辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学八年级英语下学期暑假作业基础知识练习试题(unit 5) 牛津沈阳版

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辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学八年级英语下学期暑假作业基础知识练习试题(unit 5) 牛津沈阳版_第1页
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辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学八年级英语下学期暑假作业基础知识练习试题(unit 5) 牛津沈阳版_第2页
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辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学八年级英语下学期暑假作业基础知识练习试题(unit 5) 牛津沈阳版_第3页
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辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学八年级英语下学期暑假作业基础知识练习试题(unit 5) 牛津沈阳版_第4页
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辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学八年级英语下学期暑假作业基础知识练习试题(unit 5) 牛津沈阳版_第5页
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《辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学八年级英语下学期暑假作业基础知识练习试题(unit 5) 牛津沈阳版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省法库县东湖第二初级中学八年级英语下学期暑假作业基础知识练习试题(unit 5) 牛津沈阳版(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、20142015学年度暑假作业基础知识练习八年级英语试卷温馨寄语:Use passion and rationality to forge the future.凭真诚与勤奋赢得尊重,用激情与理性打造未来一 短语1 拯救一个濒危动物2 出生时3独居4 保持健康5 砍伐森林6 失去家园7 动物的总量8 犯一些错误9 照顾,照看10 朝-让石头11 为-感到抱歉12 成群行动13 听说14 对展示极大的爱15 在自然保护区16 到处找17 为纪念-18 用-做徽标19 重要的自然组织20 睡着二 词语填空1 _(What ,How much) is the population of the pa

2、ndas in the wild .2 The rest of a pandas body _(are , is ) white .3 Pandas live _(high ,highly ) up in the mountains of central and western China .4 The giant panda has a _(few ,small ) population .5 Im very worried because my bike is _(losing , missing ) .6 It is _to kill animals for their fur .(ki

3、nd , cruel ) .7 We must take the _(sick , ill ) boy to a hospital .8 Its wrong to buy products _(made ,making ) from endangered animals .9 Many _still love watching cartoons produced for _.(adults ,children).10 It is important for us to _(protect , prevent)三 用所给词适当形式填空 1.The statue was built in the

4、_(central)of the city. 2.All the animals need our_(protect). 3.It was unusual that Jack _(behaviour) well today. 4.What can we do to keep_(health)? 5.Could you tell me what your_(weigh)is? 6.I bought many things, _(include)some fruit. 7.Please save the _(endanger) animals! 8.Its _(fool)of you to tel

5、l lies to us. 9.Kitty is not tall enough _(touch)to top of the fridge. 10.I need ten _(kilo) of rice, please四单项选择1.Alice is afraid of going to the forest alone. A.by oneself B.on her own C.lonely D.with someone 2.Its our duty to protect the environment. A.job B.work C.play D.responsibility 3.The par

6、t-time job is too difficult to do. A.easy B.fast C.hard D.good 4.More than ten students were sent to the hospital. A.Over B.Less C.Behind D.Above 5.Pandas need to eat a lot to stay healthy. A.has B.get C.keep D.give 6.-English is widely used all over the country. -Yeah, it is such_useful language th

7、at my grandma decided to buy _English-Chinese dictionary to learn it. A.an; an B.an; a C.a; a D.a; an 7.-_is really hard _them to climb such a high mountain. A.This; to B.It; to C.This; for D.It; for 8.-The lady is not strong enough _the heavy basket. -Lets help her. A.to carry B.carrying C.carry D.

8、carried 9.-Would you please show me the way_the bank? -Yes, go straight ahead. Its in front of a school. A.in B.for C.with D.to 10.-_do you love pandas? -Because they are very cute. A.What B.How C.Why D.Where 11.-Do you know the woman_long hair? -No, I dont know her. A.have B.has C.with D.is 12.-_is

9、 the weight of a giant panda? -Sorry, I dont know. A.How many B.How much C.What D.Which 13.-Would you like to go shopping with me? -Im sorry I cant go. I need to _my baby at home. A.take away B.take off C.take care of D.take out of 14.-Dad, why must I stop_computer games? -For your health, my boy. A

10、.play B.to play C.to playing D.playing 15.-We all like Betty because she is always_us. -Thats true. A.friendly to B.angry with C.mad at D.famous for 16.-The plan_most of your suggestions. -Really? A.is B.has C.includes D.including 17.-_the population of China? -Its about 1.4 billion. A.Whats B.How m

11、any is C.How much is D.How is 18.-Its kind _you to help me. -Dont mention it. A.for B.of C.to D. in 19.-My grandparents are too old_. -Yes, but they should often have a walk. A.to work B.works C.work D.working 20.-What did he say? -He told me _. A.which floor did he live B.where he lives on C.which

12、floor he lived on D.which floor he lives五 句型转换1 They need to eat a lot to keep fit . They need to eat a lot to _ _.2 It takes pandas more than 12 hours a day to eat . Pandas _more than 12 hours a day _.3 A giant panda is tiny when it is born . A giant panda is tiny_ _.4 I live in the central city . I live in the _ _the city .5 He is too young to work . He is _old _to work .六 课文操练(1)(2)


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