辽宁省2016中考英语 考点跟踪突破19 九年级 units 9-10

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1、考点跟踪突破19九年级Units 910一、单项选择。1What kind of music do you like?I like the music that I can sing along _D_ or dance _.(2015,葫芦岛模拟)Ato;withBwith;withCto;to Dwith;to【解析】考查固定用法。sing along with the music“随着音乐唱”;dance to“和着(音乐)跳舞”,故选D。2Miss Chen is our English teacher.She always talks to us with a smile _D_ h

2、er face.(2015,辽阳模拟)AatBinCtoDon【解析】考查介词的用法。“笑容在脸上”要用介词on。3The movie _A_ we saw last night was fantastic.Athat Bwhat Cwhose Dwho【解析】考查定语从句。先行词为movie并且在从句中作宾语,故选A。4You should try to adapt to (适应) the _A_ there when you are in foreign countries.(2016,原创)Acustoms BhabitCcustomer Dcustomers【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句

3、意为:当你在外国时,你应该尽量适应那儿的风俗。customs风俗;habit(个人)习惯;customer顾客;customers顾客(复数形式),由句意知选A。5I feel stressed from time to time.Could you give me some advice?(2016,预测)_B_ sharing your worries with your parents?AWhy dont you BHow aboutCWhy not DWould you like【解析】考查情景交际用语。Why dont you和Why not后接动词原形;How about后接动词的

4、ing形式;Would you like后接动词不定式。由答句中的sharing可知选B。How about.?意为“怎么样?”6Its not easy to _D_ a foreign language.We should study harder.(2016,原创)Ainfluence BcontrolCdevelop Dmaster【解析】考查动词词义辨析。influence意为“影响”;control意为“控制”;develop意为“发展”;master意为“掌握”。结合句意“掌握一门外语不容易。我们应该更加努力地学习”。故选D。7Ill not be Jacks friend an

5、y more.Dont be angry.Hes just so _B_But in fact hes good to us,you know.(2015,抚顺模拟)Ahelpful Bdirect Cpolite Dbrave【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。helpful意为“乐于助人的”,direct意为“直接的,直率的”;polite意为“有礼貌的”;brave意为“勇敢的”。句意为:“我再不是杰克的朋友了!”“别生气,他只是太直率了。但事实上他对我们很好,你知道的。”故选B。8I regretted _C_ his words at that time.Abelieve Bbelieved

6、Cbelieving Dto believe【解析】考查动词regret的用法。regret to do sth.表示很遗憾将要做某事;regret doing sth.表示对已经做过的事感到后悔。由at that time可知事情已经发生。故选C。9Lucy is shy.She would not invite her classmates _D_ dancing with her.(2015,朝阳模拟)Apractice BpracticesCpracticing Dto practice【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。invite的常用结构是“invite sb. to do sth.”

7、。故选D。10Dont ask him to study too late into night._B_,he is only a child.(2015,锦州模拟)AAs a result BAfter allCOn earth DFor example【解析】考查短语辨析。as a result“结果,因此”;after all“毕竟”,用于解释或说明理由;on earth“究竟,到底”;for example“例如”。句意为:不要要求他学习到深夜。毕竟,他只是个孩子。故选B。二、补全对话。(2014,阜新)A:Hi,Janet.Would you like to help save th

8、e environment?B:Yes.But what can I do?A:Well.11._A_B:Yes,thats easy.Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking.What s next?A:Second,you can ride a bicycle.12._G_B:That will save money,too.What else?A:Third,try to recycle paper.B:Mm,newspapers,magazines,mails.13._B_Good idea.A:The fourth idea is

9、 turning off the shower when youre not using it.B:14._D_A:Yes,we have to save water.And fifth,take a bag when you go shopping.15._F_B:OK.My parents do most of the shopping.Ill tell them.AFirst,you can start by turning off the lights.BWe get a lot of paper at home.CYoud better clean your room every d

10、ay.DWill that help the environment?ECan I help you?FDont use plastic bags.GDont take a bus if you arent in a hurry.11【解析】根据问句“What can I do?”可知应回答做的事情,又因下文“Sometimes I turn on the lights without thinking.”由此可知选A。12【解析】根据“you can ride a bicycle”可知此处与交通工具有关,故选C。13【解析】根据上文“try to recycle paper”可知此处与纸张回

11、收有关,newspapers,magazines,mail.这些都是可以回收的纸张。14【解析】根据回答“Yes”可知应选一般疑问句。DE两项都是一般疑问句,根据情景可知选D,意为“那对环境有帮助吗?”15【解析】根据“take a bag when you go shopping”可知与购物袋有关,此处应选F,意为“不要使用塑料袋”。三、阅读理解。(2015,朝阳)May has an aunt who works in London.She loves May so much that she invites May to London every summer.Last year May

12、 was happy to go to London and see some famous places in London,including the British museum,National Gallery and other amazing buildings.How beautiful!She fell in love with them,but one thing made her very unhappy.Its her first time to go to a big square,but when she passed the square alone,a thief

13、 stole her wallet in her pocket.She had to walk to her aunts home angrily.This year Mays aunt invited her to London again.One day,when she passed the same square with her aunt,she was more careful not to be stolen.After a while,she saw a man go close to her and put his hand in her pocket with a smil

14、e,then take out the hand quickly and left.She became very angry and shouted,“Stop it,or I will call the police!” To her surprise,she found her aunt and all the other people there laughing with the word “Congratulations”!In fact,the man was not a thief.Instead,he put ten pounds in her pocket.It was a

15、n interesting game.The organizers wanted to correct the bad impression (印象) of the square,so they hired (雇佣) some “thieves” to do that game.16At the first time May came to the square _A_Aby herself Bwith her parentsCwith her aunt Dwith an organizer17Last year May came to her aunts home from the square _B_Aby taxi Bon footCby bus Dby subway18One of the organizers may be _C_Aa thief Ba policemanCMays aunt DMays father19They played


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