(江苏专用)2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 3 tomorrow’s world period two part ⅰ language focus课件 牛津译林版必修4

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《(江苏专用)2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 3 tomorrow’s world period two part ⅰ language focus课件 牛津译林版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专用)2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 3 tomorrow’s world period two part ⅰ language focus课件 牛津译林版必修4(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period Two ,Word power & Grammar and usage,Part Language Focus,课前预习 梳理记忆理解,课堂讲义 感悟归纳应用,当堂达标 综合巩固反馈,.单词自测 1. adj. 电的,电动的 n. 电 2. n. 黏土,陶土 3. adj.& n. 液体(的) 4. n. 粉末;火药 n. 力量,统治 adj. 强大的;强有力的 5. vt. 控诉,控告;谴责 6. vi. 逐渐消失;(使)变淡;走下坡路,衰落,答案,课前预习,electric electricity clay liquid powder power powerful accus

2、e fade,.短语自测 1. an important role in 在起重要作用 2.set 创立,建立 3. a profit 获利,赚钱 4.end 以结束 5.last not least 最后但同样重要的 6.work 计算,算出 7. any time 在任何时候 8.take part 参加,参与 9.concentrate 集中精力于,返回,答案,on,play,up,make,in,but,out,at,in,课堂讲义,重点单词,语境感悟,(1)(教材P49)The Electric Wear Company has developed a new smart jacke

3、t this year.今年电子服装公司已经开发出一款新颖的时髦夹克。 (2)I got an electric shock from the wire.我被这根电线电击了一下。 (3)There is much electrical equipment in the room.房间里有许多电力设备。 (4)What would happen if there were no electricity? 如果没有电将会发生什么?,electric,归纳拓展,(1)electric adj.电的,电动的 (2)electrical adj.有关电的,电力的 (3)electronic adj.电子

4、的 (4)electricity n.电,易混辨析,electric/electrical/electronic (1)electric指以电为动力进行工作的(装置)。 (2)electrical指关于电的知识或电的研究内容。 (3)electronic指电子的或电子器件的。,用electric,electronic,electrical填空 (1)The cooker isnt working because of an fault. (2)With this blanket,my grandpa wont feel cold in winter. (3)Every day the mana

5、ger receives a lot of mails.,即时跟踪,答案,electronic,electrical,electric,语境感悟,(1)(教材P51)Music industry accuses Fanning of piracy 音乐界控告Fanning盗版 (2)The accused was found innocent.被告被判定无罪。 (3)The police charged the prisoner with stealing the jewels. 警方指控囚犯偷窃珠宝。 (4)Not you but he is to blame for it. 不是你而是他将

6、为这件事受到责备。,accuse,归纳拓展,(1)accuse vt.控告;谴责 accuse sb.of (doing) sth.指控某人(做)某事 the accused n.被告 (2)charge sb.with (doing) sth.指控某人(做)某事 blame sb.for sth.因某事责备某人 blame sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人 be to blame for (因某事)应受责备;(对某事)应负责任,accuse/charge/blame (1)accuse指当面指控或指责,不一定诉诸法律,通常表示直接而严厉地指出某人的过错。 (2)charge指因犯较大错误

7、或重大罪行而进行正式法律控诉。 (3)blame指由于错误的行为而指责某人,侧重指对已发生的错误或失败负有责任。,易混辨析,(1)用accuse,blame或charge的适当形式填空 The soldier was of running away when the enemy attacked. He me with negligence of duty last year. Who is going to you of weakness before God? The police are going to him with murder. The driver was not to fo

8、r the accident.,即时跟踪,答案,blame,accused,charged,accuse,charge,解析答案,(2)You were charged neglecting your duty.Who accused you such a crime? A.with;to B.of;with C.with;of D.for;of,C,解析 句意为:你被控告玩忽职守,谁控告你这样的罪名?charge sb.with doing sth.指控某人做某事;accuse sb.of sth.指控某人某事,故选C。,语境感悟,(1)(教材P51)In 2001 Fannings dre

9、am finally began to fade. 2001年Fanning的梦想终于开始破灭。 (2)All colour had faded from the sky. 天上的所有颜色都褪去了。 (3)The laughter faded away. 笑声逐渐消逝。,fade,归纳拓展,fade vi.& vt.逐渐消失;(使)褪色;(使)失去光泽 fade away (人)衰弱;病重死亡;逐渐消失 fade in (使画面)淡入;(使声音)渐强 fade out (使画面)淡出;(使声音)渐弱,(1)用适当的介、副词填空 George saw the monitor black out

10、and then a few words faded . Her smile faded . Fade the music at the end of the scene.,即时跟踪,答案,out,in,away,解析答案,(2)My enthusiasm for Chinese football team because of their countless failures. A.appeared B.faded C.used up D.gave up,B,解析 句意为:由于他们无数次的失败,我对中国足球队的热情逐渐消失。appear出现;fade逐渐消失;use up用光;give up

11、放弃。由句意知选B。,语境感悟,重点短语,(1)(教材P46)During the first few years,the company did not make a profit and Jeff Bezos thought that his efforts would end in failure. 前几年里,公司没有盈利,Jeff Bezos认为他的努力将以失败告终。 (2)You can end up with what astronauts call a carbon-dioxide headache. 你最后会得宇航员所说的二氧化碳头痛病。 (3)If he carries on

12、 driving like that,hell end up dead. 如果他继续那样开车,早晚得死于非命。,end in,归纳拓展,end in 以结束/告终;以结尾 end up最终成为,最后处于 end up doing以结束;结果 end up with以结束 end upadj.以状况而告终,(1)Their long struggle failure. 他们长期以来的斗争以失败告终。 (2)At first they hated each other but they best friends. 他们起初相互仇恨,到后来却成了最好的朋友。,即时跟踪,答案,ended up bec

13、oming,ended in,解析答案,(3)Joining the firm as a clerk,he got rapid promotion,and as a manager. A.ended up B.dropped out C.came back D.started off,A,解析 句意为:作为一名职员进入公司,他迅速得到晋升,最后成为一名经理。end up最终成为;drop out退出,脱离;come back回来;start off以开始。由句意知选A。,语境感悟,(1)(教材P49)Last but not least,. 最后但同样重要的, (2)Last but not

14、least,Id like to thank all of my friends,who have done their best to help me! 最后但同样重要的是,我要感谢我所有的朋友,他们给予了我最大的帮助! (3)Really,Im not in the least tired. 真的,我一点也不累。 (4)You should do it at least twice.你至少应该做两遍。,last but not least,归纳拓展,last but not least 最后但同样重要的 not in the least(not the least)一点也不;丝毫不 at

15、(the very) least 至少;不少于(指数或量),(1)It will take you 20 minutes to get there. 到那里至少要花20分钟。 (2) ,let me introduce Jane,our new secretary. 最后但同样重要的是,让我来介绍简,我们新来的秘书。 (3)Im afraid of you any more. 我现在一点都不怕你了。,即时跟踪,答案,not in the least,at least,Last but not least,语境感悟,(1)(教材P50)Computers can work out the position of the user at any time. 电脑在任何时候都能辨认出用户所处的位置。 (2)UN negotiators have worked out a set of compromise proposals. 联合国谈判家已经制定了一系列


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