,it does. BNo,it doesnt.CYes,but only a little.(A)20.Whats Tony like?AHe is shy.

9、BHe is beautiful. CHe is lazy.笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分)(B)21.There is _ elephant and _ tiger in the picture.Aa;an Ban;a Ca;a Da;the(D)22.Im thirsty (渴的)Please get some _ for me.Aclothes Bmusic Cbread Dwater(A)23.Why do you think koalas are _ animals?Because they sleep day and night.Alazy Bbusy

10、 Cstrict Dnoisy(C)24._ pandas are friendly,_ he wants to see them first.ABecause;so BSo;becauseCBecause;/ DSo;/(B)25.Mary and Tina are my _.They are _ to me.Afriendly;friendly Bfriends;friendlyCfriend;friendly Dfriendly;friends(C)26._ does your brother want to see the elephants?Because they are very

11、 funny.AWhere BWhen CWhy DWhat(C)27._ are pandas from?China.AWhy BWhat CWhere DWhen(C)28.Nancy,dont forget _ your homework.Abring Bbrings Cto bring Dbringing(B)29.One of them _ an iPhone 7 Plus.Ahave Bhas Care Dhaving(A)30.Do you know that there are many different _ animals in the zoo?Yes,I do.And I

12、 also know that some of them are _ scary.Akinds of;kind of Bkinds of;kinds ofCkind of;kinds of Dkind of;kind of(D)31.We must _ the elephants and not buy things made of ivory.Akill Bbuy Cfight Dsave(B)32.Dont _ trees and we should love nature (自然)Acut up Bcut down Ccut off Dcut out(C)33.I like pandas

13、,because theyre cute.And I like dogs,_.Aalso B/ Ctoo Deither(D)34.Do you like giraffes?_.AYes,it is BYes,I amCYes,it does DYes,I do(D)35.Grace is really nice._.I want to make friends with her.AI see BGood luckCSounds good DYes,youre right六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)What animals do you like?Are there any _36

14、_ in your city?My mother works in City Zoo.She goes to work in the afternoon every day.She usually _37_ a bus there.After she _38_ the zoo,she cleans the animal houses.There are many _39_ interesting animals in the zoo.Lots of people go to the zoo to _40_ them every day.My mother tells them _41_ they can do and cant do.She _42_ her work and animals.But she doesnt think its _43_ for animals to live in the small places.Ani


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